Minutes of the Political Action Committee

Political Action Committee
Minutes of the Political Action Committee
January 28-29, 2015

In attendance

Adam Jackson, Chair
Jamie vanSydenborgh, Co-Chair
Brad Feraday, Presidents’ Representative
Annette Melanson, Technical Advisor

The committee dealt with the following items:

  • Workshop on Election 2015 for March Presidents’ Conference
  • Rally to be held at the March Presidents’ Conference
  • Political Action / Campaigns Funds and Potential Advertising
  • Review of the “Campaigns” Tab on the redesigned UTE website

Election 2015 Workshop

The Committee researched and reviewed several aspects and themes that will be included in the workshop that the PAC presents at the March 2015 Presidents’ Conference, including 30 the new Federal ridings; all federal ridings to determine those that are vulnerable; the rights and rules surrounding the allowable political activities by public servants; and the issues that our members should be discussing at home in their ridings. Development of the workshop content is ongoing.

Rally at the March Presidents’ Conference

A discussion was held to decide if another “Stop Harper” sign rally should be held at the March Presidents’ Conference. The Committee felt it should and the Chair has made a request to the National President to fund an order for 300 more signs.

Political Action / Campaigns Funds

Discussion was held surrounding the audience we want to target; the type of product we are looking for; and potential service providers. Adam and Brad will solicit proposals from 2 different providers and the Committee will review further once proposals are received. 

Review of the “Campaigns” Tab on the Redesigned UTE Website

The Committee received suggestions from the Communications Officer on the potential content of this section on the soon-to-be redesigned website. The Committee forwarded their input on this content, and made a few additional suggestions.