Recommendations for December 2016 Executive Council

By-Laws Committee
Recommendations for December 2016 Executive Council
December 2016

BY-LAW Changes

Recommendation No.  1

Current By-Law 3 Membership


Section 1

All members in good standing with the PSAC and employed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) shall be eligible for membership in UTE.

Section 2

UTE may, by decision of the Executive Council, the Convention or by Local proposal approved by Executive Council, award honorary membership in UTE to anyone who is deemed to merit such honour and is not eligible for membership as defined in By-Law 3, Section 1. 

Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues and shall not be entitled to vote at meetings or to hold office in UTE, but shall be entitled to all other rights and privileges of membership in UTE.

Section 3

UTE may, by decision of the Executive Council, the Convention or by Local proposal approved by Executive Council, award a Life Membership to any member or ex‑member who, through personal and devoted efforts within UTE, has performed exemplary services for the membership of UTE.

Life members shall not be required to pay dues but shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership in UTE except those life members who are not members in accordance with By-Law 3, Section 1, they shall not be entitled to vote at meetings or to hold office in UTE.

Proposed changes


Section 1 – Member

All members in good standing with the PSAC and employed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) shall be eligible for membership in UTE.

Section 2 – Honorary Member

UTE may, by decision of the Executive Council, the Convention or by Local proposal approved by Executive Council, award honorary membership in UTE to anyone who is deemed to merit such honour and is not eligible for membership as defined in By-Law 3, Section 1. 

Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues and shall not be entitled to vote at meetings or to hold office in UTE, but shall be entitled to all other rights and privileges of membership in UTE.

Section 3 – Life Member

UTE may, by decision of the Executive Council, the Convention or by Local proposal approved by Executive Council, award a Life Membership to any member or ex‑member who, through personal and devoted efforts within UTE, has performed exemplary services for the membership of UTE.

Life members shall not be required to pay dues but shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership in UTE. except those Life members who are not members in accordance with By-Law 3, Section 1, they shall not be entitled to vote at meetings or to hold office in UTE.

Recommendation No.  2  -  English Only

Current By-Law 6 Section 7

Section 7

Each Local shall hold an Annual General Meeting for the purpose of receiving annual reports from its officers and con­sidering such other business as may be required by its By-Laws, and other business as may be properly considered at that time.

Proposed change

Section 7

Each Local shall hold an Annual General Meeting for the purpose of receiving annual reports from its officers and con­sidering such other business as may be required by its By-Laws, and other business as may be properly considered at that time.

Recommendation No.  3

Current By-Law 7 Section 1 (2) (e)

(e)        approve all expenditures of UTE.  Notwithstanding any other By-Law and Regulations when any expenditure in excess of the adopted budgeted amounts is to be funded from the surplus, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Council is required;

(e)        approuve toutes les dépenses du SEI.  Nonobstant tout autre statut, lorsqu'une dépense excède les montants budgétisés adoptés et qu'elle doit être payée à même le surplus, un vote majoritaire des deux tiers (2\3) des membres du Conseil exécutif est requis

Proposed changes

(e)        approve all expenditures of UTE.  Notwithstanding any other By-Law and Regulations, when any expenditure in excess of the adopted budgeted amounts is to be funded from the surplus, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Council is required;

(e)        approuve toutes les dépenses du SEI.  Nonobstant tout autre statut et règlement, lorsqu'une dépense excède les montants budgétisés adoptés et qu'elle doit être payée à même le surplus, un vote majoritaire des deux tiers (2\3) des membres du Conseil exécutif est requis

Recommendation No.  4

Current By-Law 9


Section 1

The Convention shall be the supreme governing body of UTE, subject to the limitation in Section 3.

Section 2

The Convention of UTE shall be held in the third calendar year following the last general Convention.  It shall be held on a date consistent with provisions of the Constitution of the PSAC.

Section 3

Only the Executive Council shall have the authority to determine the date and place of each Convention

Section 4

Notice of the Convention shall be given to each Local by the National Office not less than six (6) months prior to opening date of the Convention. Such notice will include but not be limited to:

(1)        dates and location of the Convention;
(2)        deadline for receipt in the National Office of resolutions;
(3)        deadline for receipt in the National Office of the names of the delegates to Convention and the alternate delegates; and
(4)        deadlines as noted in Sub-Sections (2) and (3) shall be by the close of business of the Presidents’ Conference preceding the Triennial Convention.

