Minutes of the Executive Council

Minutes of the Executive Council
December 2 – 5, 2013



The meeting was called to order at 9:00 hours.  President Bob Campbell was in the Chair. In attendance: Marc Brière, Denis Lalancette, Robert Hume, Lorne Roslinski, Gary Esslinger, Adam Jackson, Jamie vanSydenborgh, Doug Gaetz, Robin Johnson, Bill Blair, Sabri Khayat, Jean-Pierre Fraser, Annette Melanson and Pierrette Labrie.


m/s Jamie vanSydenborgh / Gary Esslinger

That the hours of session be as follows:

Monday:          9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                         4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Open Discussion
Tuesday:        9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday:  9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. - 5:00
Thursday        9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.; 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 NUMC



m/s  Sabri Khayat / Jean-Pierre Fraser

That the agenda be adopted as printed with the following addition.

New Business

20. Creation of a New Local – Rocky Mountains (L. Roslinski)

Open discussion

10. Communications & Negotiations (D. Lalancette)
11. Hours of Work and compressed work week (G. Esslinger)
12. Integrity Questionnaire (A. Jackson)
13. Common Front Labour (J.-P. Fraser)
14. Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (B. Campbell)
15. Resolutions of Record (G. Esslinger)

  • Recorded Vote #1.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Sabri Khayat / Lorne Roslinski

That the minutes of the Executive Council Meeting of September 2013 be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #2.  MOTION CARRIED.

President Campbell turned the Chair to Brother Brière, First National Vice-President


m/s  Bob Campbell / Denis Lalancette

That the follow up items of the President be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #3.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Bob Campbell / Robert Hume

That the report of the President be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #4.  MOTION CARRIED.

President Campbell resumed the Chair.

Recess for lunch


The meeting was called back to order at 1:15 with Brother Campbell in the Chair. 


m/s  Marc Brière / Denis Lalancette

That the report of the 1st Vice-President be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #5.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Denis Lalancette / Marc Brière

That the report of the 2nd Vice-President be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #6.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s Doug Gaetz / Bill Blair

That the activity reports of the RVPs and ARVPs be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #7.  MOTION CARRIED.

President Campbell turned the Chair to Brother Brière, First National Vice-President


m/s  Bob Campbell / Doug Gaetz

That the report of the Executive Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #8.  MOTION CARRIED.

President Campbell resumed the Chair.


m/s  Sabri Khayat / Adam Jackson

That the report of the Staffing Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #9.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Gary Esslinger / Sabri Khayat

That the report of the By-Laws Committee be adopted.

m/s  Gary Esslinger / Sabri Khayat

BY-LAW Changes
Recommendation No.  1

Current By-Law 6  Form of Organization

Section 1
UTE shall be composed of all Locals as provided in Regulation.

Section 2
A Local shall be composed of all members of UTE in a locality prescribed by Regulation. The membership in each Local shall elect, in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws, not less than three (3) officers to conduct their affairs. Their term of office shall not exceed three (3) years without re-election.

Section 3
Each Local shall have the right to deal with the CRA officials who have direct managerial responsibility on that Locals’ members, and on matters affecting the interests of its own members. A Local shall also have the right to initiate action(s) on such matters having broader scope than those of direct concern to the Local members; by first seeking a solution through written submission to UTE (the Regional Vice-President, the Executive Council, the Convention). After exhausting the foregoing, then by direct recourse to the PSAC.

Section 4
Each Local shall adopt By-Laws for the conduct of its affairs consistent with the provisions of these By-Laws and the Constitution. The Local shall submit a copy of their current Local By-Laws and any Regulations to their Regional Vice-President each time they are amended.

Section 5
The By-Laws of each Local shall provide for the orderly disposition of its assets and liabilities upon dissolution.

Section 6
The elected officers of each Local shall hold regular executive meetings during each year for the proper conduct of the Local's affairs.

Section 7
Each Local shall hold an Annual General Meeting for the purpose of receiving annual reports from its officers and considering such other business as may be required by its By-Laws, and such other business as may be properly considered at that time.

Section 8
Each Local shall submit annually, a copy of their Local Annual Financial Statement/Reports to the Vice-President responsible for Finance. They shall be submitted no later than 90 days from when they were presented to the Local’s Annual General Meeting.

Proposed New By-Law 6 Section 9

Section 9
Each Local shall have the authority to submit resolutions to the Convention.

  • Recorded vote 10.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  2

Current By-Law 7 Section 1 (2)

(2) Duties and Responsibilities

The Executive Council shall:
(a) exercise all the powers and perform all the duties vested in it by these By-Laws;
(b) discharge all duties and obligations imposed upon it by Convention;
(c) be vested with the authority to deal with all matters affecting the business, purpose, aims and objectives of UTE between Conventions;
(d) have the authority to spend UTE funds for the benefit of the members, in keeping with these By-Laws and Regulations;
(e) approve all expenditures of UTE. Notwithstanding any other By-Law and Regulations when any expenditure in excess of the adopted budgeted amounts is to be funded from the surplus, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Council is required;
(f) approve the reallocation of budgeted amounts between Conventions as required;
(g) approve all expenses reimbursed to each Officer of the Executive Council. Each approved expense shall be reported separately in the minutes of each meeting as well as the activity report of the said officers;
(h) appoint the representatives of UTE to any organization to which UTE may send representatives;
(i) make, amend or delete such Regulations as deemed necessary, consistent with the Constitution and these By-Laws, provided that such Regulations are sent in writing to all Locals and are submitted to the first succeeding Convention for ratification; and  
(j) may call into conference or consultation and invite to attend the Convention or a meeting of the Executive Council any person who may be able to assist UTE in carrying out its purpose, aims and objectives or provide its members with information; and

New By-Law 7 Section 1 (2)(k)


Have the authority to submit resolutions to the Convention.

  • Recorded vote 11.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  3

Current By-Law 7 Section 4(6)

(6) The elections to fill vacancies shall be by mail and shall be conducted by the National Office.

Proposed Changes

(6) The elections to fill vacancies shall be by mail, email or other electronic means and shall be conducted by the National Office.

  • Recorded vote 12.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  4

Current By-Law 7 Section 4(7)

(a) When elections are required to fill vacancies, only those delegates from the last Convention who are still members in good standing shall be eligible to vote.

(b) Notwithstanding (a) above, if the position of President, 1st Vice-President or 2nd Vice-President become vacant, the previous incumbent relinquishes their delegate status from the last Convention.

(c)  If the position of the RVP becomes vacant and the Alternate RVP assumes the position, the previous incumbent relinquishes their delegate status and is replaced by the Alternate.

(d) A Local delegate relinquishes their delegate status if;

  (i) they assume a position on the Executive Council,
  (ii) leave to become a member of another Local or
  (iii) cease to be a member in good standing.

That Local shall have the right to replace that delegate with their next available alternate or appoint a new delegate by process established by the Local if no alternates are available.

Proposed Change

(a) When elections are required to fill vacancies, only those Local delegates from the last Convention who are still members in good standing and, the current Executive Council members, shall be eligible to vote.

(b) Notwithstanding (a) above, if the position of President, 1st Vice-President or 2nd Vice-President become vacant, the previous incumbent relinquishes their delegate status from the last Convention.
(c)  If the position of the RVP becomes vacant and the Alternate RVP assumes the position, the previous incumbent relinquishes their delegate status and is replaced by the Alternate.

(d b)  A Local delegate relinquishes their delegate status if;

  (i) they assume a position on the Executive Council,
  (ii) leave to become a member of another Local or
  (iii) cease to be a member in good standing.

That Local shall have the right to replace that delegate with their next available alternate or appoint a new delegate by process established by the Local if no alternates are available.

m/  Sabri Khayat /

That the following words be taken out in (a) :  and the current Executive Council   members.

The motion was lost for lack of a seconder.

