President's Follow Up Items - Executive Council

President's Follow Up Items - Executive Council
December 2020

We can finally close the loop on the following issue:

  • Shortfall of our Locals for the period of March 2016 to October 2018.

According to PSAC's Director of Finance, for any members transferred to UnionWare before November 2018, the Locals have all been paid. It was the PSAC that suffered the loss.

It is very important to remind the Locals that it is their responsibility to reconcile their lists with PSAC and to report any discrepancies to us.


Our Locals will now be able to hold their AGMs virtually until restrictions imposed by public health authorities are lifted.

After contacting various service providers and conducting an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the various platforms available on the market, we finally selected the Zoom application. This application will allow Locals to conduct votes by show of hands as well as secret ballots during elections for local executive officers. It was essential that the chosen platform be able to guarantee confidentiality during the votes related to the elections. There is no doubt that the Zoom platform meets all our needs.

UTE National has therefore purchased a Zoom license for an initial period of twelve (12) months and will fully assume the cost related to the use of the platform. In addition, technical support for the virtual AGMs will be provided by our Information Technology Specialist at the National Office, Alex Thon. Our Communications / Web Officer, Susan Duncan, will also be able to assist us as needed.

On November 13th, Alex tested the product with the help of volunteers from the Executive Council to allow us to familiarize ourselves with the system and make any adjustments deemed necessary. The feedback received from participants was positive. We then moved on to the next step, which was to simulate an Annual General Meeting with all Executive Council Officers. This mock meeting was held on November 16. Once again, feedback from participants was positive.

We are currently in the process of finalizing the guidelines and instructions to be followed by all Locals. This information will be shared with the Executive Council and the Locals in the very near future.

Respectfully submitted,

Marc Brière
National President