Report of the Health and Safety Committee

Health and Safety Committee
Report of the Health and Safety Committee
June 2018

Doug Gaetz

The Health & Safety Committee held meetings March 13, 14, 2018 to start the planning for the upcoming National Health and Safety Conference to be held October 12 to October 14, 2018 in Ottawa. Planning is moving along nicely and as further information becomes available it will be shared with the Locals. Thank you to the committee for their work and efforts putting this conference together.

As per legislation under the Canada Labour Code, each Local Health and Safety Committee (HSC) is required to hold nine meetings per year and twelve site inspections per year. A review of the “Scorecard Report” for CRA showed that not all HSC attained those requirements. The employer has shared these concerns with the region and I shared them with all Regional Vice-Presidents. Please ensure that your Local committees are meeting these requirements.

The next National Health and Safety Policy Committee meeting will be held June 12, 2018.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Gaetz
Chair of the Committee