Do you want to learn more about your union and become more involved? We are happy to hear from you.
Whether you have a little time or a lot, just want to become more informed and engaged or want to become a leader or activist, there are opportunities for you.
The first place to start is at the local level. Contact anyone on your local executive and let them know that you would like to learn more and become more involved. You may start off handing out leaflets or putting up posters or you may participate in your first AGM (annual general meeting). It is important that as many union members as possible go to union meetings. This allows you to get information on the local and its activities and you may even have the opportunity to elect those representing your interest (if it is an election year). All members attending an AGM have the opportunity to speak and ask questions. You have an opportunity to make sure that your views are heard. Lastly at most AGMs there is both a Regional and National Officer (the National President or one of the Vice-presidents) present who share information on matters affecting all of us.
As you learn more you may wish to become a steward and help your co-workers. Training and support is available. As you become more involved other opportunities may become available.
The most important thing is to be an active member:
- Attend meetings and have your say
- Encourage your colleagues to join and support union campaigns
- Tell your local representatives about problems in your office
- Ask what else you can do to help