Report of the Union Management Approach (UMA) Committee

Union Management Approach (UMA) Committee
Report of the Union Management Approach (UMA) Committee
December 2022

Andria Cullen

A meeting was held on October 31, 2022, with management.

During that meeting we discussed the transition plan regarding in-person discussions potentially happening in the future.

Mentions were made about union consultation at every level being important.

Confirmed Terms of Reference were signed, meeting twice a year unless otherwise required.

UMA 103 status: The employer agreed that there are certain aspects that should remain in person vs. hybrid/virtual similarly to different training requirements. Vision moving forward with a hybrid work environment at the agency, ways to have quick and efficient discussions virtually but also, there is a need to meet in person and we need to be strategic with how we address those needs moving forward, similar to training. What is and isn’t beneficial.

I raised my concerns regarding having the current product virtual for 103 and people calling-it-in, this product is about engaging union and management together to have open and frank dialogue. We have had significant changes at the local, regional and national level and there is a significant need for this training.

Management mentioned challenges regarding distance and location, comfort in going into the office, providing maximum flexibility, H&S concerns, that this product was a mandatory course initially and ensuring that anyone who wants to take the course can within their limits. Concerns regarding access to this course and holding off when we have new management. UMA 103 would need to review with a hybrid lens in mind.

To review 103 again and provide statistics about in-person training taking place currently. Also, need to rebuild the list of coordinators/facilitators.

UMA 102 - New Course: Introduction to Negotiation, launched June 2022 1.5 -hour self paced course, provides strategies and tips.

UMA 102 – W016 The Many Approaches to Facing Workplace Conflict & W022 Facing and Resolving Conflict in the Workplace were discontinued with CSPS. Replacing those training courses will be Conflict Management Course: Powerful Conversation and Conflict Resolution with agreement. Further discussion forthcoming.

Respectfully submitted,

Andria Cullen
Chair of the Committee