  • Recorded vote 13.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  5

Current By-Law 9 Section 4 - Convention

Notice of the Convention shall be given to each Local by the National Office not less than six (6) months prior to opening date of the Convention. Such notice will include but not be limited to:

(1) dates and location of the Convention;
(2) deadline for receipt in the National Office of resolutions;
(3) deadline for receipt in the National Office of the names of the delegates to Convention and the alternate delegates; and
(4) deadlines as noted in Sub-Sections (2) and (3) shall be by the close of business of the Presidents’ Conference preceding the Triennial Convention.

Notice of any Special Convention shall be given to each Local by the National Office not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the opening date of the Convention. Such notice will state the matters to be dealt with.

Proposed Change

Notice of the Convention shall be given to each Local by the National Office not less than six (6) months prior to opening date of the Convention. Such notice will include but not be limited to:

(1) dates and location of the Convention;
(2) deadline for receipt in the National Office of resolutions;
(3) deadline for receipt in the National Office of the names of the delegates to Convention and the alternate delegates; and
(4) deadlines as noted in Sub-Sections (2) and (3) shall be by the close of business of the Presidents’ Conference preceding the Triennial Convention.

Notice of any Special Convention shall be given to each Local by the National Office not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the opening date of the Convention. Such notice will state the matters to be dealt with.

Proposed Change to move last sentence of Section 4  to a New Section 18 : Would follow sections 16 and 17 that deal with Special Conventions.


Section 18

Notice of any Special Convention shall be given to each Local by the National Office not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the opening date of the Convention. Such notice will state the matters to be dealt with.

  • Recorded vote 14.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  6 Change in French only. To be consistent with the English version



Article 2

Le Conseil exécutif nomme un comité des candidatures, constitué d'au moins trois (3) et d'au plus cinq (5) personnes, et il désigne l'une de ces personnes à la présidence.  Le comité des candidatures:

(1) invite les déléguées et les délégués à soumettre les mises en candidatures pour les postes des trois (3) dirigeantes et dirigeants nationaux;

(2) reçoit les candidatures provenant des déléguées et délégués pour les postes des trois (3) dirigeantes et dirigeants nationaux;

Proposed Change

Article 2

Le Conseil exécutif nomme un comité des candidatures, constitué d'au moins trois (3) et d'au plus cinq (5) personnes, et il désigne l'une de ces personnes à la présidence.  Le comité des candidatures:

(1) invite les déléguées et les délégués à soumettre les mises en candidatures pour les postes des trois (3) dirigeantes et dirigeants nationaux;

(2) reçoit les candidatures provenant des déléguées et délégués pour les postes des trois (3) dirigeantes et dirigeants nationaux;

  • Recorded vote 15.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No. 7

Current By-Law 17 Section 2

Section 2
(a) A quorum at all meetings of the Executive Council shall be one half (1/2) of the officers provided in By-Law 7, Section 1;

(b) A quorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be three quarters (3/4) of the officers provided in By-Law 7, Section 2; and

(c) A quorum at a Convention shall be one half (1/2) of the registered delegates.

Proposed Change By-Law 17 Section 2 : To keep the format  consistent with the rest of the By-Laws.

Section 2

(1) A quorum at all meetings of the Executive Council shall be one half (1/2) of the officers provided in By-Law 7, Section 1;

(2) A quorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be three quarters (3/4) of the officers provided in By-Law 7, Section 2; and

(3) A quorum at a Convention shall be one half (1/2) of the registered delegates

Statut 17  - Pour garder le format des Statuts consistant.


Article 2

(a) (1) Un quorum à toutes les réunions du Conseil exécutif  est constitué   de la moitié (1/2) des dirigeantes et dirigeants tel que prévu au Statut 7, article 1;

(b) (2) Un quorum à toutes les réunions du Comité exécutif  est constitué des trois   quarts (3/4) des dirigeantes et dirigeants tel que prévu au Statut 7, article 2(1); et

(c)  (3) Le Un quorum à un congrès est constitué de la moitié (1/2) des déléguées et délégués dûment inscrits. 

  • Recorded vote 16.  MOTION CARRIED.


Recommendation No.  8

In the Table of Contents – Appendix A - Resolutions of Record -18 and 19, replace CCRA with CRA.

  • Recorded vote 17.  CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  9

Current Regulation No.1 -  Structure

For the purpose of By-Law 7, the following localities are prescribed:

(1) Atlantic Region; comprised of the St, John’s, Charlottetown, Sydney, Saint John, Halifax, Bathurst, Moncton, St. John’s Taxation Centre and Summerside Locals;
(2) Québec Region; comprised of Québec, Trois-Rivières, Shawinigan-South, Chicoutimi and the Jonquière Locals;
(3) Montréal Region; comprised of Montréal, Rouyn-Noranda, Montérégie South Shore, Sherbrooke, Laval and Outaouais Locals;
(4) National Capital Region; comprised of Headquarters, Ottawa Technology Centre, Ottawa TSO, International TSO and Ottawa Centre Locals;
(5) Northern and Eastern Ontario Region; comprised of Belleville, Kingston, Peterborough, Sudbury and Thunder Bay Locals;
(6) Southwestern Ontario Region; comprised of Windsor, London, Kitchener, Hamilton and St. Catharines Locals;
(7) Greater Toronto Region; comprised of Toronto Centre, Toronto North, Toronto East, Toronto West and Barrie Locals;
(8) Prairie Region; comprised of Winnipeg, Regina, the Winnipeg Taxation Centre and the Winnipeg Compensation Client Service Centre (CCSC) Locals;
(9) Rocky Mountains Region; comprised of Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon and Lethbridge Locals;
(10) Pacific Region; comprised of Vancouver, Penticton, Victoria, Burnaby Fraser, Surrey, Northern B.C. & Yukon, Kelowna and Burnaby Fraser Call Centre Locals.

Proposed Change to Regulation No.1  - Structure

For the purpose of By-Law 7  these By-Laws, the following localities are prescribed:

(1) Atlantic Region; comprised of the St, John’s, Charlottetown, Sydney, Saint John, Halifax, Bathurst, Moncton, St. John’s Taxation Centre and Summerside Locals;
(2) Québec Region; comprised of Québec, Trois-Rivières, Shawinigan-South, Chicoutimi and the Jonquière Locals;
(3) Montréal Region; comprised of Montréal, Rouyn-Noranda, Montérégie South Shore, Sherbrooke, Laval and Outaouais Locals;
(4) National Capital Region; comprised of Headquarters, Ottawa Technology Centre, Ottawa TSO, International TSO, Ottawa Centre and Ottawa East Locals;
(5) Northern and Eastern Ontario Region; comprised of Belleville, Kingston, Peterborough, Sudbury and Thunder Bay Locals;
(6) Southwestern Ontario Region; comprised of Windsor, London, Kitchener, Hamilton and St. Catharines Locals;
(7) Greater Toronto Region; comprised of Toronto Centre, Toronto North, Toronto East, Toronto West and Barrie Locals;
(8) Prairie Region; comprised of Winnipeg, Regina, the Winnipeg Taxation Centre and the Winnipeg Compensation Client Service Centre (CCSC) Locals;
(9) Rocky Mountains Region; comprised of Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon and Lethbridge Locals;
(10) Pacific Region; comprised of Vancouver, Penticton, Victoria, Burnaby Fraser, Surrey, Northern B.C. & Yukon, Kelowna and Burnaby Fraser Call Centre Locals.

m/s  Lorne Roslinski / Doug Gaetz

  That the following recommendations be dealt with as a group :
  9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26 and 28.
  Note that 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23, all deal with French.
  16, 17, 18, 20, 26 and 28 deal with Tango Class Airfare changing to Flex Class Airfare. All others deal with housekeeping.

  • Motion to group the recommendations.  CARRIED.
  • Recorded vote 18.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  10

Current Regulation 2.2

(1) Members who wish to form a new Local shall advise the existing Local of their intentions and provide a petition signed by twenty-five percent (25%) of the affected members supporting the formation of the new Local before a formal vote is conducted;
(2) The members who wish to form a new Local shall conduct a vote and provide evidence that the majority of the affected members agree to its formation;
(3) The Regional Vice-President of the region shall be present to supervise the vote;
(4) The Regional Vice-President shall confirm the validity of the vote to the Executive Council;
(5) The ballot shall clearly express the question on the formation of a new Local;
(6) The Executive Council shall approve the formation of a new Local by simple majority vote; and
(7) A new vote cannot be held before twelve (12) months, if a majority of the affected members of the proposed new Local vote against the creation of a new Local.


