Report of the Communications Committee

Communications Committee
Report of the Communications Committee
March 2019

Gary Esslinger

The committee met the week of March 4th to prepare the next edition of the UTE News. Included in the topics for the upcoming edition was an article of reflections from a member of the Equal Opportunities committee, a short update on PSTAR, the National President’s report touching on a variety of subjects, hints for members related to requesting Leave for Family Related Responsibilities to name a few of the articles. 

A short note of appreciation goes from the committee to Nate Angus-Jackman, the president’s representative on the committee for providing an article in each edition since joining the committee.

A special thanks to the committee; Ken Bye, Daniel Camara, Nate Angus-Jackman and Susan Duncan for all their hard work and dedication under somewhat challenging situations at times.

Feedback continues to indicate that members not only read the newsletter but use it as a basis to exercise their rights.  As always RVPs and Committee chairs are encouraged to prepare articles for consideration in upcoming editions.

The committee is next scheduled to meet in August 2019, dates have been set aside but have not yet been confirmed.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Esslinger
Chair of the Committee