Report of the Workforce Adjustment Committee (WFA)

Workforce Adjustment Committee
Report of the Workforce Adjustment Committee (WFA)
March 2023

David Lanthier

On January 10, 2023 FAB HQ requested a meeting to discuss the upcoming WFA in the Finance and Administration Branch, Contracting Division, Supply Chain Management Apprenticeship Program and Administrative Support Section. The members were notified on January 12th, 2023. A total of 3 permanent employees were declared affected in HQ only.

The impacted employees are holding the following work descriptions:

  • 2 Procurement Clerks, SP03 (SP0283)
  • 1 Administrative Clerk, SP03 (SP0289)

The employer is in the process of having a retention process for the SP03 (SP0283) for one allocated position and will have RJO’s for the one procurement clerk not retained and for the Administrative Clerk SP0289. The members have been notified and the process is expected to be complete for April 1, 2023. The WFA chair, co-chair and technical advisor did attend the briefing and discuss the issue and will be monitoring. It was decided that there was no need to call a WFA committee meeting due to only 3 members were affected and all are expected to get RJO’s.

Respectfully submitted,

David Lanthier
Chair of the Committee