Section 5

For the purpose of representation at a Convention, each Local shall:

(1)        be entitled to one (1) delegate with full voting rights for each block of two hundred (200) members in good standing or fraction of this number during the calendar year preceding the Convention taking into account the month during which the number of members has been the highest for each UTE Local.  Hence, the month may be different depending on the Local.  Every delegate shall be a member in good standing of the Local.

(2)        for the purpose of replacing delegates at Convention, submit to the National Office the name and ranking of the alternate delegates.  Every alternate delegate shall be a member in good standing of the Local.

Section 6

(1)        At least ninety (90) calendar days prior to the opening date of the Convention, the Executive Council shall appoint such Committees as may be necessary for the conduct of the business of the Convention. Committee assignment shall be made by the Executive Council and where possible such assignment will be in keeping with the request of the region or Local.  Delegates to Committees shall be advised of the Committee composition at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the opening date of the Committee meetings.

(2)        Where possible delegate representation from the same region shall be allocated uniformly among the various Committees established for Convention purposes. 

Section 7

Travel expenses of delegates, named by a Local, shall be paid by UTE in accordance with Regulation.

Section 8

The cost of rooms and meals of the delegates at Conventions and all loss of salaries incurred as a result of attendance at the Convention shall be paid by UTE at the rate and under conditions determined by the Executive Council. Delegates missing a session of the Convention shall not be reimbursed for loss of salary for the period absent unless the Executive Council, after reviewing the circumstances, decides to authorize payment.

Section 9

Each Officer of the Executive Council shall be considered a delegate and entitled to attend Conventions with full voting rights as provided in By-Law 9, Section 5. Their expenses, including traveling expenses, shall be paid by UTE.  Regional Vice-Presidents shall be considered delegates from the region they represent.  The President and Vice-Presidents shall be considered delegates from the region in which they resided immediately prior to their initial election to the national position.

Section 10

Each Local may send observers to attend the Convention Committees at their expense.  The President may limit the number of observers per Local, when space is limited.  The observer may address the Committees once on each resolution submitted by their Local for the purpose of explaining the rationale where the Local does not have a delegate.

Section 11

The Executive Council shall submit their draft budget and Convention agenda to the member Locals at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the Convention. 

Section 12

UTE shall pay the transportation costs in accordance with By-Law 9, Section 7 for one (1) observer per Local in order to attend the Convention.

Section 13

UTE shall pay the transportation cost in accordance with By-Law 9, Section 7 as well as accommodation costs, loss of wages and per diem for one (1) observer to the UTE Convention from each Local having two hundred (200) or less members in good standing.

Section 14

(1)        The delegates to the PSAC Convention shall be elected during the UTE Convention.

(2)        The election shall be chaired by the Regional Vice‑President or by a person appointed by the RVP at a regional caucus.

(3)        Any member in good standing of that region may stand for election.  However, only accredited Convention delegates of that region as defined in By-Law 9, Sections 5 and 9 may nominate, second and vote for PSAC Convention delegates in that region.  

(4)        Any member nominated who is not present shall have provided in writing their acceptance of the nomination.

Section 15

All matters and resolutions not dealt with by the Convention shall be referred to the Executive Council.

Section 16

A Special Convention may be called by the Executive Council to deal with any special issue.  A Special Convention shall have power to deal only with the matters specified in the notice of the Convention.

Section 17

A Special Convention shall be called by the President at the request of a majority of Locals and such majority of Locals shall represent a majority of UTE members. A request for a Special Convention by a Local shall be in writing.  A Special Convention shall have the power to deal only with the matters specified in the written request.

Section 18

Notice of any Special Convention shall be given to each Local by the National Office not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the opening date of the Convention. Such notice will state the matters to be dealt with.

Proposed changes


Section 1 - Convention

(1) The Convention shall be the supreme governing body of UTE, subject to the limitation in Section 1 (3).

Section 2

(2) The Convention of UTE shall be held in the third calendar year following the last general Convention.  It shall be held on a date consistent with provisions of the Constitution of the PSAC.

