1. Any member participating in collective bargaining shall abide by the process of Collective Bargaining.

  2. Bargaining proposals shall include changes to the existing Collective Agreement in the form of amendments, additions or deletions.

  3. The President be an ex-officio member of the National Bargaining Committee and the PSAC/CRA Negotiating Team.

  4. The 2nd Vice-President is also a member of the PSAC National Strategy/Strike Co-ordinating Committee (NSCC).


10.2.1 Composition

This Committee is made up of:

  1. the 2nd Vice-President who is Chairperson of the Committee

  2. the Regional Vice-President appointed by the Executive Council who is the Co- Chairperson of the Committee;

  3. two (2) Local President representatives, one representing Tax Services Offices and another representing Tax Centres.

Total Committee members four (4).

10.2.2 Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee:

  1. solicits, receives and organizes demands from Locals for the  National Bargaining Committee;

  2. prepares the UTE program of demands and forwards them to  the PSAC.

  3. submits bargaining demands for the program of demands subject to the approval   from the Executive Council.


10.3.1 Composition

This Committee is made up of:

  1. Four (4) members of the Standing Bargaining Committee;

  2. Five (5) Regional Vice-Presidents as appointed by the Executive Committee:

10.3.2 Duties and Responsibilities

  1. The Committee:

    1. receives the demands from the Standing Bargaining Committee, selects, modifies, writes or drafts a composite demand which represents the official position of UTE;

    2. establishes the priorities of the bargaining demands and submits them within established deadlines to the bargaining section of the PSAC;

    3. prior to sharing the final program of demands with all Locals, provides Locals that submitted demand(s) a brief rationale for any demand(s) from that Local that are not included in the final program of demands.

  2. The Committee is established by the President when a bargaining process is required.


10.4.1 Composition

  1. (a) the first seat is allocated to the 2nd Vice-President;
    (b) the second seat is allocated to the Regional Vice-President appointed by the Executive Council who is the Co-Chairperson of the Standing Bargaining Committee;  
    (c) all other available seats will be selected from the members of  the National Bargaining Committee.

  2. The selection of the PSAC/CRA Negotiating Team members in (c) is done by the President; the 2nd Vice-President and the Regional Vice-President appointed by the Executive Council who is the Co-Chairperson of the Standing Bargaining Committee.

10.4.2 Duties and Responsibilities

The Team represents UTE members and protects their interests during bargaining meetings with PSAC and employer representatives.

Adopted March 1976 Amended July 2005 Amended March 2003
Amended February 1979 Amended July 1990 Amended December 2007
Amended June 1980 Amended March 1992 Amended September 2009
Amended February 1981 Amended July 1993 Amended December 2013
Amended August 1981  Amended September 1995 Amended July 2014
Amended March 1982 Amended December 1996 Amended December 2016
Amended March 1985 Amended December 1999  
Amended September 1986  Amended June 2000  
Amended March 1987 Amended August 2000  
Amended June 1989  Amended March 2002