Minutes of the Workforce Adjustment Committee

Workforce Adjustment Committee
Minutes of the Workforce Adjustment Committee
March 19, 2012

In attendance:  Pamela Abbott                     Chairperson
                      Bill Blair                               Co-Chairperson
                      Hicham Youssfi                    TSO Presidents’ Representative
                      Sylvie Lahaie                        TC Presidents’ Representative
                      Kent MacDonald                   Staff Advisor

1.  Review of the previous minutes

The Committee reviewed both the Committee’s previous minutes and the minutes of the joint Committee meeting from September 26, 2011.

2. Review Agenda for the afternoon joint Committee meeting

The agenda items are:

  1. Combined Affected Employee and /or Preferred Status list
  2. National Updates
  3. Deficit Reduction Action Plan
  4. Budget 2012
  5. PSTAR- BC
  6. Retention Process – National Guidelines.

1)   Combined Affected Employee and / or Preferred Status list

There are currently 43 members in affected and/or preferred status. There are also 34 members whom have been offered relocation but have yet to inform the employer of their intent. The following is a breakdown per region:

                                                Atlantic                             16 members
                                                Quebec                               3 members
                                                Montreal                              1 member
                                                National Capital                  32 members
                                                North Eastern Ontario         14 members
                                                Greater Toronto                    3 members
                                                South Western Ontario         5 members
                                                Pacific                                3 members
Sister Abbott will be discussing each regional list with each RVP at the upcoming Executive Council meeting.

2)  National Updates

The employer will update the union on any ongoing WFA situations or initiatives.

3)  Deficit Reduction Action Plan

The employer will be providing an update.

4) Budget 2012

We will be asking the employer what their position will be in respect to Alternations between CRA and the greater public service.


UTE will be seeking clarification on how the CRA will treat the movements of former BC employees back to the province.

6) Retention Process – National Guidelines

UTE would like to see a National set of Guidelines for WFA Retention Process.

7) Committee Toolbox

The Committee reviewed the Toolbox from the Committee Website.

4. PSAC WFA Fact Sheets

The Committee reviewed the PSAC Fact Sheets and decided that only one of the seven will be revised and added to our Toolbox. The Committee believes our Facts Sheets in the Toolbox are sufficient and publishing all PSAC Fact Sheets on our website could lead to confusion.

5.  Policy Grievance

Brother MacDonald provided the Committee with an update in respect to the WFA Policy grievance filed against the CRA for not considering the transfer of our members to Shared Services Canada, an Alternative Delivery Initiative. The grievance was filed on November 10, 2011 and presented on December 13, 2011. The reply was received February 6, 2012 and the grievance was referred to adjudication February 9, 2012. The PSAC informed UTE, via a letter dated March 9, 2012, that the CRA refused mediation, thus we are waiting for a hearing date to be scheduled with the PSLRB.