Cosimo Crupi
The By-Law’s Committee met virtually on Jan 25th, 2024. Present at the meeting were Cosimo Crupi (Chair), Kevin Welgush (Co-Chair), Marc-Andre Gobeil (President’s Rep), and Henri Vodon (Technical Advisor).
A referral was received from the National President regarding an administrative error in our Bylaws. The committee reviewed the referral and provided a recommendation to the National President to amended Regulation 13 to resolve the administrative error. Also, by doing this, it was also recommended that Bylaw 10 be removed entirely, and the remaining By-Law’s be renumbered. The recommendation has now been accepted, and amendments to the BY Laws and Regulations will be made.
Lastly, the committee reviewed Regulation 7 and propose the following Recommendation to executive council.
Recommendation #1
m/s C. Crupi / K. Welgush
Be it resolved that Regulation 7.3 6 (a) include the new added course.
Regulation 7.3
6 (a) UTE courses/workshops approved by Council:
- Grievance Handling;
- Local Officers Course;
- Staffing Course;
- OFL Return to Work Course;
- PSAC Convention Preparation Course;
- PSAC Convention Procedures Course;
- PSAC Duty to Accommodate Course;
- Workshop on Developing Membership Activism;
- Workshop on Drafting Resolutions
- Workshop on Local By-Laws;
- Workshop for Local Treasurers;
- Workshop on Performance Management; and
- Basic Accounting Course for Locals
- The Mental Health First Aid course presented by the Canadian Mental Health Association
- Talking Union Basics Course
Respectfully submitted,
Cosimo Crupi
Chair of the Committee