Minutes of the National Health and Safety Policy Committee Meeting

Health and Safety Committee
Minutes of the National Health and Safety Policy Committee Meeting
September 11, 2014

DATE:                    September 11, 2014                    TIME: 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

LOCATION:          8th Floor Boardroom, 395 Terminal Avenue, Room 8070


Employer Representatives

Employee Representatives








Diane Lorenzato (Employer Co-Chair)
Mark Quinlan
Claude P. Tremblay
Robert Allen
Josée Lafleur

Brian Pagan Helen Brown

Heather Di Penta

Dan Couture
Susan Fagan
David Walsh
Jeremy Hebert

Omar Saeed

Doug Mason (Employee Co-Chair)
Harry Walker (PIPSC)
Doug Gaetz (UTE)
Debbie Ferguson (UTE)
Marc Brière (UTE)

Simon Ferrand (PIPSC)


Érik Gagné (UTE)


Ms. Diane Lorenzato welcomed everyone to the third National Health and Safety Policy Committee (NHSPC) meeting of 2014. Mr. Doug Mason acknowledged the efforts that are concentrated on policy work and particularly the Safe Work Procedures (SWPs) as this will ensure that employees have the instructions required and that safety is prioritized.

Mr. Doug Gaetz raised concerns regarding the information that had been provided to the NHSPC at the last meeting regarding the deterioration of the Paul Martin Building, in Windsor, Ontario. He provided the NHSPC with a list of questions regarding the remediation process, the disclosure of engineering reports, the lack of stakeholder consultation, and the involvement of the local Work Place Health and Safety Committee (WPHSC). A commitment was made to provide the NHSPC with a response to the concerns presented.

Ms. Lorenzato advised that the problems in Windsor will be reviewed by the Senior Management of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), for the purpose of identifying lessons learned. The list of concerns submitted by Mr. Gaetz will be reviewed and the local WPHSC will be provided with the information requested.  As well, the Committee was advised that an Information Bulletin is being prepared to provide WPHSCs with additional guidance regarding the information exchange between local stakeholders, and the proactive involvement of the committee with situations that impact employee health and safety. Once the Co-Chairs had shared their comments, the NHSPC proceeded with the meeting’s agenda.


The NHSPC reviewed the timeline and milestones associated with the Letter of Direction that the CRA received from Labour Canada regarding the Paul Martin Building, located at 185 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor Ontario. It was confirmed that the PWGSC had also been provided with the same Letter of Direction. As a result of this Direction, the entrances located on 185 Ouellette Avenue and Pitt Street were closed and Danger Tags were placed on these entrances. PWGSC repaired the hoarding around the outside of the building, as recommended. PWGSC further confirmed that these repairs were completed in a building inspection report dated June 27, 2014, which was provided to Labour Canada. In addition to this, PWGSC contracted a masonry expert to evaluate the condition of the building’s exterior on July 21, 2014, and this report was shared with Labour Canada.

Discussions between Labour Canada and PWGSC are ongoing and in the interim, the Letter of Direction has not been lifted, and the doors remain closed. The NHSPC was advised that the fire safety plan for the building was impacted due to the fact that the doors were not to be used, even in the case of an emergency. To address this matter, PWGSC requested a stay of the Direction and it was granted, which allows the doors to be used in the event of an emergency.

The CRA was under the assumption, given that the Letters of Direction were written in the same manner, that the stay of the Direction would apply to both organizations.  However, the tribunal advised that the CRA would need to submit its own request for a stay of the Direction, and given that the time to appeal had elapsed, the Agency would also need to request an extension of the time frame. These applications have been made. The CRA received the extension allowing the Agency to request a stay and appeal. The Agency will work with the Department of Justice on the appeal and stay however; the NHSPC was informed that the CRA’s application may not be heard for some time.

In the interim, employees were moved temporarily, from the older part of the building to the newer section. This move was completed, and Labour Canada was advised on August 6, 2014 that the CRA had complied with the Direction.

Given the timeline for the appeal process and that the temporary situation could not be sustained, the NHSPC was informed that the Agency would move approximately 60 employees to 441 University on the weekend of September 12th.

PWGSC will continue to contract an engineering firm to assess the condition of the building’s exterior on a monthly basis, as a way of monitoring any further deterioration, and addressing areas of concern on a proactive basis. The local health and safety committee, CRA employees, and other tenants in the building have been provided with regular updates by the Responsible Building Authority (RBA).