Section 3

(3) Only the Executive Council shall have the authority to determine the date and place of each Convention

Section 4

(4) Notice of the Convention shall be given to each Local by the National Office not less than six (6) months prior to the opening date of the Convention. Such notice will include but not be limited to:

(1 a)     dates and location of the Convention;

(2 b)     deadline for receipt in the National Office of resolutions;

(3 c)     deadline for receipt in the National Office of the names of the delegates to Convention and the alternate delegates; and

(4 d)     deadlines as noted in Sub-Sections (2 b) and (3 c) shall be by the close of business of the Presidents’ Conference preceding the Triennial Convention.

Section 5

(5) For the purpose of representation at a Convention, each Local shall:

(1 a)     be entitled to one (1) delegate with full voting rights for each block of two hundred (200) members in good standing or fraction of this number during the calendar year preceding the Convention taking into account the month during which the number of members has been the highest for each UTE Local.  Hence, the month may be different depending on the Local.  Every delegate shall be a member in good standing of the Local.

(2 b)     for the purpose of replacing delegates at Convention, submit to the National Office the name and ranking of the alternate delegates.  Every alternate delegate shall be a member in good standing of the Local.

Section (6)

(1 a)     At least ninety (90) calendar days prior to the opening date of the Convention, the Executive Council shall appoint such Committees as may be necessary for the conduct of the business of the Convention. Committee assignment shall be made by the Executive Council and where possible such assignment will be in keeping with the request of the region or Local.  Delegates to Committees shall be advised of the Committee composition at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the opening date of the Committee meetings.

(2 b)     Where possible delegate representation from the same region shall be allocated uniformly among the various Committees established for Convention purposes. 

Section 7

(7) travel expenses of delegates, named by a Local, shall be paid by UTE in accordance with Regulation.

Section 8

(8) The cost of rooms and meals accommodations and per diems of the delegates at Conventions and all loss of salaries incurred as a result of attendance at the Convention shall be paid by UTE at the rate and under conditions determined by the Executive Council. Delegates missing a session of the Convention shall not be reimbursed for loss of salary for the period absent unless the Executive Council, after reviewing the circumstances, decides to authorize payment.

Section 9

(9) Each Officer of the Executive Council shall be considered a delegate and entitled to attend Conventions with full voting rights as provided in By-Law 9, Section 1 (5) 5. Their expenses, including traveling expenses, shall be paid by UTE.  Regional Vice-Presidents shall be considered delegates from the region they represent.  The President and Vice-Presidents shall be considered delegates from the region in which they resided immediately prior to their initial election to the national position.

Section 10

(10) Each Local may send observers to attend the Convention Committees at their expense.  The President may limit the number of observers per Local, when space is limited.  The observer may address the Committees once on each resolution submitted by their Local for the purpose of explaining the rationale where the Local does not have a delegate.

Section 11

(11) The Executive Council shall submit their draft budget and Convention agenda to the member Locals at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the Convention. 

Section 12

(12) UTE shall pay the transportation costs in accordance with By-Law 9, Section 1 (7) 7 for one (1) observer per Local in order to attend the Convention.

Section 13

(13) UTE shall pay the transportation cost in accordance with By-Law 9, Section 1 (7) 7 as well as accommodation costs, loss of wages and per diems for one (1) observer to the UTE Convention from each Local having two hundred (200) or less members in good standing.

Section (14)

(1 a)     The delegates to the PSAC Convention shall be elected during the UTE Convention.

(2 b)     The election shall be chaired by the Regional Vice‑President or by a person appointed by the RVP at a regional caucus.

(3 c)     Any member in good standing of that region may stand for election.  However, only accredited Convention delegates of that region as defined in By-Law 9, Sections 1 (5) 5 and (9) 9 may nominate, second and vote for PSAC Convention delegates in that region.

(4 d)     Any member nominated who is not present shall have provided in writing their acceptance of the nomination.

Section 15

(15) All matters and resolutions not dealt with by the Convention shall be referred to the Executive Council.

Section 16  2 – Special Convention

(1) A Special Convention may be called by the Executive Council to deal with any special issue.  A Special Convention shall have power to deal only with the matters specified in the notice of the Special Convention.

