Upcoming Events

Labour Day

ICA Application Deadline

International Children's Awareness Canada Sponsoring a Student / Subsidizing a Member Application Deadline 

Find out how to apply.

Orange Shirt Day

Orange Shirt Day is an event that started in 2013. It was designed to educate people and promote awareness about the Indian residential school system and the impact this system had on Indigenous communities for more than a century in Canada. It is held annually on September 30 in Canadian communities with students and staff being encouraged to wear an orange shirt to school that day. 


International Day of the Girl Child

The United Nations has declared October 11, 2012 as the world's first International Day of the Girl Child.

Canada has led the international community in adopting this day, along with the support of Plan Canada.  This day will make a difference in the lives of girls and young women as citizens and as powerful voices of change in their families, their communities and their nations.