The CRA is also reviewing lessons learned from this event and the provision of support to local stakeholders, should similar issues arise in the future. As well, the Procedure for Working with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) – Health and Safety Officers will be revised to ensure steps are clearly outlined when AVCs and Directions are issued to the CRA. This procedural update will streamline communication channels and increase awareness within the Agency, for issues such as those reported in Windsor.


The NHSPC was advised that the Corporate Services Division (CSD) name has been changed to Agency Logistics and Administrative Services Division (ALASD) to better reflect the full spectrum of services and functions managed by the division. Specifically ALASD is a functional authority and service provider for services such as records storage, fleet and assets management, mail and general services, warehousing services, knowledge and research program, and material transportation services.

ALASD is moving closer to having a completed powered lift truck (PLT) safety program in place, to address the Multiple Environment Job Hazard Analysis (MEJHA) risk assessments. Purchasing and operations standards and procedures have been developed and will be implemented upon review and approval. These policy instruments are currently being piloted in two locations, Winnipeg and Summerside. Contracting for PLT maintenance and operator training services is proceeding and is anticipated to be in place, in the near future.

In addition to the standards and procedures, ALASD will continue to enhance the PLT safety by producing guidelines, checklists and templates, to assist employees in the interpretation and implementation of the PLT standards and procedures.
This will commence upon completion of the other MEJHA high risk items’ standards and procedures.

ALASD has drafted a loading dock and warehouse standard document. However, due to the fire and life safety, and base building requirements, a collaborative effort from Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Security, Real Property and Service Integration Directorate, and the Administration Directorate, will be required to ensure all hazards are properly addressed.

The elimination and standardization strategy for hazardous substances is continuing. The regional administration teams have reduced the total number of unique products from 306 to 125. Further reduction will be realised once similar items used for the same tasks, can be reduced to one product, based on stakeholder agreement. Product decisions will be based on their hazardous and environmental properties, their requirement for use, as well as their regional availability.

The NHSPC was advised that the process used for the hazardous substances will be duplicated for the other environmental survey items; tools, machinery, and manual material handling equipment.


The NHSPC Working Group met on September 10, 2014 to review the progress that was being made by the CRA Project Team. As part of this collaborative effort, the members have reviewed the data gathering documents, tools and questions that would be posed to regional, local, and union representatives, during the interview process. The feedback was incorporated into the gap analysis tools, with the focus on gathering quality and comprehensive data. In addition, efforts have been made to identify specific individuals, stakeholders, or committees (e.g. Employee Assistance Program) that should be consulted, to ensure a broad spectrum of perspectives are considered.

Over the summer months, the CRA Project Team received training on the Psychological Standard from an external expert with the Workplace Safety and Prevention Services. The training facilitator was an expert recommended by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. The purpose of this training was to ensure the Project Team was well-informed and prepared to conduct the interviews and respond to stakeholder questions or concerns, as information is being collected. The training material has been shared with the Working Group members for reference purposes.

The CRA Project Team also consulted with the Mental Health Commission of Canada in regard to the project plans and gap analysis process. The team was advised that the approach being taken aligned well with the intent of the standard, and the accompanying implementation guide. The Project Team continues to meet regularly so that the project timelines and progress made are closely monitored.

The NHSPC was informed that the Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) has been launched and some of the questions from this survey will be reviewed in support of the gap analysis process. The Working Group will meet again in December 2014, and this topic will be added to the NHSPC meeting agenda, for the first meeting in 2015.


The NHSPC was reminded that the Commissioner had requested that the Audit Evaluation and Risk Branch (AERB) conduct a review of the CRA’s OHS Program. The Commissioner was briefed on the OHS Program Review report and it was then presented to the Management Audit and Evaluation Committee (MAEC) on August 25, 2014. As a result of this presentation to the MAEC, the Agency has formally accepted the results of the report and its recommendations. With the approval from the MAEC, the Audit Committee of the Board of Management will be briefed on the report following which; it will be finalized, published, and shared with the NHSPC.

In the interim, the NHSPC was provided with a copy of the ‘Action Item Summary’ that provides the key findings from the OHS Program Review, as well as the action plan. The Committee was advised that the CRA appears to be meeting its legislated obligations through the OHS Program, and that an oversight framework is in place at the national level.  As well, the associated roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders are clearly defined, documented, and communicated. The report also concluded that communication processes, including feedback mechanisms are in place and that OHS updates are issued to various stakeholders including the NHSPC and the local committees.