(1) Members who wish to form a new Local shall advise the existing Local of their intentions and provide a petition signed by twenty-five percent (25%) of the affected members supporting the formation of the new Local before a formal vote is conducted;
(2) The members who wish to form a new Local shall conduct a vote and provide evidence that the majority of the affected members agree to its formation;
(3) For the purpose of this regulation, affected members are defined as the members who will form the new local.
(4) The Regional Vice-President of the region shall be present to supervise the vote;
(5) The Regional Vice-President shall confirm the validity of the vote to the Executive Council;
(6) The ballot shall clearly express the question on the formation of a new Local;
(7) The Executive Council shall approve the formation of a new Local by simple majority vote; and
(8) A new vote cannot be held before twelve (12) months, if a majority of the affected members of the proposed new Local vote against the creation of a new Local.

  • Recorded vote 19.  MOTION CARRIED.

Brother Bill Blair left with permission.

Recommendation No.  11

Current Regulation 3(2)

(2) There shall be temporary Committees as they are required.


(2) There shall be temporary Ad Hoc Committees as they are required.

Recommendation No.  12

Current Regulation 3(5) in French only

(5) Lorsqu’une présidente ou président d’un comité est dans l’incapacité de s’acquitter de ses fonctions pour une période temporaire, la présidente ou le président peut:

(a) nommer l’autre dirigeante ou dirigeant du Conseil exécutif qui est membre du comité à titre de présidente ou président intérimaire du comité; et

(b)   nommer la vice-présidente ou le vice-président régional substitut de la   dirigeante ou du dirigeant qui est dans l’incapacité de s’acquitter de ses fonctions, membre du comité pour la période d’absence.

Proposed Change

(5) Lorsqu’une présidente ou président d’un comité est dans l’incapacité de s’acquitter de ses fonctions pour une période temporaire, la présidente ou le président peut a:

(a) le pouvoir de nommer l’autre dirigeante ou dirigeant du Conseil exécutif qui est membre du comité à titre de présidente ou président intérimaire du comité; et

(b) le pouvoir de nommer la vice-présidente ou le vice-président régional substitut de la dirigeante ou du dirigeant qui est dans l’incapacité de s’acquitter de ses fonctions, membre du comité pour la période d’absence.

Recommendation No.  13

Current Regulation 4(6)(g) In French only

g) Le comité pourra recommander la séparation de résolutions en plusieurs résolutions séparées et il devra lui-même rédiger ces résolutions.

Proposed Change

g) Les comités peuvent recommander la séparation des résolutions en deux ou plusieurs résolutions, et doivent eux-mêmes produire les résolutions ainsi divisées;

Recommendation No.  14

Current Regulation No. 4 -  Convention Committees

(1) At least ninety (90) calendar days prior to the opening date of a Triennial National Convention, the Executive Council shall appoint such Committees as may be necessary for the conduct of the business of the Convention.

(2) There shall be four (4) Standing Committees:
(a) By-Laws;
(b) Finance;
(c) Collective Bargaining; and
(d) General

(3) Committee meetings shall normally be held in Ottawa at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the opening date of a Triennial National Convention. Committee reports shall be provided to Convention delegates at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to Convention.
(4) Convention Committees shall be composed of the following:
(a) Officers of the Executive Council except the President; and
(b) Members of each region as selected on the basis on one (1) Convention delegate for each Local as provided for in Regulation 1.
(5) Notwithstanding the above, regions with less than four (4) Locals shall be represented by a maximum of four (4) Convention delegates and shall be selected in the following manner:
(a) One (1) delegate per Local;
(b) If necessary, the first additional delegate to be selected by the Local in the region having the largest number of members in good standing five (5) months prior to convention; and
(c) If necessary, the second additional delegate to be selected by the Local in the region having the second largest number of members in good standing five (5) months prior to convention.
(6) Terms of Reference:
(a) The Committees will recommend concurrence or non-concurrence, to the delegates of all resolutions placed before them. Unanimous recommendation shall be recorded when such is the case;
(b) The Committee shall not themselves originate or include in their report any new resolutions;
(c) Each Committee shall produce a written report;
(d) All decisions of the Committees shall be by majority vote, with the chairperson having a deciding vote in case of a tie;
(e) The Committees may recommend the combination of two of more similar resolutions into one resolution, and shall themselves produce the recommended wording of the composite resolution;
(f) The Committees may recommend that one or two or more similar resolutions, be concurred in, and the others voided on the grounds that their full intent is embodied in the recommended resolutions;
(g) The Committees may recommend the separation of resolutions into two or more resolutions, and shall themselves produce such divided resolutions;
(h) The Committees shall not, in any combination, separation, rewording of resolutions, or production of composite or divided resolutions, in any way change, diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolutions so affected. The Committee shall be permitted for clarity and translation purposes only to reword resolutions, provided that such rewording does not diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolutions so affected. The Committee shall be permitted for clarity and translation purposes only (in consultation with the submitting local) to reword resolutions, provided that such rewording does not diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolution;
(i) The Committees shall clearly identify all original resolutions that have been combined, divided or embodied in resolutions;
(j) The normal referral of any proposed changes to resolutions to the originating Local, for their views, can be affected through liaison with members on other Committees, since all Locals are represented;
(k) When a resolution affects the work of another Committee, immediate liaison should be established with the other Committee to advise accordingly; and
(l) Committee chairperson will present to convention, resolutions in order of priority as concurred in by Committee members. Such a priority should consider recognition of those resolutions which were ‘dissent’ recorded.

Proposed Change to Regulation No.4  - Convention Committees

(1) At least ninety (90) calendar days prior to the opening date of a Triennial National Convention, the Executive Council shall appoint such Committees as may be necessary for the conduct of the business of the Convention.
(2) There shall be four (4) Standing Committees:
(a) By-Laws;
(b) Finance;
(c) Collective Bargaining; and
(d) General
(3) Committee meetings shall normally be held in Ottawa at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the opening date of a Triennial National Convention. Committee reports shall be provided to Convention delegates at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to Convention.
(4) The President shall recommend delegates to be assigned to each Convention Committee subject to the approval of the Executive Council.
(5) Convention Committees shall be composed of the following:
(a) Officers of the Executive Council except the President; and
(b) Members of each region as selected on the basis on one (1) Convention delegate for each Local as provided for in Regulation 1.
(6) Notwithstanding the above, regions with less than four (4) Locals shall be represented by a maximum of four (4) Convention delegates and shall be selected in the following manner:
(a) One (1) delegate per Local;
(b) If necessary, the first additional delegate to be selected by the Local in the region having the largest number of members in good standing five (5) months prior to convention; and
(c) If necessary, the second additional delegate to be selected by the Local in the region having the second largest number of members in good standing five (5) months prior to convention.
(7) The President shall have the sole authority to allocate  convention resolutions to convention committees.
(8) Terms of Reference:
(a) The Committees will recommend concurrence or non-concurrence, to the delegates of all resolutions placed before them. Unanimous recommendation shall be recorded when such is the case;
(b) The Committee shall not themselves originate or include in their report any new resolutions;
(c) Each Committee shall produce a written report;
(d) All decisions of the Committees shall be by majority vote, with the chairperson having a deciding vote in case of a tie;
(e) The Committees may recommend the combination of two of more similar resolutions into one resolution, and shall themselves produce the recommended wording of the composite resolution;
(f) The Committees may recommend that one or two or more similar resolutions, be concurred in, and the others voided on the grounds that their full intent is embodied in the recommended resolutions;
(g) The Committees may recommend the separation of resolutions into two or more resolutions, and shall themselves produce such divided resolutions;
(h) The Committees shall not, in any combination, separation, rewording of resolutions, or production of composite or divided resolutions, in any way change, diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolutions so affected. The Committee shall be permitted for clarity and translation purposes only to reword resolutions, provided that such rewording does not diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolutions so affected. The Committee shall be permitted for clarity and translation purposes only (in consultation with the submitting local) to reword resolutions, provided that such rewording does not diminish or expand the full intent and thrust of the original resolution;
(i) The Committees shall clearly identify all original resolutions that have been combined, divided or embodied in resolutions;
(j) The normal referral of any proposed changes to resolutions to the originating Local, for their views, can be affected through liaison with members on other Committees, since all Locals are represented;
(k) When a resolution affects the work of another Committee, immediate liaison should be established with the other Committee to advise accordingly; and
(l) Committee chairperson will present to convention, resolutions in order of priority as concurred in by Committee members. Such a priority should consider recognition of those resolutions which were ‘dissent’ recorded.

