Minutes of the Finance Committee

Finance Committee
Minutes of the Finance Committee
June 1, 2012

IN ATTENDANCE:  Bob Campbell – Chair, Annette Melanson – Executive Assistant to the President, Gary Esslinger - RVP-Prairies, Doug Gaetz – RVP-Atlantic, Robert Hume – Presidents’ Representative –Vancouver-20027 and Monique Desrosiers – staff.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.  Doug Gaetz provided the agenda with the items listed below.

1. Review of Minutes – March 13, 2012

The committee reviewed the minutes of March 13, 2012.  The committee added the Donation Form Implementation to this meeting’s agenda.

2. Review of Financial Statements at April 30, 2012

The committee reviewed and discussed the April 2012 Financial Statements.  The line item over expenditures were also reviewed and discussed; line items with potential over expenditures will be monitored.

3. Bank of Nova Scotia to CIBC Bank Account Transition

The committee reviewed the progress of the transition of the bank account.  Both accounts will be operating by the end of June and active for the transition period.

4. Scotia Cassels to Wood Gundy Investments Transition

Howard Greenberg of Wood Gundy presented an investment portfolio proposal for UTE.  The committee rewiewed and discussed the UTE investments and recommends that we transfer the holdings to Wood Gundy  in the near future. 

5. Kingston and Belleville Travel Grants vs Mileage

The committee reviewed and discussed the Travel Grant vs Mileage current practice for Kington and Belleville.  The Committee recommended to the President that both Locals receive the Travel Grants as per Regulation 13.5, as of this date.  The President agreed.

6. Travel Grants to Locals – Latitude vs Tango Plus

The Committee reviewed and had a general discussion on the Local Travel Grants structure issued to Locals. The Committee will gather further information and will follow up at the next Finance Committee meeting.

7. Referral from

The Committee reviewed the referral of Recommentation #2 from the UTE March Council and will forward a recommendation to Council.

8. Donations Form

The Committee confirmed that the Donation form reviewed by Council in March 2012 will be implemented and the information will be sent to the Locals.