The report highlighted opportunities where improvements could be made, with regard to administration, monitoring, and performance measures. By addressing the areas identified, the Agency will be strengthening the internal controls already in place, for the OHS Program. The first recommendation spoke to the timeliness in delivering training to new WPHSC members. This was noted, as some new local committee members had to wait a year to receive their training. The NHSPC was reminded that training for local committees is being completely redesigned and it will have an e-learning component. This will be beneficial because new committee members will be able to begin their training as soon as they are appointed. The timelines associated with the training design were shared with AERB and this action item was included in the report.

The second recommendation related to the effectiveness of the workplace inspections conducted by the local committees and specifically that a standardized procedure, guide and checklists would further support this legislated requirement. The NHSPC had already identified the need for standardization and as a result, the Work Place Inspection Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Guide and associated checklists, have been created and communicated to all local committees. As such, this action item has been completed.

The third recommendation highlighted the need for additional focus on the higher risk work areas, in terms of monitoring activities. It was relayed to AERB that in response to a request from the Commissioner, a detailed MEJHA Action Plan was developed to support the implementation of corrective actions. Within this report, high risk items were clearly identified.  The NHSPC as well as the MEJHA Working Group have prioritized the corrective actions that relate to the high risk work areas. As discussed, documents and processes related to such topics as hazardous products and forklifts are being addressed on an urgent basis. In addition, the T4009 (Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report) on-line form was modified to include a drop-down menu containing the high risk areas identified in the Job Hazard Analysis. This modification was completed so that correlations can be made between hazardous occurrences, high risk work areas, and job categories.

The reporting and subsequent analysis will be used as part of the on-going monitoring of occupational injuries and illnesses.  Although this action item was considered completed, the NHSPC will continue to focus on these work areas as part of its prevention strategy.

Finally, for many years the Agency has relied on data drawn from Labour Canada’s database in regard to its accident history and trends. This database does not provide the CRA with sufficient data to relate accidents to the work environment which prevents the NHSPC from completing an in-depth analysis. The OHS Program Review recommended that this issue should be raised with Labour Canada. Meetings have been held with Labour Canada representatives and they have agreed to take this feedback as benchmarking data for program changes that are being considered. Although this action item has been completed, the CRA will continue to consult with Labour Canada on this topic, and ensure further developments or plans are reviewed.

The OHS Program Review reflected the positive changes that the NHSPC has promoted over the years, as well as the efforts focused on the continuous improvement of the OHS Program. The Committee agreed to maintain its focus on the high risk work areas and continue monitoring efforts, as changes are implemented. This will allow the Committee to remain proactive and review the impact of changes to the OHS Program and make adjustments when required.


The NHSPC was informed that Royal Assent had been provided for the changes to the Canada Labour Code, Part II as a result of the Economic Action Plan and they will be effective October 31, 2014. One of the main impacts to Federal employers is the reinforcement of the Internal Responsibility System (IRS). This means that health and safety concerns or issues that are raised by employees or WPHSCs will need to be addressed internally. The Agency will not be able to, as easily, rely on Labour Canada to resolve matters that are under discussion or in dispute.

Labour Canada has advised that cases must follow the Internal Complaint Resolution Process before a Health and Safety Officer would be assigned to the file. If after following this process the complaint is unresolved and Labour Canada is contacted, it may request that the CRA discuss the matter further to resolve the issue internally.

In addition to this, Labour Canada will require Federal Employers to ensure that they are documenting discussions and decisions. It is expected that new forms will be introduced to support the additional documentation requirements. When new forms are published by Labour Canada, the links will be provided through the national OHS web site and the local committees will be notified. As well, the NHSPC was advised that Labour Canada’s Health and Safety Officers will continue in their role however, their role and responsibilities are likely to undergo some changes.

Fortunately, the NHSPC has been proactively taking measures in support of improving local committee effectiveness, so they will be better positioned to adjust to the IRS reinforcement. The NHSPC’s leadership will highlight the importance of WPHSC members attempting to reach a consensus, and  documenting their efforts.

The next WPHSC Newsletter is a “special edition” as the content will be more comprehensive and will highlight the changes to the Canada Labour Code (CLC), Part II. The article will reinforce the important role local committees play in terms of addressing OHS matters, in the work place. The NHSPC will be provided with a draft of the WPHSC Newsletter for review and input.

In addition to this, messaging from the NHSPC to management representatives will be issued to reinforce their role in regard to the prevention of hazards, and the investigation and resolution of OHS issues or concerns.

