Phoenix Pay System

Agreement Between UTE and CRA for Phoenix Damages

I am pleased to announce that the Union of Taxation Employees - Public Service Alliance of Canada (UTE-PSAC) and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) signed an agreement that agrees to implement, in the same manner and within the same timeframes, the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with regard to Damages Caused by the Phoenix Pay System, agreed to by the Treasury Board of Canada and the Public Service Alliance of Canada.

Alternative solution to Phoenix at CRA

This message is intended for all members of the Union of Taxation Employees.

Last week, the AFS National Executive and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) issued a message saying that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has confirmed that there is an internal alternative solution regarding the problems related to the Phoenix pay system. They stated that CRA has completed the analysis of its Corporate Administrative Systems (CAS) and established that it has the capacity to pay all of its employees.

CAS can do it

Sisters and Brothers,

For over two years we have endured problems with our pay, through the Phoenix Pay System.  Over the next few weeks, and months, we will be putting pressure on the Federal Government to make changes to remedy this problem. 

CAS Can Do It

Sisters and Brothers,

For over two years we have endured problems with our pay, through the Phoenix Pay System.  Over the next few weeks, and months, we will be putting pressure on the Federal Government to make changes to remedy this problem. 

Government moves to deny Phoenix victims full compensation

PSAC has been informed that the federal government plans to move forward with taxing Phoenix general damages on March 3rd and that they will not provide the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with information they requested in order to revisit their initial opinion on taxability.

Government moves to deny Phoenix victims full compensation

PSAC has been informed that the federal government plans to move forward with taxing Phoenix general damages on March 3rd and that they will not provide the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with information they requested in order to revisit their initial opinion on taxability.

Government rushing Phoenix damages payment without tax ruling

The Liberal government has shamelessly chosen the 5th anniversary of the Phoenix pay system disaster to short-change thousands of PSAC members on their compensation for years of pay problems.  

Even though PSAC is in the process of working with CRA to review the taxability of Phoenix damages, the federal government has confirmed that it intends to ignore these efforts and issue the up to $2,500 for our members, on March 3 – with taxes deducted. Treasury board provided no explanation for their actions.