Policy Grievances - CRA Mandatory Vaccination Policy

Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

I wish to inform you that a Policy Grievance concerning the CRA’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy was filed with the employer by the PSAC, as bargaining agent, on Thursday March 10, 2022 at the request of our office.

As you may be aware, the PSAC had initially decided that it would not file a Policy Grievance concerning the Mandatory Vaccination Policies imposed by the various employers in the core public administration and the separate employers and agencies. As the case law evolved and upon further review by the PSAC, it decided to revise its position and subsequently, opted to file a Policy Grievance in support of members who were teleworking.

The Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) had advocated at the outset that the PSAC should, at a minimum, file a Policy Grievance in support of our teleworking members.

UTE learned of this new development in late January 2022 and immediately asked for a copy of the Policy Grievance.

Upon receipt, we reviewed it to ensure that it addressed the needs of our UTE members. We concluded that a separate Policy Grievance should be filed with the CRA (as a separate employer) in that the grievance filed by PSAC referenced only the Treasury Board and the Treasury Board Policy and listed in the grievance the PSAC as bargaining agent for non-CRA bargaining units.

As a result, we immediately contacted the PSAC and had multiple discussions with its representatives. We were successful in persuading them to file a separate and specific grievance against the CRA and its Mandatory Vaccination Policy in support of our teleworking members.

We had also suggested additional remedies that were not included in the PSAC’s version of the grievance that sought reimbursement of pay and benefits as well as other expenses incurred by members as a result of being placed on administrative leave without pay. PSAC initially rejected our suggestion. However, in subsequent discussions, we have persuaded the PSAC to file another grievance against the CRA as a result of its continuance of the mandatory vaccination policy affecting our members and seeking remedy for the reimbursement of pay, benefits and expenses.

This second Policy Grievance will be filed imminently and we will keep you apprised of its progress.

In Solidarity,

Marc Brière's signature

National President
Union of Taxation Employees