Finally, once the Agency has reviewed the final changes to the CLC, Part II and received additional program direction from Labour Canada, especially in regard to the role of the Labour Canada Health and Safety Officer, the OHS policy instruments will be reviewed and the wording will be revised where required.


The NHSPC was provided with an update on the following Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) initiatives:

OHS Services Agreement
The final draft of the OHS Services Agreement was shared with the Agency Management Committee (AMC) on August 20, 2014 and received its support and endorsement. Previously, the document was shared with the NHSPC to confirm the approach taken and raise awareness regarding the agreement. The OHS Services Agreement will be signed by AMC signatories, following which it will be posted on InfoZone and communicated.

Ergonomic Strategy
The Office Ergonomic SOP received final approval on July 17, 2014, and is now posted on InfoZone. A national communiqué was issued to announce the new SOP and to encourage employees to learn their roles and responsibilities.

As well, targeted messages were sent to local committees, health and safety representatives, and Ergonomic Coaches, as part of an educational campaign. The NHSPC was advised that the Ergonomics web page is being re-formatted and new information will be added to support the new SOP.

Improvements have also been made to the Ergonomic Coach Checklist and webinars will be scheduled to provide the required instruction to the Ergonomic Coaches via webinar at various sessions during the fall.

In July 2014, the KnowHow multi-media segment, titled, ‘Ergonomics: Find the Right Fit’, was made available on InfoZone to increase employee awareness of office ergonomics and the importance of making adjustments to their workstation.

The NHSPC was advised that August 2014 was the mid-year mark for the implementation of the online T4009 forms. At the last Committee meeting a commitment was made to provide the initial data extract for the accident and potential hazard report. The NHSPC acknowledged the value of this data and that some interesting trends are evident that will require further analysis before forming any conclusions. It was noted that there are a few system and category refinements that will be required to provide clarification, and avoid a large number of items categorized as “Other”. Further review and consultation will occur that may result in additional updates to the T4009 on-line form.

Policy Instruments
The NHSPC Working Group was held on September 10, 2014, to continue the review and revision of the policy instruments. During this meeting, the discussions focused on the following SOPs:

Environmental Conditions

The draft Environmental Conditions SOP was validated by the Working Group and the regions. It has been determined that this SOP is to be owned by the Finance and Administration Branch (FAB), and that the existing Use and Occupancy of Buildings Policy will proceed towards revocation.

Powered Lift Trucks

FAB in consultation with the National OHS Section has developed the Powered Lift Truck Purchasing, Maintenance and Training Standard, the Powered Lift Truck SOP and the 15 SWPs related to their operation. These documents were shared with the MEJHA Working Group and the NHSPC Working Group for review and comment. Feedback from FAB regional representatives will be received by mid-September.

Manual Material Handling

In consultation with FAB, the National OHS Section has developed the Manual Material Handling Equipment SOP, and its 6 related SWPs. These documents were shared with the MEJHA Working Group on August 25th, and with the NHSPC Working Group, following which the required approval will be sought.

Tools and Machinery

The National OHS Section has also developed, with contributions from FAB, the Tools and Machinery SOP and its SWPs. These documents will be provided to the MEJHA and NHSPC Working Group for consultation, in the near future.

Loading Dock Safety

FAB in consultation with the National OHS Section has developed the Loading Dock Safety SOP, which will be shared with the NHSPC Policy Review and MEJHA Working Groups, for their feedback.

Driving Safety

The National OHS Section has developed the Driving Safety SOP and Guide, which will soon be ready to share with the two Working Groups.

Personal Protective Equipment

The National OHS Section has developed the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Clothing SOP, and the PPE Selection Guide, in order to help managers in the selection, use, and maintenance of PPE. The documents were shared with the two Working Groups for feedback.

Finally, the NHSPC Working Group has initiated discussions regarding the Hazardous Substances Policy, the PPE and Clothing Policy, and the Work Place Committee and Health and Safety Representative Policy.


7. JOB HAZARD ANALYSES (For Field Employees/Multiple Environment)

Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) for Field Employees

The NHSPC was informed that feedback from the pilot of the Health and Safety Awareness for Field Employees course has been incorporated and the final learning product was subsequently sent for translation. A communication plan is under development to prepare for the launch of the course in the fall.

The integration of OHS with the Integras – Case system project has shifted. FAB has taken the lead on assessing employee risks associated with field work. This approach has been undertaken to ensure any measures implemented, protect all field employees. The Emergency and Incident Management Division (EIMD) is well structured to approach this topic from various perspectives. EIMD is currently conducting additional research in consultation with the National OHS Section to ensure any new information collected is considered. The NHSPC will be updated as the project progresses.

