Report of the By-Laws Committee

By-Laws Committee
Report of the By-Laws Committee
December 2021

Jérôme Martel

The By-Laws Committee reviewed all changes to the By-Laws and Regulations for which specific wording was passed at convention. All of these changes have been incorporated into the current By-Laws and Regulations.

Three resolutions that required the regulations to be changed or new ones proposed were also passed.

The By-Laws Committee recommends to the Executive Council the following changes to be included in the existing by-laws.

The committee received the changes suggested by the Administrative Assistant to the National President, and we agree with the suggested changes.

After reviewing the changes, we suggest the following change (included in the attached recommendation) further to the passing of resolution 410 at the convention.

I would like to thank my committee, my technical advisor, and the Administrative Assistant to the National President for all the work that was done.


Further to the passing of resolution 410 at the UTE Convention 2021, which reads as follows: “BE IT RESOLVED THAT UTE National fund the cost of a region’s Alternate RVP attending all regional meetings and Presidents’ Conferences to which they are not already delegates”

Be it resolved that Regulation 9 be amended as follows:

New: (6) may attend all regional meetings and Presidents’ Conferences to which they are not already delegates;

Renumber former paragraph 6 to 7 and former paragraph 7 to 8.

Respectfully submitted,

Jérôme Martel
Chair of the Committee