Bargaining Committee

Bargaining Committee

Since the Agency was established, the UTE has adapted and developed new bargaining regulations. It has been innovative in conducting and establishing bargaining processes. To ensure that members are represented as well as possible at bargaining sessions, the UTE established the Standing Bargaining Committee, the National Bargaining Committee and selected members for its bargaining team consisting solely of UTE members.

The roles and responsibilities of each representative on the committees and bargaining team are defined in the UTE regulations.  The UTE participates in and oversees the implementation of the strategies and resources supporting the bargaining team.  Moreover, the President and 2nd Vice-president are on the national PSAC/UTE coordination/strategy committee.

Successful bargaining depends on the participation, commitment and solidarity of UTE members. 

Your cooperation during the bargaining process is essential:

  • in the preparation of bargaining demands and
  • the pressure tactics all of us need to use to obtain the best employment conditions for everyone. 
UTE Minutes
Minutes of the Bargaining Committee
January 11 and 12, 2012