  • Recorded vote 20.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  15

Current regulation 10.1(4)

(4) The 2nd Vice-President is also a member of the PSAC National Strike Co-ordinating Committee.

Proposed Change

(4) The 2nd Vice-President is also a member of the PSAC National Strike Strategy Co-ordinating Committee.

Recommendation No.  16

Current regulation13.3(5)

(5) An approved advance for any member including staff shall only include costs for travel, hotel and per diem. The travel portion of the advance shall normally be Tango Plus Class airfare. Any other airfare shall have prior approval of the President or in their absence the 1st Vice-President.

Proposed Change

(5) An approved advance for any member including staff shall only include costs for travel, hotel and per diem. The travel portion of the advance shall normally be Tango Plus Flex Class Airfare. Any other airfare shall have prior approval of the President or in their absence the 1st Vice-President

Recommendation No.  17

Current Regulation 13.5.1(2)

The travel grants for Locals shall normally be the cost of 2 times the Tango Plus Airfare without receipt. The intent of the 2 times Tango Plus airfare is to ensure the participation of the delegate and to assist Locals in sending additional participants.  Any airfare other than as described herein shall have prior approval of the President or in their absence the 1st Vice-President. 

Proposed Change

The travel grants for Locals shall normally be the cost of 2 times the Tango Plus Flex Class Airfare without receipt. The intent of the 2 times Tango Plus Flex Class Airfare is to ensure the participation of the delegate and to assist Locals in sending additional participants.  Any airfare other than as described herein shall have prior approval of the President or in their absence the 1st Vice-President.

Recommendation No.  18

Current Regulation 13.5.2(1)

(1) Travel expenses for all others including staff shall be the actual cost incurred. However, if the cost exceeds a Tango Plus airfare without receipt, prior approval is required of the President or in their absence the 1st Vice-President.

Proposed Change
(1) Travel expenses for all others including staff shall be the actual cost incurred. However, if the cost exceeds a Tango Plus  Flex Class Airfare without receipt, prior approval is required of the President or in their absence the 1st Vice-President.

Recommendation No.  19  Highlighted section not in English version.

Current Regulation 13.6(4)

(4) Les réclamations de dépenses sont soumises à la présidente ou au président pour fin d’autorisation. La présidente ou le président  peut déléguer à l’adjointe exécutive ou à l’adjoint exécutif de la présidente ou du président ou à la 1re vice-présidente ou au 1er vice-président ou à l’agent principal des relations de travail  l’autorisation d’approuver les réclamations de dépenses.

Proposed Change

(4) Les réclamations de dépenses sont soumises à la présidente ou au président pour fin d’autorisation. La présidente ou le président  peut déléguer à l’adjointe exécutive ou à l’adjoint exécutif de la présidente ou du président ou à la 1re vice-présidente ou au 1er vice-président ou à l’agent principal des relations de travail  l’autorisation d’approuver les réclamations de dépenses.

Recommendation No.  20

Current Regulation 13.9(3)

(3) Travel by Automobile: The President or 1st Vice-President must approve the use of a personal vehicle. The exception is members attending a UTE event where a travel grant has been provided. The use of a personal vehicle will be reimbursed at the UTE kilometers rate or the Tango Plus airfare without receipt, whichever is lowest. The reimbursement of expenses for the use of rental cars must have prior approval and must be done on a practical and economic basis.

Proposed Change

(3) Travel by Automobile: The President or 1st Vice-President must approve the use of a personal vehicle. The exception is members attending a UTE event where a travel grant has been provided. The use of a personal vehicle will be reimbursed at the UTE kilometers rate or the Tango Plus Flex Class Airfare without receipt, whichever is lowest. The reimbursement of expenses for the use of rental cars must have prior approval and must be done on a practical and economic basis.

Recommendation No.  21

Current Regulation 14(1) In French only

(1) Les officiers du Conseil exécutif peuvent demander une carte de crédit conjointe du Syndicat avec le SEI.

Proposed Change

(1) Les officiers du Conseil exécutif peuvent demander une carte de crédit du Syndicat corporative conjointe avec  le SEI.

Recommendation No.  22

Current Regulation 17.3(1) In French Only

  •  Le SEI prescrit les détails du contrat.

Proposed Change

  • Le SEI prescrit les détails du modalités et conditions du prêt dans un contrat écrit. 

Recommendation No.  23

Current Regulation 17.3(3) In French Only

(3) Le remboursement  n’excède pas  trente-six (36) mois.

Proposed Change

(2) Le remboursement la durée maximale du prêt n’excède pas  trente-six (36) mois.

Recommendation No.  24

Current Regulation 20.1(4)

(4) Union activities shall be defined as follows:  Presidents’ Conference, Inter-Regional, Pre-Convention, National Conferences, General Meetings of Locals and any other training activities.

Proposed Change

(4) Union activities shall be defined as follows the following UTE Events:  Presidents’ Conference, Inter-Regional, Pre-Convention Committee Meetings, National Conferences, General Meetings of Locals and any other training activities.

Recommendation No.  25

Current Regulation 22 Preamble

The purpose of this Regulation is to state the terms and conditions of the elected and full-time paid positions of the President and 1st Vice-President of UTE.

Proposed Change

The purpose of this Regulation is to state the terms and conditions of the elected and full-time paid positions of the President and 1st Vice-President of UTE.

  • Recorded vote 21.  CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  26

Current Regulations 23 (5)(e)

(e) the actual transportation costs to the College at the commencement of studies and return home on completion.  This cost shall be limited to first class rail or economy air travel;

Proposed Change

(e) the actual transportation costs to the College at the commencement of studies and return home on completion.  This cost shall be limited to first class rail or economy air travel Flex Class Airfare;

Recommendation No.  27

Current Regulations 23 (5)(f)

(f)  the actual transportation costs of one return trip home during the College session. This cost shall be limited to first class rail or economy air travel;

Proposed Change

(f)  when the course is 4 consecutive weeks, the actual transportation costs of one return trip home during the College session. This cost shall be limited to first class rail or economy air travel Flex Class Airfare;

  • Recorded vote 22 .  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  28

Current Regulations 23 (6)(e)

(e) the actual travel costs to attend the course at the commencement of the course and return home on completion.  This cost shall be limited to first class rail or economy airfare;

Proposed Change

(e)  the actual travel costs to attend the course at the commencement of the course and return home on completion.  This cost shall be limited to first class rail or economy airfare Flex Class Airfare;

Recommendation No.  29

Current Regulation 24 .3

Current English


Service pins of three (3), five (5), ten (10), fifteen (15), twenty (20), twenty-five (25), thirty (30), thirty-five (35) years will be awarded annually by the Locals to those members who have served the membership within the union movement.  Such pins shall be awarded based upon a Local member’s recommendation or Executive Council Officers’ recommendation.

24.3.1 Presentation

The award shall be presented at a Local, Regional or National Union Event by a union official.

Proposed Change need in English to be same and French version.


Service pins of three (3), five (5), ten (10), fifteen (15), twenty (20), twenty-five (25), thirty (30), thirty-five (35) years will be awarded annually by the Locals to those members who have served the membership within the union movement.  Such pins shall be awarded based upon a Local member’s recommendation or Executive Council Officers’ recommendation.

24.3.1 Presentation

The award  service pins shall be presented at a Local, Regional or National Union Event by a union official.

