Report of the Health and Safety Committee

Health and Safety Committee
Report of the Health and Safety Committee
September 2014

Doug Gaetz

The Committee’s next policy committee meeting is scheduled for September 11, 2014.

Minutes from the May 29, 2014 meeting have now been posted to Union Taxation Employee’s web site.

There has been one “Right to Refuse “filed that was upheld by the Health & Safety Officer, and a Direction was issued.
The Direction has been appealed by CRA and I have been working with the local over the last couple of months on this issue.
I would like to thank Michael Montague and Jennifer MacPherson for all the work that they have put into this case. Well done!!!

It has been a very stressful time for them and their local members dealing with all the concerns from this issue.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Gaetz
Chair of the Committee