Minutes of the Technological Change Committee

Technological Change Committee
Minutes of the Technological Change Committee
January 28, 2021

(held virtually)


Brian Oldford, Chair
Josh Atwood, Presidents’ Representative
Kimberley Koch, Co-Chair
Greg Krokosh, Co-Chair
Mathieu Juneau, Technical Advisor

1. Open Discussion

  • We would like the CRA to provide the minutes to us for review within 60 days of each meeting. The Chair will raise this point during his opening remarks as he is chairing today’s meeting.

2. Review of Previous minutes

  • The previous minutes were adopted.

3. updates from the employer

  • The items found in CRA’s “List of Issues” document do not describe the updates to be provided at the upcoming meeting in any detail whatsoever. The Chair will raise this point today and ask that more information be provided so our committee can better prepare for meetings.

4. Review updates from employer and commitment report

  • See the table below.

5. Roundtable:

  • The RVP Pacific Region brings up the issue of a new macro Tracking tool used for the ARNI transformation initiative; the concern is that it will be used to assess performance, which should not be the intent; she will address this under the CVWMS topic.

Table of Agenda Topics and Committee Notes



  1. Call Centres

- The RVP Rocky Mountains Region will ask about the employer’s use of Amazon.

  1. Disability Tax Credit Digital Application

- (We are supposed to receive a demo on this at today’s meeting.)
- The Presidents’ Representative will ask about progression dates and the program’s release date.

  1. CVWMS

- We will await the update today and ask any questions.
- The RVP Pacific Region will address issues with a new macro Tracking tool used for the ARNI transformation initiative; the concern is that it will be used to assess performance, which should not be the intent.

  1. Secure Data Channel

- We will await the update today and ask any questions.


- We will await the update today and ask any questions.

  1. Chatbot

- The Chair will ask what the future plans are for the Chatbot, as well as seek an update on potential impacts to the workforce.

  1. Digital Mailroom Project

-  The Chair will ask for any updates on potential impacts to the workforce.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

- We will await the update today and ask any questions.

  1. T3 Modernization

- We will await the update today and ask any questions.

  1. Robotic Process Automation Pilot

- The RVP Rocky Mountains Region will ask about what workflows were onboarded, and whether there are any updates on potential impacts to the workforce.

  1. Special Elections & Returns (SER) Modernization

- We will await the update today and ask any questions.

  1. Digital Service Strategy

- We will await the update today and ask any questions.