Minutes of the Political Action Committee

Political Action Committee
Minutes of the Political Action Committee
May 20-21, 2015

In attendance

Adam Jackson, Chair
Jamie vanSydenborgh, Co-Chair 
Brad Feraday, Presidents’ Representative
Annette Melanson, Technical Advisor

The committee dealt with the following items:

  • Use of the Political Action and Campaigns Fund
  • Political Action Postcard Campaign
  • Political Action at the September Presidents’ Conference

Use of the Political Action and Campaigns Fund

The Committee discussed various campaigns and uses for the political action fund, including radio, print and social media advertising. An official request for funding will be made by the Chair to the National President.

Political Action Postcards

The Committee reviewed the postcards and website that have been created in the Rocky Mountains. The Committee had some concerns with copyright liability and has referred this to the National President, for referral to the Communications Committee. Notwithstanding this, the Committee will attempt to communicate with the creator of this website and these postcards to collaborate on another, modified postcard campaign. The Committee drafted potential postcards and website content for this purpose 

Political Action at the September Presidents’ Conference

A discussion was held around any political action or rally during the September Presidents’ Conference, given that we will likely be in a Writ period at that time. The Committee consulted with Morna Ballantyne from the PSAC, who advised that the only political activity that is permissible for union during a Writ period is direct communication with members.