Section 17

(2) A Special Convention shall be called by the President at the request of a majority of Locals and such majority of Locals shall represent a majority of UTE members. A request for a Special Convention by a Local shall be in writing.  A Special Convention shall have the power to deal only with the matters specified in the written request.

Section 18

(3) Notice of any Special Convention shall be given to each Local by the National Office not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the opening date of the Special Convention. Such notice will state the matters to be dealt with.

(4) All the delegates and observers to a Special Convention shall be selected as per By-Law 9, Section 1.

(5) All the expenses of the delegates and observers to a Special Convention shall be as per By-Law 9, Section 1.

Recommendation No.  5

Current By-Law 10


Section 1- President

The President shall:

(1)        represent UTE on the National Board of Directors of the PSAC as required by the Constitution;

(2)        (a)        uphold the Constitution of the PSAC and the By-Laws of UTE;
             (b)        preside at all meetings and Conventions;
             (c)        be an ex‑officio member of all Committees;
             (d)        perform all duties that are incidental to the office of President;

(3)        be responsible to the Executive Committee, to the Executive Council and to the Convention;

(4)        make written reports on the administration of the office and on the affairs of UTE to each regular meeting of the Executive Council and to each Convention;

(5)        be responsible for the administrative management, control and allocation of staff in the National Office;

(6)        be responsible for the receipt and keeping of all monies of UTE along with their disbursement under the direction of the Executive Council;

(7)        ensure that notices and agendas of each Executive Council, Executive Committee meeting, Presidents' Conference and Convention are prepared and circulated in advance;

(8)        be responsible for the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Council, Executive Committee and Presidents' Conferences and will countersign them along with the first Vice-President;

(9)        be responsible for the preparation of a complete record of any Convention;

(10)      ensure that copies of minutes of the Executive Council or Executive Committee meetings are sent to each Local within four (4) weeks and ensure that the record of any Convention is sent to each Local within four (4) months;

(11)      ensure that the National Office provides services in both official languages;

(12)      ensure that UTE directives, policies and procedures are updated and subsequently forwarded to Locals; and

(13)      discharge all duties and obligations imposed upon them by Convention and/or the Executive Council.

Proposed changes

2 (a) (b) (c) (d) become numbers and Section 1 reorganised.  No Change to Content.


Section 1- President

The President shall:

1.  uphold the Constitution of the PSAC and the By-Laws of UTE;

2.  represent UTE on the National Board of Directors of the PSAC as required by the Constitution;

3. be responsible to the Executive Committee, to the Executive Council and to the Convention;

4.  be responsible for the receipt and keeping of all monies of UTE along with their disbursement under the direction of the Executive Council;

5.  preside at all meetings and Conventions;

6.  be an ex-officio member of all Committees;

7.  ensure that notices and agendas of each Executive Council, Executive Committee meeting, Presidents' Conference and Convention are prepared and circulated in advance;

8.  be responsible for the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Council, Executive Committee and Presidents' Conferences and will countersign them along with the first Vice-President;

9.  ensure that copies of minutes of the Executive Council or Executive Committee meetings are sent to each Local within four (4) weeks and ensure that the record of any Convention is sent to each Local within four (4) months;

10. be responsible for the preparation of a complete record of any Convention;

11.  ensure that UTE directives, policies and procedures are updated and subsequently forwarded to Locals;

12.  make written reports on the administration of the office and on the affairs of UTE to each regular meeting of the Executive Council and to each Convention;

13.  be responsible for the administrative management, control and allocation of staff in the National Office;

14.  ensure that the National Office provides services in both official languages;

15.  discharge all duties and obligations imposed upon them by Convention and/or the Executive Council; and

16.  perform all duties that are incidental to the office of President.

Recommendation No.  6

Current By-Law 10 Section 4 (6) (7) (8)

Section 4 - The 2nd Vice-President responsible for Collective Bargaining shall:

(6)        be a member of the PSAC National Strike Co-ordinating Committee;

(7)        ensures that the bargaining process for UTE is handled in a sound manner in the best interests of the members; and

(8)        attends and participates in discussions and meetings in preparation for bargaining between PSAC/UTE and the employer.

