President’s Follow Up Items - Executive Council

President’s Follow Up Items - Executive Council
March 2012

Robert Campbell - Item 5

  • The New RVP Orientation has been referred to the Executive Committee and is included in the committees report.
  • The Request to provide helpful information in the event of the death of a member, has been referred to the Executive Committee and is include in the committees report.
  • CLC Labour College applications and the awarding of the Marguerite Stonehouse Scholarship, there has been some confusion on how this process works, this item has been referred to the Honour and Awards Committee. They will be reporting on this. 
  • Writing of a  Bulletin on Disclosure of Information relating to the Placed Candidate was requested,  Brother Shane O'Brien wrote bulletin 02/12 on the topic and it was issued on January 31, 2012
  • A letter was written to John Gordon in regards to our Outaouais local being moved from the PSAC-NCR region to PSAC-Quebec region. Brother Gordon replied that under the PSAC Constitution he could not do this but stated he has seen the Resolution from the UTE convention going to the PSAC convention and this is the way this could happen. This resolution was forwarded to the PSAC Pre Convention Constitution Committee but did not receive a concurrence vote. It is most likely not going to get to the convention floor for debate. 

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Campbell
National President