Multiple Environment Job Hazard Analysis (MEJHA)

The MEJHA Working Group had a meeting on June 16, 2014, to discuss updates for the Working Plan 2014-2015, and the priorities on the development and implementation of the SOPs and SWPs. The Branches completed their respective SWPs and these documents were shared with the Working Group for consultation, following which they were finalized. The SWPs were used to create the relevant SOPs which will help identify, assess, and address the hazards.

The NHSPC was also provided with updates on other MEJHA action items:

The Information Technology Branch (ITB) in consultation with Human Resources Branch, has completed the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Traffic Border Lane SOP and the relevant SWPs. The next steps will be the approval of the SOP by the ITB Assistant Commissioner, followed by ITB communication and training plans.

The MEJHA Working Group met September 10, 2014 and discussed training, PPE and signage to reinforce the requirement for Branches to implement the necessary measures outlined in the SOPs and SWPs. This step is to be completed by March 2015.

In July 2014, an update was provided to the Human Resources Committee (HRC) and to the Agency Management Committee (AMC) in August 2014, of the actions being taken to address high risk areas, such as warehouses and mailrooms, and the development of all the SOPs and SWPs to support these work environments.

A review is being undertaken of all hazardous substances used by employees in the course of their work. A database of all the products approved for use within the Agency, will be developed and posted on the National OHS Website. As well, employees from the Public Affairs Branch (PAB) and FAB who use these products were required to complete the Health and Safety for Employees e-learning course (TD-1599-001) by July 31, 2014, as it contains WHMIS training. It was confirmed that this requirement has been met.


Committee Scorecard
The results of the 2013 Year-End Scorecard were shared with the regions on August 1, 2014. Following this, a joint message from the NHPSC Co-Chairs was sent to AMC highlighting the improved result however, there is additional work that must be done. To this end, the NHSPC has established a Working Group that will meet on September 22, 2014, to identify new communication strategies that will ensure legislated compliance is prioritized, with a focus on work place inspections.

Work Place Inspection Procedure and Guide
The new Work Place Inspection SOP was approved and it was sent to the local committees and representatives on August 11, 2014. As part of the promotional campaign, a news slider was published on InfoZone to introduce the SOP and the accompanying Guide as well, these documents were highlighted in the July newsletter.

Work Place Committee Training Initiative
The National OHS Team has received additional support from the Prairie Region to facilitate the progress on the redesign of the committee training product.

Mr. Scott Siemens has been appointed to the NHSPC Working Group and will contribute his OHS expertise, with a focus on the update to the classroom portion of the committee training.

Committee Newsletter
The content of the WPHSC newsletters has expanded, which reflects the elevated OHS profile of the committees. A recurring theme in the newsletters is the importance of local committees complying with their legislated responsibilities for meetings (at least 9 per year) and monthly work place inspections.

The summer edition was published in July 2014, and a ‘special’ fall edition will be released in October that will cover a variety of topics. The newsletter will review the various policy instruments being created or updated, along with a description of SOPs and SWPs and the changes to the CanadaLabour Code, Part II.

Committee Representation
At the last NHSPC meeting the Committee was advised by Ms. Sylvie McCartney with the Emergency and Incident Management Division (EIMD) that it has documented that a Responsible Building Authority (RBA) is not allowed to assume the Co-Chair position of a local committee. The rationale for this decision is to avoid a conflict or role confusion should an emergency event occur. As well, the NHSPC was advised that only in exceptional circumstances, would a senior management representative (Director) sit on the local committee. This is with the understanding that it could impact the committee reaching consensus, or influence the submission of a recommendation by the committee. The NHSPC Policy Review Working Group has had preliminary discussions regarding committee membership and it was agreed any related issues would be addressed within that forum.

In December 2013, the Employee representatives raised concerns about communications between FAB/Security personnel and WPHSC’s. It was agreed the NHSPC should review and adopt a communications’ strategy aimed at addressing anomalies experienced and that  this topic would be added to the forward agenda of the NHSPC. The NHSPC was advised that efforts are underway to reinforce the importance of sharing information between local stakeholders (PWGSC, Real Property and Service Integration Directorate and WPHSCs). A communication strategy is under development as well as an Information Bulletin, to support an integrated approach to local health and safety issues.