Proposed changes

Section 4 - The 2nd Vice-President responsible for Collective Bargaining shall:

(6)        be a member of the PSAC National Strategy/Strike Co-ordinating Committee (NSCC);

(7)        ensures that the bargaining process for UTE is handled in a sound manner in the best interests of the members; and

(8)        attends and participates in discussions and meetings in preparation for bargaining between PSAC/UTE and the employer.

Recommendation No. 7

Current By-Law 11 Section 1 (3)


Section 1

(3)        Only delegates, as defined by By-Law 9, Sections 5 and 9 shall be entitled to vote for the election of officers.

Proposed change


Section 1

(3)        Only delegates, as defined by By-Law 9, Sections 1 (5) 5 and (9) 9 shall be entitled to vote for the election of officers.

Recommendation No.  8  -  English only

Current By-Law 18 

"Shall” (Expression des motions) the expression “shall” is to be construed as imperative and the expression “may” as permissive.

Proposed changes

"Shall” (Expression des motions doit) the expression “shall” is to be construed as imperative.

“May” (peut) the expression “may” as permissive.

Regulations Changes

Recommendation No.  9

Current Regulation No.3 (7)

(7)        Each Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson or the Interim Chairperson a minimum of once in a two (2) year term.

Proposed change

(7)        Each Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson or the Interim Chairperson a minimum of once in a two (2) three (3) year term.

Recommendation No.  10  - English Only

Current Regulation 4 (4)

(4)          The President shall recommend delegates to be assigned to each Convention Committee subject, to the approval of the Executive Council.

Proposed change

(4)          The President shall recommend delegates to be assigned to each Convention Committee subject, to the approval of the Executive Council.

Recommendation No.  11

Current Regulation 4 (8) Terms of Reference

(8)          Terms of Reference:

(a)          The Committees will recommend concurrence or non-concurrence, to the delegates of all resolutions placed before them. Unanimous recommendation shall be recorded when such is the case;

(b)          The Committee shall not themselves originate or include in their report any new resolutions;

(c)           Each Committee shall produce a written report;

(d)          All decisions of the Committees shall be by majority vote, with the chairperson having a deciding vote in case of a tie;

(e)          The Committees may recommend the combination of two or more similar resolutions into one resolution, and shall themselves produce the recommended wording of the composite resolution;

(f)           The Committees may recommend that one or two or more similar resolutions be concurred in, and the others voided on the grounds that their full intent is embodied in the recommended resolutions;

(g)          The Committees may recommend the separation of resolutions into two or more resolutions, and shall themselves produce such divided resolutions;

(h)          The Committees shall not, in any combination, separation, rewording of resolutions, or production of composite or divided resolutions, in any way change, diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolutions so affected.  The Committee shall be permitted for clarity and translation purposes only to reword resolutions, provided that such rewording does not diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolutions so affected.  The Committee shall be permitted for clarity and translation purposes only (in consultation with the submitting local) to reword resolutions, provided that such rewording does not diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolution;

(i)            The Committees shall clearly identify all original resolutions that have been combined, divided or embodied in resolutions;

(j)            The normal referral of any proposed changes to resolutions to the originating Local, for their views, can be affected through liaison with members on other Committees, since all Locals are represented;

(k)           When a resolution affects the work of another Committee, immediate liaison should be established with the other Committee to advise accordingly; and

(l)            The Committee chairperson will present to convention, resolutions in order of priority as concurred in by Committee members.  Such a priority should consider recognition of those resolutions which were ‘dissent’ recorded.

Proposed changes

(8)          Terms of Reference:

(a)          The Committees will recommend concurrence or non-concurrence, to the delegates of all resolutions placed before them. Unanimous recommendation shall be recorded when such is the case;

(b)          The Committee shall not themselves originate or include in their report any new resolutions;

(c)           Each Committee shall produce a written report;

(d)          All decisions of the Committees shall be by majority vote, with the chairperson   having a deciding vote in case of a tie;

(e)          The Committees may recommend the combination of two or more similar resolutions into one resolution, and shall themselves produce the recommended wording of the composite resolution;

(f)           The Committees may recommend that concurrence on one or two or more similar resolutions be concurred in, and the others voided on the grounds that their full intent is embodied in the recommended resolutions;

