Report of the Well-Being Committee

Well-Being Committee
Report of the Well-Being Committee
April 2022

Gregory Krokosh

The Committee as part of the National Well-Being Network (WBN) met with AFS and Management counterparts on November 24, 2021, and on January 27, 2022. The first meeting dealt with return to work, mandatory vaccinations, and the issue of the feedback from Security Briefings in the Western Region and the second discussing ongoing promotion and awareness, support for dealing with difficult conversations and current themes in the Regions.

The Committee met with the HR liaison on February 11 for informal discussions on the status of the Well-Being National Advisory Committee vs. the Well-Being Network. This was followed up with a meeting with management from the National Well-Being Office on February 21 and there is a Joint UTE-AFS meeting scheduled for March 21 with the National Well-Being Office for consultation on the issue. Once these discussions have been finalized the Committee's Terms of Reference will need to be reworked, not that they didn't need to before.

Respectfully submitted,

Gregory Krokosh
Chair of the Committee