As you are aware, since the CRA was delegated by the current Government the responsibility for administering the Emergency Benefits, the Union of Taxation Employees has collaborated closely with the employer in order to assist them in recruiting and encouraging our members occupying other positions to volunteer to perform duties related to the Emergency Benefits.

Critical services and exceptions to telework

As the government has moved to address the COVID-19 pandemic, the definition of “critical” services has played a significant role in determining which operations must continue uninterrupted, and by extension which ones must continue being conducted from the workplace rather than home. 

Deployment of members

Sisters and Brothers,

Yesterday, we issued a message communicating the Union of Taxation Employees’ (UTE’s) position with respect to the employer’s decision to the involuntary deployment of our members occupying Collections Contact Officer positions to perform the duties of Call Centre Agents. Since issuing that communiqué, we have received several queries from members as to why the UTE did not adopt a similar position with respect to our members in the Compliance Programs Branch (CPB).

Federal vaccination requirements: No policy until after federal election

In a recent meeting with PSAC and other federal public service bargaining agents, Treasury Board committed to ongoing consultation in the development of a vaccine requirement framework.

The employer has confirmed that no new policy will be implemented until after the current federal election.

Message form the NHSPC co-chairs – COVID-19

We understand that these are extraordinary circumstances for everyone and that this is a difficult time for many of you and your families. We also recognize that many of you are performing critical functions while also supporting your colleagues as a health and safety committee member (HSC) or representative (HSR).

Message from the UTE National H & S Committee re: COVID-19

Although the employer has greatly reduced the number of employees who must work in CRA offices over the past few days, and continues to take steps to increase the number of telework arrangements given the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of our members continues to be top of mind.