(g)          The Committees may recommend the separation of resolutions into two or more resolutions, and shall themselves produce such divided resolutions;

(h)          The Committees shall not, in any combination, separation, rewording of resolutions, or production of composite or divided resolutions, in any way change, diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolutions so affected.  The Committee shall be permitted for clarity and translation purposes only to reword resolutions, provided that such rewording does not diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolutions so affected.  The Committee shall be permitted for clarity and translation purposes only (in consultation with the submitting local) to reword resolutions, provided that such rewording does not diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolution;

(i)            The Committees shall clearly identify all original resolutions that have been combined, divided or embodied in resolutions;

(j)            The normal referral of any proposed changes to resolutions to the originating Local, for their views, can be affected through liaison with members on other Committees, since all Locals are represented;

(k j )        When a resolution affects the work of another Committee, immediate liaison should be established with the other Committee to advise accordingly; and

(l k)         The Committee chairperson will present to convention, resolutions in order of priority as concurred in by Committee members.  Such a priority should consider recognition of those resolutions which were ‘dissent’ recorded.

Recommendation No.  12

Current Regulation 5(2)

(2)          The disposition of all Convention matters and resolutions by the Executive Council shall be published and shall include reasons for all decision along with recorded votes on all decisions.

Proposed change

(2)          The disposition of all Convention matters and resolutions by the Executive Council shall be published and shall include reasons for all decision along with recorded votes on all decisions.

Recommendation No.  13

Current Regulation 7.1 (8)

(8)          If the requirements of 7.1(6) are not met, the President shall not consider any additional advances under this Regulation.

Proposed change

(8)          If the requirements of 7.1(6 7) are not met, the President shall not consider any additional advances under this Regulation.

Recommendation No.  14  - English Only

Current Regulation No. 7.3 (7) (b)

(b)          the RVP requesting approval for training not listed above must provide information to the President, including but not limited to the following: Overview of the training to be provided, Length of the module and Subject Matter before the approval can be granted.

Proposed changes

(b)          the RVP requesting approval for training not listed above must provide information to the President, including but not limited to the following: O overview of the training to be provided, L length of the module and S subject M matter before the approval can be granted.

Recommendation No.  15

Current regulation 8(3) (e)  &  (l) English Only  & (m)

(e)          provides guidance and counselling to Local Presidents and/or Local Executives when requested or when deemed necessary.  Direction may also be given by the Executive Council or National President;

(l)            submits to the National Office at least two weeks prior to an Executive Council meeting, written report of their activities, expenses incurred, agenda items including motions, rationale and where applicable, supporting documentation; and

(m)         may attend a PSAC National Board of Director’s meeting once during their current term of office regardless of the location of the National Board of Directors meeting. This is a meeting of the Regional Vice-President’s choice with prior approval of the National President.

Proposed changes

(e)          provides guidance and counselling to Local Presidents and/or Local Executives when requested or when deemed necessary.  Direction may also be given by the Executive Council or National President;

(l)            submits to the National Office at least two (2) weeks prior to an Executive Council meeting, written report of their activities, expenses incurred, agenda items including motions, rationale and where applicable, supporting documentation; and

(m)         may attend a PSAC National Board of Director’s meeting once during their current term of office regardless of the location of the National Board of Directors meeting. This is a meeting of the Regional Vice-President’s choice with prior approval of the National President.

Recommendation No.  16

Current regulation 10.1 (4)

(4)          The 2nd Vice-President is also a member of the PSAC National Strategy Co-ordinating Committee.

Proposed changes

(4)          The 2nd Vice-President is also a member of the PSAC National Strategy/Strike Co-ordinating Committee. (NSCC)

Recommendation No.  17

Current Regulation 13.4 (2)

(2)          If members have been authorized by the President or designate to travel by means other than by air, then reasonable loss of wages required to have the member arrive at the destination at a reasonable hour will be reimbursed.

Proposed change

(2)          If members have been authorized by the President or designate  UTE to travel by means other than by air, then reasonable loss of wages required to have the member arrive at the destination at a reasonable hour will be reimbursed.

Recommendation No.  18

Current Regulation 20.1 (2) & (4)

(2)       A budget of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per year shall allotted for this fund.

