Minutes of the Workforce Adjustment Committee

Workforce Adjustment Committee
Minutes of the Workforce Adjustment Committee
October 2, 2013

In attendance: Bill Blair Chairperson
Robert Hume Co-Chairperson
Hicham Youssfi TSO Presidents’ Representative
Sylvie Lahaie TC Presidents’ Representative
Annette Melanson, Executive Assistant to the National President

1. Review of the previous minutes

The Committee reviewed both the Committee’s previous minutes and the minutes of the joint Committee meeting from March 18, 2013.

2. Review Agenda for the afternoon Joint Committee meeting

The agenda items are:

  • Combined Affected Employee and / or Preferred Status list
  • National Updates

1) Combined Affected Employee and/or Preferred Status list

There are currently 249 members in affected and/or preferred status. The following is a breakdown per region:
Atlantic 25 members
Quebec 17 members
Ontario 82 members
Head Office 59 members
Prairies 47 members
Pacific 19 members
The RVP’s will be sent a copy of the Regional list. (Note: The National list is broken down per region and not per office as in the past. Thus, the regional breakdown is per the employer’s regions.)

2) National Updates

UTE will be seeking an update as to the status and number of members left on the affected list, in particular, the several entries on the list that refer to employees on sick leave; several entries that have no comments in the comments section; and what is the nature of the “Analysis” in several entries that state “Analysis for possible GRJO/RJO.”

3. Roundtable

  • Staffing Issue Raised at the Recent Presidents’ Conference

Brother Youssfi raised the issue discussed at last weekend’s Presidents’ Conference, whereby some staffing processes are being opened to only indeterminate members, with the rationale given that staffing authorities are trying to respect the WFA Appendix. After discussion, the Committee felt that it would like the issue referred to Brother MacDonald for clarification. Pending the nature of that requested clarity, possibly the matter could be referred onto the Staffing Committee to discuss with the Employer why they are not simply making WFA affected status as a preference for placement, rather than restricting the entire process at the outset.