  • Recorded vote 23.  MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution of Record Changes

Recommendation No.  30

That the following resolution passed at the June 2012 Executive Council be added to the list of Resolutions of Record.

Air Carrier

Be it resolved that the current UTE policy on flying unionized air carriers be amended to include where a community is not serviced by a unionized air carrier that members flying on union business be allowed to request that the non-unionized carrier be used.

The determination to allow will rest with the National President.

  • Recorded vote 24.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  31

Remove the following  from the Appendix A - Resolutions of Record:




  • Recorded vote 25.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  32

Resolution of Record # 17 Donations /Sponsorships Line Item be incorporated into Regulation 29  and the resolution of record be removed from appendix A


Be it resolved that, starting in 2005, a minimum of two thousand dollars ($2000) of the line item Donations/Sponsorships be allocated to Strike Appeals and Holiday Relief Funds; and

Be it further resolved that if less then the $2000 has been spent or allocated as of December 1st, that the balance be available to other types of Donation/Sponsorships at the December Executive Council meeting.

 Adopted October 2004

Current Regulation 29


(1)   Under the line item Donations/Sponsorships:

(a) Donations are defined, as monies given which must be helpful to a   Community, Organization, Union or Individual;
(b) Sponsorships are defined as monies given to activities; teams or individuals where there are promotional aspects for the Union of   Taxation Employees.

(2)   Requests for funds will be submitted by the member to their Local, who will then transmit them to their RVP.  The RVP will forward the request to the National President with a recommendation.
(3)   The National President may approve donations/sponsorships up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) with the agreement of the 1st Vice President.
(4) All Donations/Sponsorship funds will be approved and expended in the Calendar year.
(5) The maximum sponsorship per request shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year except under exceptional circumstances this may be increased by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Council.
(6)   Every January a complete list of donations/sponsorships will be sent to all Locals. (whom, city and the amount).
(7)   All donations/sponsorships cheques will be made out to the organization, team, and individual etc. for whom the amount was approved.

Adopted June 2003
Amended September 2009

Proposed Change to Regulation 29.


(1)   Under the line item Donations/Sponsorships:

(a) Donations are defined, as monies given which must be helpful to a   Community, Organization, Union or Individual;
(b) Sponsorships are defined as monies given to activities; teams or individuals where there are promotional aspects for the Union of   Taxation Employees.

(2)   Requests for funds will be submitted by the member to their Local, who will then transmit them to their RVP.  The RVP will forward the request to the National President with a recommendation.
(3)   The National President may approve donations/sponsorships up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) with the agreement of the 1st Vice President.
(4) All Donations/Sponsorship funds will be approved and expended in the Calendar year.
(5)   The maximum sponsorship per request shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year except under exceptional circumstances this may be increased by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Council.
(6)   Every January a complete list of donations/sponsorships will be sent to all Locals. (whom, city and the amount).
(7)   All donations/sponsorships cheques will be made out to the organization, team, and individual etc. for whom the amount was approved.
(8)   A minimum of two thousand dollars ($2000) of the line item Donations/Sponsorships be allocated to Strike Appeals and Holiday Relief Funds.
(9) If less than the $2000 has been spent or allocated as of December 1st, that the balance be available to other types of Donation/Sponsorships at the December Executive Council meeting.

Adopted June 2003
Amended September 2009

  • Recorded vote 26.  MOTION CARRIED.

Recommendation No.  33

That the following resolutions passed at the September 2006 and September 2013 Executive Council meetings become new Regulation 24.10 International Children’s Awareness(ICA)

International Children’s Awareness (ICA)

Be it resolved that UTE:

  • Create a line item in our budget for the “ICA International Fund” ~$10,000 including promotional items
  • Make an annual donation of $500 to ICA
  • Advise our members to use the United Way to direct some or all of their donation to ICA
  • Sponsor a student who wants to go with Captain Smith to Africa. This would be approximately $5000 and the Honours and Awards Committee would solicit names and pick the person
  • Subsidize a member with $2500 to go with Captain Smith to Africa
  • Develop a joint promotional item(s) with ICA and a portion of the sales would go to ICA


Be it resolved that when, in a given year, there is no student to go to Africa with the ICA, that the UTE provide the ICA with the sum of roughly $5,000.00 (Such as the current resolution); and

Be it further resolved that when, in a given year, there is no member to go to Africa with the ICA, that the UTE provide the ICA with the sum of roughly $2,500.00 (Such as the current resolution).

Proposed New Regulation 24.10

24.10 ICA Sponsorship and Subsidy

Each year the Union of Taxation Employees sponsors a student and subsidizes a member in good standing to travel to Africa with the International Children’s Awareness (ICA).  ICA focuses on holistic development in Cameroon including projects such as bringing fresh water to villages, building schools and health clinics.  The trip is usually in February.

24.10.1 Student Sponsorship

(1) The sponsorship will be awarded to a student 18 years of age or older who is enrolled in post-secondary education.

(2) The sponsorship will cover all costs associated with their travel to Africa.  These costs shall include; the cost of travel, obtaining Visas, vaccinations, accommodations and per diems en route and any other related costs.

24.10.2 Member Subsidy

(1) The subsidy will be awarded to a member of UTE in good standing who is 18 years of age or older.

(2) The subsidy will cover all costs associated with their travel to Africa to a maximum of $2500.  These costs shall include; the cost of travel, obtaining Visas, vaccinations, accommodations and per diems en route and any other related costs.

24.10.3 Guidelines and Requirements

(1) The applicants must:

(a) have an up to date passport.
(b) have received all of the required inoculations prior to leaving for Africa.
(c) sign a waiver with the Union of Taxation Employees, exempting the Union of any liability for accidents or injuries that may occur.
(d) complete any paperwork that is required by ICA.
(e) submit an application including their name and contact information and be sent to the Honours and Awards Committee by September 15th, accompanied by a 400 to 700 words essay or an audio or video submission no longer than 4 minutes, on why you would like to be a part of the ICA team to Africa and the International Children’s Awareness projects.

(2) Preference shall be given to members or students who have never been on this trip.

24.10.4 Annual Donations and Donation Reminder

(1) UTE will make an annual donation to ICA in the amount equal to the rebate UTE receives from the Bank of Montreal Affinity Program.

(2) If in a given year, no student is selected to go to Africa with ICA, UTE will donate an additional $5000 to ICA

(3) If in a given year, no member is selected to go to Africa with ICA, UTE will donate an additional $2500 to ICA

(4) UTE will annually remind its membership to consider a donation to ICA as part of the annual Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC).

  • Recorded vote 27.  MOTION CARRIED.


The Council members discussed the items under this section.

The meeting recessed at 5:00 p.m.



The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with President Campbell in the Chair.  All Council members were attending.


m/s  Gary Esslinger / Sabri Khayat

Recommendation No.  34

Resolution of Record # 30 UTE Life Members Invited to UTE Conventions be incorporated into Regulation 24.5 Life Membership  and the resolution of record be deleted from Appendix A.

WHEREAS UTE has chosen to recognise members over the years that have shown leadership and dedication to the union, by bestowing a Life Membership. (as per Regulation 24.5); and

WHEREAS it is important for the Union to draw on this experience and knowledge during our National Conventions; and

Whereas it is important to remember this history; and
WHEREAS it is stated in our Regulations. 24.5 LIFE MEMBERSHIP

(4) Nominees must have: (a) demonstrated their commitment to achieving the aims and objectives of UTE; (b) accumulated service at the Local and National level of UTE for a minimum of fifteen (15) years; and (c) exhibited exemplary service at the Local and national level of UTE.)

Definition of Exemplary Service :(1) outstanding; (2) serving as an example; (3) admirable, commendable, ideal model, praiseworthy or exceptionable.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Union of Taxation Employees invite all UTE Life Members to our conventions starting in July of 2011, and for those that wish to attend that all of their expenses be paid by regulations as if they were a delegate.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all the UTE Life members be recognized in some manner at the convention.

