Report of the Ad Hoc Structure Review Committee

AD-HOC Structure Committee
Report of the Ad Hoc Structure Review Committee
June 2024

Gary Esslinger

The AD HOC Structure Committee met April 22 -23 both virtually and in person to review a proposal from the NCR region for a restructuring of both the region and the locals with the aim being to create a more stable organization for both the union and the membership.  Along with members of the ad hoc structure committee the Regional Vice President from the National Capital Region along with the local presidents from the NCR attended the meeting to share their vision and rationale for the proposal they had developed.

There was good dialogue between the committee and the NCR representatives, with many questions asked and the committee was assured unequivocally that the proposed structure was supported unanimously by the local presidents within the region. Based on these discussions as well as direction from the National President, the AD HOC Structure Committee is making the following recommendations:


m/s G. Esslinger / J. vanSydenborgh

Be it Resolved that Local 70000 (Headquarters) remain a separate local to be known as Local 70000 Ottawa West, and

Be It Further Resolved that Local 70001 (Ottawa East) and Local 70009 (International TSO) and Local 70030 (Ottawa technology Centre) be merged into a new Local XXXXX and be known as Ottawa East, and

Be It Further resolved that Local 70004 (Ottawa Centre) and Local 70010 (Ottawa TSO) and Local 70021 (Connaught Building) and Local 70022 (Albert Street) being merged into a new Local XXXXX and be known as Ottawa Centre, and

Be It Further Resolved that two Special Members' Meetings be held no later than Friday, September 20, 2024, with regard to the proposed new locals, and

Be It Finally Resolved that the two newly created Locals come into effective at the conclusion of the Special Members' Meetings being held to create these Locals.


m/s     G. Esslinger / J. Martel

Whereas the National Capital Region has been restructured from 8 to 3 locals,             

Be it Resolved that Regulation 1 (4) be amended as follows:       

(4) National Capital Region; comprised of Ottawa West (70000), Ottawa Centre (7XXXX) and Ottawa East (7XXXX’s) Locals

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Esslinger
Chair of the UTE Ad Hoc Structure Review Committee