Convention Information Bulletin Number 5

THE CONVENTION BUSINESSConvention logo - link back to bulletins

The business of the Convention is dealt with through the presentation and adoption of an agenda placed before the Convention assembly. The agenda will include a process for the debate, consideration and adoption of a budget and resolutions presented by Locals or Executive Council.

Matters put before convention are in the form of resolutions and are reviewed by the National President prior to Convention and assigned to a specific Committee for consideration, resulting in the Committee debating the resolution and making a recommendation to the Convention delegates on whether or not the Union should adopt these resolutions.

The various committees which have been established for the convention are: By-Laws, Finance, Collective Bargaining, General Resolutions, Credentials and Nominations Committee. However, only the By-Laws, Finance, Collective Bargaining and General Resolutions Committees are assigned resolutions for consideration.

There is no fixed order of precedence for tabling committee reports. However, changes to By-Laws and the budget are given priority because they can only be adopted at Convention.

Once resolutions are adopted at convention, they take force and effect immediately.

The election of the Executive Council and delegates to the PSAC convention will take place during the convention. This will be discussed in a forthcoming bulletin.