Report of the Communications Committee

Communications Committee
Report of the Communications Committee
September 2013

Lorne Roslinski

The Communications Committee met twice this quarter.  First we meet on June 10-12, 2013 to work on videos to communicate with our members and hopefully get more coverage within our country.  During the meeting we created our second clip and also worked on ideas and basic scripts for other videos. The committee would like to encourage all UTE activists to visit the videos and then share them via Facebook and Twitter to their social network.

Our second meeting was on August 18-22, 2013. The committee published the next issue of the Union News and discussed the required updates and amendments of the UTE Achievements and the Owner’s Manual. The Committee was asked to make the immediate corrections so a supply could be printed for any urgent needs of locals.  During open discussion, I would like to discuss options that our committee would like to implement to refresh and communicate to our new members.

Our committee plans to meet next on November 4-6, 2013.

Respectfully submitted,

Lorne Roslinski,
Chair of the Committee