Meeting of the National Equity and Diversity Committee (NEDC)

Equal Opportunities Committee
Meeting of the National Equity and Diversity Committee (NEDC)
October 25, 2013

I attended this meeting via conference call. I obtained a copy of the minutes from the first meeting which the union was not part of and this is a summary of what was done.

  • The new Human Rights Maturity model was reviewed (the same presentation that we had at the UTE EO Conference.)

  • The Human Rights Maturity Model is vast in scope and OLEED (Official languages and Employment Equity Division) is only in the early stages of exploring the model and trying to understand the requirements.

  • Terms of Reference for the committee was drafted and attached for review.

  • The question of how the committee will remain connected to the grassroots came up. Each region and HQ will identify a contact person for each EE designated group. The committee’s designated group representatives will connect with the network of contact people before national committee meetings to ensure they bring a national perspective to the discussion.  Like the champions, the committees designated group representatives are members of their respective regional committees which is how it will remain connected to the grassroots.

These are the individuals that are going to represent each designated group:

For Atlantic Region- Aboriginal –Nelson Greenleaves, Persons with Disabilities- Pam Steeves, Visible Minorities- Monica Paris, Women- Lynn LeBlanc

For Ontario Region- Aboriginal- Peggy Phillips, Persons with Disabilities- Brandon Cutler, Visible Minorities- Linda Yamasaki, Women- Karen Calwell.

For Pacific Region- Aboriginal- Cindie Barlow, Persons with Disabilities- Gregory Russell, Visible Minorities- Howard Chang, Women- Sharon Scott.

For Prairie Region-Aboriginal- Stan Morin, Persons with Disabilities- Gerry Pendulak, Visible Minorities- Preet Malhi, Women- Dawn Highfield.

For Quebec Region-Aboriginal- Charly Norris, Persons with Disabilities- Christiane Bonnet, Visible Minorities- Abdelmajid Nainia, Women- Christine Claeys.

For Headquarters- Aboriginal – Carey Roeske, Persons with Disabilities- Blair Wilson, Visible Minorities Seyed Mirdavoudi, Women- Linda Koenders.

From each designated group there will be one representative on the National Equity and Diversity Committee and they are: Visible Minorities- Monica Paris from the Atlantic, Persons with Disabilities- Brandon Cutler from Ontario, Women- Sharon Scott from Pacific, Aboriginal- Stan Morin from Prairie, and Visible Minorities- Seyed Mirdavoudi from Headquarters.

Each regional representative shared how to implement plans for the new model in the regional levels with the key being to broadening the mandate beyond EE to diversity.


The agenda included the following:

  • Overview of the national workforce analysis results of March 31, 2013. We are right on track nationally with a total of 104 gaps to close which based on the full workforce is a modest amount. The census for the labour market availability will be received sometime in 2014 and this will change the figures.

  • Update of the Visible Minorities Champion of September 17/13. The Visible Minorities champions and chairs met on Sept 17/13 and came up with 4 areas that need to be addressed. They are Selection processes, retention, coaching and mentoring and monitoring.

  • Diversity and Blueprint 2020- A discussion was held on where this committee should go in the future and possible ideas that will increase acceptance of the program.

  • Brainstorm: How to incorporate the broader diversity agenda into the committee. A number of ideas were suggested from each region, some are looking at bringing the GLBT representative into the regional ranks, some suggested bringing in younger employees and older employees. This topic will be discussed in future at Regional meetings with suggestions being brought back to the National committee and shared with all participants.