(4)          Union activities shall be defined as the following UTE Events:  Presidents’ Conference, Inter-Regional, Convention Committee Meetings, National Conferences, General Meetings of Locals and any other training activities.

Proposed changes

(2)       A budget of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per year shall be allotted for this fund.

(4)          Union activities shall be defined as the following UTE Events:  Presidents’ Conference, Regional, Inter-Regional, Convention Committee Meetings, National Conferences, General Meetings of Locals and any other training activities.

Recommendation No.  19  -  English Only

Current Regulation 20.2 (3)

(3)          All Conferences, Conventions and Caucus held for members with disabilities, shall be accommodated with recognition for the need for dietary requirements, medication, mobility assistance, etc. (i.e. diabetics, brain tumor- require medication with or after scheduled meals).

Proposed change

(3)          All Conferences, Conventions and Caucuses held for members with disabilities, shall be accommodated with recognition for the need for dietary requirements, medication, mobility assistance, etc. (i.e. diabetics, brain tumor- require medication with or after scheduled meals).

Recommendation No.  20  -  English Only

Current Regulation 24.1 (3)

(3)          The Committee shall have at least thirty days (30) to review all submissions prior to a making a recommendation to Executive Council.

Proposed change

(3)          The Committee shall have at least thirty days (30) to review all submissions prior to a making a recommendation to Executive Council.

Recommendation No.  21  -  English Only

Current Regulation 24.5 (6) (c) ii) (4)

(4)          Organizer of a foundation of for Unions to help members who have been terminated from D.I. and are no longer able to work.

Proposed change

(4)          Organizer of a foundation of for Unions to help members who have been terminated from D.I. and are no longer able to work.

Recommendation No.  22  -  English Only

Current Regulation 24.8

The Union of Taxation Employees - PSAC

Scholarship Guidelines

The Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) each year offers two (2) two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) National Scholarships, one of which has been named the Diana Gee Scholarship and ten (10) one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) Regional Scholarships (Al Rollins Atlantic Regional Scholarship, Quebec, Jean Bergeron Montreal Regional Scholarship, National Capital, Greater Toronto, Nick Stein Southwestern Ontario Regional Scholarship, Northern and Eastern Ontario, Prairie, Don Davoren Regional Rocky Mountains Scholarship and Pacific Regions).

Proposed change

The Union of Taxation Employees - PSAC

Scholarship Guidelines

The Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) each year offers two (2) two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) National Scholarships, one of which has been named the Diana Gee Scholarship and ten (10) one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) Regional Scholarships (Al Rollins Atlantic Regional Scholarship, Quebec, Jean Bergeron Montreal Regional Scholarship, National Capital, Greater Toronto, Nick Stein Southwestern Ontario Regional Scholarship, Northern and Eastern Ontario, Prairie, Don Davoren Regional Rocky Mountains Scholarship and Pacific Regions).

Recommendation No.  23  -  English Only

Current Regulation 25.2 (1)

(1)          Not withstanding By-Law 13, the President, between Executive Council meetings in consultation with the appropriate Regional Vice-President, may impose trusteeship on a Local, appoint an interim trustee and seize the property of the Local before officially advising the Local.

Proposed changes

(1)          Notwithstanding By-Law 13, the President, between Executive Council meetings, in consultation with the appropriate Regional Vice-President, may impose trusteeship on a Local, appoint an interim trustee and seize the property of the Local before officially advising the Local.

Recommendation No.  24

NEW Regulation 24.4

24.4 Certificates and Awards for Long Service of 40 Years or More

(1) A certificate and an award shall be issued to individuals who have served the membership in the union for a period of 40 years or more. Such certificate and award shall be issued at the recommendation of a Local or an Executive Council member.

(2) The certificate for long service of 40 years or more is a document bearing an appropriate dedication.

(3) The award should be one of the following: a pin, a ring or a watch. All awards issued must bear the UTE logo.

24.4.1 Presentation

This certificate and award shall be presented at a Local Annual General Meeting, a Presidents’ Conference or a National Conference by a Local President, Executive Council member or the Chairperson of the Honours and Awards Committee, wherever feasible.

And renumber the subsequent sections.