The NHSPC was provided with an update on the validation of the ITB’s list of CBSA/CRA co-locations. It was confirmed that there are 25 CBSA locations identified where there are permanently assigned CRA (ITB) employees. There are 22 offices with dedicated CRA employees, and 3 others where CRA employees report on a rotational basis. All other CBSA offices are served on an- as-needed basis, or they are offices co-located with the CRA.  It was confirmed that ITB and union representatives will need to appoint Health and Safety Representatives to each identified location. The National OHS Section will monitor this undertaking, ensure training is provided, and update the Committee at the December meeting.

The Committee was advised that some of the identified locations may change. As part of the monitoring activities, changes at these locations vis-à-vis the requirement for an OHS representative will be reviewed.


The following Written Updates were provided to the Committee:

OHS Training Report

The NHSPC agreed that the OHS training numbers would be consolidated using a new reporting system. The training data is collected centrally by the Strategic Business Integration Directorate, and the monthly demographic profile is produced by the Demographics and Workforce Analysis Section. The information from both sources was extracted for this report on August 12, 2014.

A trend analysis was provided to depict the quarterly training numbers, and allow the NHSPC to track the historical results for the various OHS training products. The NHSPC reviewed various communication approaches and action plans, to target specific regions that would reinforce the legislated requirement for OHS training. There will be an additional focus on managers who require the training.

Statistics for Health and Safety Training:
As of August 12, 2014, 693 managers and 1,252 employees require Health and Safety training. The latest training statistics confirm that nationally 97% of employees have been trained, and a significant reduction was noted in the Pacific and Prairie Regions. In the Pacific Region, there was a remarkable 84% decrease in untrained employees as a result of a campaign that was launched to promote OHS training. The other regions are continuing their focus on training and the statistics for this quarter have remained stable.

The August statistics for OHS manager training have slightly increased nationally. At a national level, 88% of managers are trained. In the Pacific Region, there has been substantial improvement as the number of untrained managers has decreased by 57%. The increase in untrained managers in the other regions may be explained by resource realignments and temporary acting assignments, to cover absences during the summer.

Work Place Violence Prevention Training:
At a national level, the number of employees not trained in Workplace Violence Prevention continues to improve. There are 92% of employees nationally who are trained in this course. Since April 2014, the Pacific Region has significantly reduced the number of untrained employees by 66%. The Prairie Region also had a considerable decline in untrained employees, with a reduction of nearly 30%. The statistics have confirmed that there is a consistent improvement on a quarterly basis, with the number of employees who have completed the Workplace Violence Prevention training.

The National OHS Section has distributed regional statistics and training will continue to be monitored.

Occupational Health and Safety Communication Plan

The Committee was provided with an update for the national OHS Communication Plan for 2014-2015. A variety of OHS messaging has been issued from July to August 2014, beginning with the update to the WPHSC Terms of Reference, the Office Ergonomic SOP, and the Work Place Inspection SOP/Guide, as well as the summer edition of the WPHSC Newsletter. This communication campaign promotes OHS awareness and supports the Agency’s OHS Program.

Quarterly Security Incident Reports

The Employee Co-Chair was provided with the Quarterly Security Incident Reports for April to June 2014. These reports were sent to regional OHS representatives, and distributed to the WPHSCs for validation purposes. The Employee Representatives recognized that the Quarterly Report had been updated to include additional detail for security incidents involving police intervention.

The NHSPC requested that EIMD review their database for an event in the Atlantic Region that did not appear to have been captured in a prior report. EIMD will complete this review and update the NHSPC accordingly


At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Mason raised a number of topics that should be included on the NHSPC’s Forward Agenda, such as the ‘Health Risks associated with Sitting for extended periods of time’, the possible role the NHSPC may have in supporting the ‘Injury and Illness Policy’ and ‘Prescription
Medication and Employee Safety’. As well, the Employee Representatives would like to discuss their concerns regarding ‘Asbestos’ being introduced into CRA facilities.  Mr. Mason then took the opportunity to acknowledge the exemplary work completed by the National OHS Section, to support the NHSPC’s priorities and the associated Working Groups. In particular, the NHSPC wished to thank Hélène Grandmaître for her leadership with the Psychological Health and Safety Standard. This acknowledgement was offered in response to her notice of retirement, in early 2015.

The NHSPC members indicated that the meeting had been productive and the participants were thanked for their valuable contributions. It was confirmed that the next NHSPC meeting would be held on December 4, 2014.

Diane Lorenzato Employer Co-Chair
National Health and Safety Policy Committee


Doug Mason Employee Co-Chair
National Health and Safety Policy Committee


