Gary Esslinger
The By-Law Committee reviewed all changes to the By-Laws and Regulations for which specific wording was passed at convention. All of these changes have been incorporated into the current By-Laws and Regulations. There were three resolutions where regulations had to either be amended or new regulations proposed. Following are the recommendations of the By-Law Committee for consideration by Executive Council for incorporation into our current regulations.
Regulation 2.4 (New) Division of Funds
The funds on deposit of the existing Local shall be divided on a pro-rata share based on the number of members going to the new Local from the existing local.
The amount of funds on deposit will be determined by the Regional Vice-President responsible for the existing Local, in consultation with the existing Local President.
The month in which the Executive Council approves the establishment of the new Local is the month in which the amount of funds on deposit will be considered for distribution to the new Local.
Regulation 7.3.7 (New)
- (a) When planning a Regional or Inter-regional conference that includes a training element or module not listed as an approved course as shown above. The RVP will meet the requirement to access their regional education funds if approved by the President.
(b)The RVP requesting approval for training not listed above must provide information to the President, including but not limited to the following: Overview of the training to be provided, Length of the module and Subject Matter before the approval can be granted.
Regulation 13.6 (New) Local Observer Stipend for Presidents Conference
Notwithstanding By-Law 8 Section 1 (1) (j), a Local that brings an observer to a Presidents’ Conference will, upon completion of the required documentation, be entitled to one (1) observer stipend of up to the lesser of either $500 or the actual expenses incurred. In the event that locals send additional observers this will not be considered in the calculation of expenses incurred.
The above mentioned expense claim must be accompanied by all required documentation and/or receipts and be received by the National Office within thirty (30) days of the close of business of the Presidents’ Conference.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Esslinger
Chair of the Committee