President’s Follow Up Items - Executive Council

President’s Follow Up Items - Executive Council
June 2017

Robert Campbell - Item 5

Since the last report, the follow-up items below remain:

  • ONTARIO PSTAR –A legal challenge has been referred to PSAC Legal Section in regards to the pension problems of some of the Ontario PSTAR members. PSAC Legal has reviewed the situation, and are pursuing appropriate actions. We had dates for a hearing in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice of October 3rd and 4th, 2016. The parties agreed to consent language in late February 2017. Counsel has now proceeded to schedule a date for the motion to be heard. I will continue to keep you updated on the status of this legal challenge.
  • Job Descriptions for National Office Staff: The National Office is in the process of writing Job Descriptions for all of our staff. Most have been completed and were sent to the PSAC Classification Section for proper classification. The process is still on going.
  • AD HOC STRUCTURE COMMITTEE- I committed during the September Presidents’ Conference to set up an Ad hoc committee to revisit some of the structure issues that still plague us in the National Capital Region. Members of this committee are Brothers Jamie vanSydenborgh, Marc Brière, Bill Blair, and Sisters Gesine Campbell and Annette Melanson.  They met on November 16-17, 2016, January 16-18, 2017, and February 13, 2017. They presented recommendations that were adopted at the March 2017 Executive Council meeting to create 2 new Locals in the NCR. The work of this Committee is now complete.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Campbell
National President