Current Regulation 24.5

(1) The award shall be a suitably inscribed plaque.
(2) Members shall have all the rights as described in By-Law 3, Section 3.
(3) Members shall be entitled to a UTE ring or an engraved UTE watch.
(4) Nominees must have:

(a) demonstrated their commitment to achieving the aims and objectives of UTE;
(b) accumulated service at the Local and National level of UTE for a minimum of fifteen (15) years; and
(c)  exhibited exemplary service at the Local and national level of UTE.

i)  Definition of Exemplary Service:

(1) outstanding;
(2) serving as an example;
(3) admirable, commendable, ideal model, praiseworthy or exceptionable.

ii)   Examples of Exemplary Service:

(1) Founder and organizer of the 1st UTE National UTE Women's Conference;
(2) Founder and organizer of the 1st UTE National EO Conference;
(3) Organizer of a foundation for Unions to help street kids and homeless people;
(4) Organizer of a foundation of for Unions to help members who have been terminated from D.I. and are no longer able to work.

Proposed Regulation 24.5


(1) The award shall be a suitably inscribed plaque.
(2) Members shall have all the rights as described in By-Law 3, Section 3.
(3) Members shall be entitled to a UTE ring or an engraved UTE watch.
(4) Members shall be invited to our Convention, and for those that wish to attend, all of their expenses shall be paid in accordance with these By-Laws and Regulations as if they were a delegate.
(5) Members will be recognized in some manner at the Convention.
Nominees must have:

(a) demonstrated their commitment to achieving the aims and objectives of UTE;
(b) accumulated service at the Local and National level of UTE for a minimum   of fifteen (15) years; and
(c)  exhibited exemplary service at the Local and national level of UTE.

i)  Definition of Exemplary Service:

(1) outstanding;
(2) serving as an example;
(3) admirable, commendable, ideal model, praiseworthy or exceptionable.

ii)   Examples of Exemplary Service:

(1) Founder and organizer of the 1st UTE National UTE   Women's Conference;
(2) Founder and organizer of the 1st UTE National EO   Conference;
(3) Organizer of a foundation for Unions to help street kids and   homeless people;
(4) Organizer of a foundation of for Unions to help members who have been terminated from D.I. and are no longer able to work.

m/  Jamie vanSydenborgh /

That the recommendation be referred back to the committee to read: Life Members should be invited to one (1) convention.

Point of order – Doug Gaetz

Brother vanSydenborgh can’t refer a Resolution of Record to the committee.

The point of order was well taken by the President.

m/  Jamie vanSydenborgh /

That the recommendation be tabled.

The motion was lost for lack of a seconder.

  • Recorded vote 28.  MOTION CARRIED.

That the report of the By-Laws Committee be adopted as a whole.

  • Recorded Vote #29.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Doug Gaetz / Gary Esslinger

That the report of the Technological Change Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #30.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Bill Blair / Lorne Roslinski

That the report of the Employee Assistance Program Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #31.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Doug Gaetz / Marc Brière

That the report of the Health & Safety Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #32.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Robin Johnson / Jean-Pierre Fraser

That the report of the EO Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #33.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Jean-Pierre Fraser / Denis Lalancette

That the report of the Honours and Awards Committee be adopted.

m/s  Jean-Pierre Fraser / Robin Johnson

Recommendation #1 :

The committee is making slight changes to Regulation 24.8 to improve the clarity of the instructions.


The Union of Taxation Employees - PSAC
Scholarship Guidelines

The Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) each year offers two (2) two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) National Scholarships, one of which has been named the Diana Gee Scholarship and ten (10) one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) Regional Scholarships (Al Rollins Regional Scholarship, Quebec, Jean Bergeron Montreal Regional Scholarship, National Capital, Greater Toronto, Nick Stein Southwestern Ontario Regional Scholarship, Northern and Eastern Ontario, Prairie, Don Davoren Regional Rocky Mountains Scholarship and Pacific Regions).
If after reviewing the circumstances and agreed to by the National President and the Chairperson of the Honours and Awards Committee, the UTE may defer the awarding of a scholarship of a successful applicant for a period of twelve (12) months. If the scholarship is not awarded after twelve (12) months, an additional scholarship may be awarded for the current year.


All scholarships are available for members in good standing of the UTE (or who at the time of their departure from CRA in the same calendar year were members in good standing of the UTE), their spouse, their common-law spouse (including same sex partners) and/or their children or grandchildren. However, no more than one scholarship will be awarded to the same family in a given year.
For this purpose, children or grandchildren of a UTE member in good standing is defined as follows:

  1. a person of whom the member is the natural parent or grandparent, whether the person was born within or outside marriage;
  2. a person who is wholly dependent on the member for support and of whom the member has immediately or before the person attained the age of nineteen (19) years had, in law or in fact, the custody and control;
  3. a child or grandchild of the member’s spouse or common-law partner; or
  4. an adopted child of the member.


  • Brief statements from two (2) persons with whom you have worked during the past year, containing their general evaluation of your work, your capabilities, your character and performance. These persons could include: teachers, clergy, community service leaders, supervisors etc.;

  • Proof of registration with the name of the University, College or Institute of higher learning you will be attending must be submitted with your application. Attendance shall be verified before the granting of the award;

  • A minimum of five hundred (500) words to a maximum of seven hundred (700) words essay or submission in an audio, visual (painting, drawing, sculpture or photograph), or video format that would express your view. (If your submission is by visual, please provide an explanation of how it meets one of the topics); and

  • Failure to stay within the minimum and maximum word requirement will result in disqualification.

    These are the following topics you may choose from:

    • Labour’s contribution to the community;
    • What you foresee as the role of organized labour in the future or;
    • Topics(s) selected by the UTE Honours and Awards Committee that will be published each March or;
    • What affected you most in the previous year (news, personal, social).

Note: All submissions become the property of the UTE.


If your submission is by visual, please provide an explanation of how it meets one of the topics.


The UTE Honours and Awards Committee will base their selection on the following:

  • Submission by the applicant (details outlined under requirements);
  • Statement pertaining to your program and career plans;
  • Statement of your community involvement; and
  • Statement of your union involvement, that of your spouse or that of your parents.

Preference may be given to people entering their first year of University, College or Institute of higher learning.  However, applicants may be entering years other than their first year.  Attendance must be on a full time basis.

Preference may be given to first time recipients.

An applicant will not be excluded if they do not possess each and every criterion.  The selection criteria will be reviewed as a whole.

The UTE reserves the right to publish a picture of the award winner recipient and the right to withhold the granting of an award if no applicant is deemed to possess the necessary requirements, or for other valid reasons. The UTE Honours and Awards Committee may award a Regional Scholarship outside of a particular region if no applicants from that region are deemed to possess the necessary requirements or there were no applicants from that region.

All documents MUST be supplied with your application, otherwise it will be considered incomplete. Your application MUST be postmarked by no later than June 15th.

Application forms are available from your Local Union Executive, Regional Vice-President, the UTE National Office and at: www.ute-sei.org (the UTE website).

Application forms should be completed on-line at www.ute-sei.org or send by mail at:

The Union of Taxation Employees
Attn: UTE Honours and Awards Committee
233 Gilmour Street Suite 800
Ottawa ON K2P 0P2

  • Recorded Vote #34. MOTION CARRIED.

m/s  Jean-Pierre Fraser / Robin Johnson

Recommendation no. 2 

Be it resolved that Shane O'Brien be awarded the Honorary Membership Award.


m/s  Jean-Pierre Fraser / Robin Johnson

That the report of the Honours and Awards Committee be adopted as a whole.

  • Recorded Vote #36. MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Bill Blair / Doug Gaetz

That the report of the Workforce Adjustment Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #37. MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Jamie vanSydenborgh / Robert Hume

That the report of the Harassment Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #38. MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted.

m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

The Finance Committee recommends the following:

The Committee makes the following recommendations to the Executive Council in regards to the Budget for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017:

Recommendation #1:

Be it resolved that the attached budget be forwarded to the 2014 UTE Triennial National Convention.


m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #2:

Be it resolved that there will be a monthly dues increase in 2015 of $0.35 ($19.00), in 2016 of $0.35 ($19.35), and in 2017 of $0.35 ($19.70). NOTE: this will increase revenue by $107,100 in 2015, $214,200 in 2016, $321,300 in 2017 for a total of $642,600.

