
Report of the Ad-Hoc Harassment / Violence in the Workplace Committee

Ken Bye

The Committee reviewed and discussed the CRA’s Harassment Policy, Part XX of the Canada Labour Code Regulations, the Ad Hoc Committee recommendation to Council in June 2013 and the CFIA Court case concerning harassment and violence in the workplace. The Committee discussed in length whether or not UTE still requires a standing Harassment Committee in light of our position and the Court’s determination that violence in the workplace included incidents of harassment.

Union of Taxation Employees Anti-Harassment Policy


The Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) promotes a zero-tolerance level of harassment in the union environment.  Every member must be treated with respect and dignity.  Harassment of another member constitutes a disciplinary infraction subject to penalties under local or UTE By-Laws or the PSAC Constitution.

Each member is responsible for contributing to a harassment-free union environment.

UTE Guidelines on the Roles and Responsibilities of the Union in Cases of Workplace Harassment / Violence - Member against Member

Adopted: March 2001                           Revised: June 2020


The following Guidelines are provided to assist all concerned members on the role of the Union representative when a workplace harassment/violence grievance/complaint is filed by a member against another member.  For an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Union, it is very important to provide a copy of these Guidelines to all members seeking help from a Union representative.