  • Recorded Vote #40.  MOTION CARRIED.

At this point, Brother Brière served notice to amend the agenda.

Recess for lunch


The meeting was called back to order at 1:15 with Brother Campbell in the Chair. 


m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #3:

Be it resolved that $15,000 from the line item PSAC National Convention, to be held in 2015, be used for promotional items for all delegates and observers in order to promote UTE's visibility at the Convention.

  • Recorded Vote #41.  MOTION CARRIED.

m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #4:

Be it resolved that the unused portion of the line items Non UTE Union Events, Education - Regional and Education - National be carried over from year to year until 2017.

  • Recorded Vote #42.  MOTION CARRIED.

m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #5:

Be it resolved that in order to attempt to avoid a further dues increase, any and all resolutions resulting in additional costs not considered in the instant budget be funded from the unappropriated surplus up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00).

m/s  Jean-Pierre Fraser / Adam Jackson

That the recommendation #5 be referred back to the committee with instructions to amend the amount to two hundred and fifty dollars ($250,000.00).


  • Recorded Vote #43.  MAIN MOTION CARRIED.

The Committee is making the following recommendations in regards to the upcoming Convention.

m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #6:

Be it resolved that the 2014 UTE Triennial National Convention Per Diem rates be set at $95 per day for weekdays and $120 per day on the weekend.

  • Recorded Vote #44.  MOTION CARRIED.

m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #7:

Be it resolved that the 2014 UTE Triennial National Convention registration fee be $50.00 per person.

  • Recorded Vote #45.  MOTION CARRIED.

The Committee is also making the following recommendations:

m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #8:

Be it resolved that the following line items be approved for overspending for the year 2013:




 2013 BUDGET










Accessibility Fund

Over budget approval






Over budget approval






Over budget approval





Marguerite Stonehouse Scholarship

Over budget approval




  • Recorded Vote #46.  MOTION CARRIED.

m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #9:

Be it resolved that UTE provides a subsidy in the amount of $250.00 to each Local to help them pay, for a period of twelve (12) months, the cost of the data plan used with the electronic tablets which facilitate the access to the UTE e-mail system; and

Be it further resolved that UTE provides an additional subsidy in the amount of $400.00 to the newly created Ottawa East Local 70001 to purchase a tablet in order to offer that Local the same help we proposed last year to all the other Locals to have a better access to the UTE e-mail system; and

Be it further resolved that the Ottawa East Local 70001 must purchase the said equipment and data plan within 45 days of receiving the subsidies. Once purchase is made, Local 70001 must provide within 30 days the receipts to the National office; otherwise, the subsidies shall be recouped by the National Office.

m/s  Bill Blair / Jean-Pierre Fraser

That the recommendation #9 be divided to deal with the first "Be it resolved that" as it stands alone.


Be it resolved that UTE provides a subsidy in the amount of $250.00 to each Local to help them pay, for a period of twelve (12) months, the cost of the data plan used with the electronic tablets which facilitate the access to the UTE e-mail system; and

m/s  Denis Lalancette / Jamie vanSydenborgh

That recommendation #9 be referred to the committee with instructions to add that Locals must provide a proof that they have a data plan as per the original resolution.


  • Recorded Vote #47.  MAIN MOTION CARRIED.

Be it further resolved that UTE provides an additional subsidy in the amount of $400.00 to the newly created Ottawa East Local 70001 to purchase a tablet in order to offer that Local the same help we proposed last year to all the other Locals to have a better access to the UTE e-mail system; and

Be it further resolved that the Ottawa East Local 70001 must purchase the said equipment and data plan within 45 days of receiving the subsidies. Once purchase is made, Local 70001 must provide within 30 days the receipts to the National office; otherwise, the subsidies shall be recouped by the National Office.

m/s  Doug Gaetz / Gary Esslinger

That recommendation #9 be referred back to the committee with instructions to review the underlined and bold wording as follows:

Be it further resolved that UTE provides an additional subsidy in the amount of $400.00 to the newly created Locals to purchase a tablet in order to offer that Local the same help we proposed last year to all the other Locals to have a better access to the UTE e-mail system; and


  • Recorded Vote #48.  MAIN MOTION CARRIED.

m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #10:

Be it resolved that the line item “Computer Expenses” be approved for an over-expenditure up to an amount of $60,000.00 for the year 2014 in order to allow UTE to develop, design and implement a new website to satisfy the many requests received from our activists and members asking for a better and more “user friendly” website.

I would like to thank the members of the Finance Committee for all of their hard work and deliberation in preparing the attached budget and the numerous recommendations.

  • Recorded Vote #49.  MOTION CARRIED.

That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted as a whole.

  • Recorded Vote #50.  MOTION CARRIED.

m/s  Marc Brière / Sabri Khayat

That the agenda be amended to change the hours of session to end the Council business at 8h00 p.m. on Wednesday.

m/s  Jamie vanSydenborgh / Adam Jackson

That the amendment be amended to end the session at 7h00 p.m.




m/s  Lorne Roslinski / Sabri Khayat

That the report of the Communications Committee be adopted.

m/s  Lorne Roslinski / Sabri Khayat

Recommendation #1:

Be it Resolved that the Communication Committee hold a random draw for the feedback from membership on the New Version of the Union News with promotional item(s) to a limit of $250.00.

  • Recorded Vote #51.  MOTION CARRIED.

That the report of the Communications Committee be adopted as a whole.

  • Recorded Vote #52.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Denis Lalancette / Jean-Pierre Fraser

That the report of the Bargaining Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #53.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Adam Jackson / Jamie vanSydenborgh

That the report of the Political Action Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #54.  MOTION CARRIED.

President Campbell turned the Chair to First National Vice-President, Brother Brière.


m/s  Robert Hume / Jamie vanSydenborgh

That the report of the Ad-Hoc Call Centre Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #55.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Sabri Khayat / Doug Gaetz

That the verbal report of the Ad-Hoc UMA and Conflict Resolution Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #56.  MOTION CARRIED.

President Campbell resumed the Chair.


m/s  Doug Gaetz / Bill Blair

That the report of the Ad-Hoc Mental Health Conferences Committee be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #57.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Jamie vanSydenborgh / Gary Esslinger

That the report of the Ad Hoc UTE Structure Committee be adopted.

m/s  Jamie vanSydenborgh / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends that a resolution be forwarded from Executive Council to the 2014 UTE Triennial Convention that reads:

Be It Resolved that the 2nd Vice-President position of UTE be eliminated; and

Be It Further Resolved that all current duties and responsibilities of the 2nd Vice President be reassigned to another Executive Council member; and

Be It Further Resolved that all required changes to the By-Laws and Regulations be made to reflect the elimination of the 2nd Vice-President position.

The Committee would recommend that the current Bargaining Team remain in place until ratification of a collective agreement.

The Committee unanimously supports this recommendation.

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

The next day was devoted to a Facilitated Discussion between the Executive Council and CRA Senior Management.



The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. with President Campbell in the Chair.


m/s  Jamie vanSydenborgh / Gary Esslinger

That the report of the Ad Hoc UTE Structure Committee be adopted.

m/s  Jamie vanSydenborgh / Gary Esslinger

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends that a resolution be forwarded from Executive Council to the 2014 UTE Triennial Convention that reads:

Be It Resolved that the 2nd Vice-President position of UTE be eliminated; and

Be It Further Resolved that all current duties and responsibilities of the 2nd Vice President be reassigned to another Executive Council member; and

Be It Further Resolved that all required changes to the By-Laws and Regulations be made to reflect the elimination of the 2nd Vice-President position.

The Committee would recommend that the current Bargaining Team remain in place until ratification of a collective agreement.

The Committee unanimously supports this recommendation.

  • Recorded Vote #58.  MOTION CARRIED.

Brothers Lalancette and Khayat wished to record their dissidence in the minutes.

President Campbell explained that the UTE protocol is clear on the fact that no Council Members can speak again a resolution that is passed at Council.

Point of Order – Sabri Khayat

I do not agree with the protocol.  As far as I’m concerned, there is no protocol as I speak for my region and if I vote no on a resolution at Council I can speak against and vote no at convention.

Your point is not well taken.

Ruling of the Chair – Bob Campbell

Under the UTE protocol, if a resolution is passed at Council, no Council Members under any circumstances, can speak or vote against it at Convention.

On a show of hands, the Chair was sustained.

m/s  Jamie vanSydenborgh / Bill Blair

Recommendation #2:

The Committee feels strongly that Locals in amalgamated TSOs belong in the same UTE region, in order to ensure the best possible representation and service to the members.  The Committee feels the following realignment of some regions is in order:

  • Move the Trois-Rivières Local from the Québec Region to the Montréal Region;
  • Move the Thunder Bay Local from Northern and Eastern Ontario Region to the Greater Toronto Region;
  • Move the Regina Local from the Prairie Region to the Rocky Mountains Region.

The Committee recommends the following resolution be forwarded from Executive Council to the 2014 UTE Triennial Convention:

Be it Resolved that Regulation 1 be amended in the following manner:

Regulation 1 (2), delete Trois-Rivières;

Regulation 1 (3), add Trois-Rivières;

Regulation 1 (5), delete Thunder Bay;

Regulation 1 (7), add Thunder Bay;

Regulation 1 (8), delete Regina;

Regulation 1 (9), add Regina.

Recorded as opposed: Gary Esslinger

  • The Committee had a fulsome and healthy debate on this issue.
  • The Committee was mandated by the National President in creating the Ad Hoc Structure Committee to review this very issue.
  • This issue was identified as a clear preference of the majority of respondents from the questionnaires received.
  • The majority of the Committee concurred with this recommendation.

m/s  Doug Gaetz /

That the "Be it Resolved that" in recommendation #2 be divided to deal with each local separately.

MOTION LOST for lack of a seconder.

m/s  Bill Blair / Doug Gaetz

That the question be called.


  • Recorded Vote #59.  MAIN MOTION DEFEATED.

That the report of the Ad Hoc UTE Structure Committee be adopted as a whole.

  • Recorded Vote #60.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

That the financial statements of August 30, 2013 be adopted.

  • Recorded Vote #61.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s Marc Brière / Doug Gaetz

That the expense claim over 90 days be accepted.

  • Recorded Vote #62.  MOTION CARRIED.

Brother Campbell turned the Chair to First Vice-President Brother Brière


A discussion took place.

Brother vanSydenborgh was absent with permission.

Brother Campbell resumed the Chair.


m/s  Jean-Pierre Fraser / Bill Blair

WHEREAS Key Industries is an official supplier of the Union of Taxation Employees; and

WHEREAS Key Industries has shown a glaring lack of ethics with a subcontractor; and

WHEREAS Key Industries did not convince the UTE in its apology letter that this would not occur again.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the UTE immediately stop doing business with Key Industries for as long as this company does not demonstrate that any of its products are made in places where respect for employees and their safety are endangered; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the President and 1st NVP of the UTE may authorize resumption of business with this company only if the former are assured that Keys Industries does business with subcontractors where employees’ working conditions and health are respected.

  • Recorded Vote #63.  MOTION DEFEATED.


m/s Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

BE IT RESOLVED THAT we appoint Andrews & Co. as auditor for fiscal year 2013.

  • Recorded Vote #64.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following be the Regional budget allocations for the year 2014.

Total budget amount -  $400,000.00



$  53,474.00


Rocky Mountains


$  35,278.00




$  34,310.00


Greater Toronto


$  29,283.00


Southern & Western Ontario


$  41,228.00


Northern & Eastern Ontario


$  36,310.00


National Capital


$  36,244.00




$  40,448.00




$  39,517.00




$  53,908.00






  • Recorded Vote #65.  MOTION CARRIED.


m/s  Marc Brière / Gary Esslinger

WHEREAS members of the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) have suffered serious consequences, including the reassignment of duties and even job losses, following service cuts announced by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and further cuts in services may occur in the foreseeable future; and

WHEREAS the current Conservative Government has an agenda in which they want to freeze once again the operational budgets of the different ministers and agencies of the federal government for years to come; and

WHEREAS the current Conservative Government has an agenda in which they want to strip the federal public servants of their current benefits, including their pension; and

WHEREAS the current Conservative Government has an agenda in which they want to continue and increase their vicious attacks against the unions; and

WHEREAS it is important that the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) be able to defend the rights and interests of its members with vigor, promptness and on a timely manner by carrying on, among other things, political action and campaigns to denounce cuts in public services; and

WHEREAS the 2012-2013-2014 Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) budget did not contain a line item for “Political action & campaigns”.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT this resolution be forwarded by the Executive Council to the 2014 UTE triennial convention; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a new budget line item called “Political Action & Campaigns” be created starting from the year 2015; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the budget for this new line item be established in the amount of $125,000.00 for each year; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the unused portion of this line item be carried over from year to year until 2017; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Executive Council of the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) authorizes the conducting of campaigns and political action to defend its members’ rights and interests and/or to educate Canadians about the impacts of cuts to public services and the attacks on unions; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the expenses incurred by the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) for conducting particular campaigns and political action be jointly authorized, in accordance with the UTE Guidelines for Funding for Political Action & Campaigns, by the National President and the 1st National Vice-President; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the National President of the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) reports to the Executive Council all expenses incurred for conducting campaigns and political action, at each Council meeting.

  • Recorded Vote #66.  MOTION CARRIED.


In the absence of the mover Brother vanSydenborgh, the Executive Council Members agreed to postponed item 19 until the next day.


WHEREAS a petition containing greater than 25% of affected employees was provided to their home local, that being Local 30024, comprised of names of affected employees who wished to create a new local; and

WHEREAS a vote was supervised by the RVP of the Rocky Mountains Region on November 28, and the results of said vote being 72 in favour, 4 against with 1 spoiled ballot; and
WHEREAS 8 members have put forth their name willing to participate in an interim role until the 1st AGM can be held.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT a new local be created in the Rocky Mountains Region comprised of the members at the Call Centre in Calgary in accordance with the UTE Regulations and By-Laws.

  • Recorded Vote #67.  MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting recessed at 7:30 p.m.



The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with President Campbell in the Chair.

Brother Esslinger was absent with permission.

The Council Members went over the NUMC agenda for the afternoon meeting with the CRA representatives.

The Council Members moved back to its regular session at 10:30 a.m.

Brother Esslinger was attending the meeting.


m/s  Jamie vanSydenborgh / Marc Brière

Union of Taxation Employees Triennial Convention 2014




Host Committee Budget















of Budget

Information Booklets


 $  6,800.00





Gift Bags for Convention Particpants $25.00@400






Office Expenses









Host Committee










2 Rooms at Caesars 5 nights

Nil (To be covered by UTE National)




Wages 2 People for 4 days

Nil (To be covered by UTE National)




Per Diem



Nil (To be covered by UTE National)



Door Tilers 8 People

*** All costs relating to Door Tilers covered by UTE National***



Opening Ceremonies


















Honorarium for Aboriginal
Speaker Opening and Closing






Fun Night July 16th










Bus Transportation
4 school buses for 48 persons



























Expense Meal and show

















DJ and Equipment







Formal Night Thursday July 17th


















DJ and Equipment


Nil (To be covered by UTE National)








 $  34,275.00




  • Recorded Vote #68.  MOTION CARRIED.

Brother Bill Blair was absent with permission.


The Council Members went over some of the discussion items.  The following items were referred to the next meeting of the Executive Council in March 2014.

  • Hospitality Suite (R. Johnson)
  • Committees – Work, Mandate and Vision (B. Campbell)
  • Communications & Negotiations (D. Lalancette)
  • Hours of work and compressed work week (G. Esslinger)
  • Common Front Labour (J.-P. Fraser)
  • Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (B. Campbell)
  • Resolutions of Record (G. Esslinger)

m/s  Robert Hume / Robin Johnson

That the ballots for the votes to create a new local in the Rocky Mountains region be destroyed.


The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

______________________    ______________________   
Bob Campbell
National President
Marc Brière
First National Vice-President