Looking for ideas for our next newsletter

Looking for ideas for our next newsletter

September 2019 Union News

The Communications Committee hopes that you enjoy receiving and reading the Union News. The Committee tries to provide articles that are both informative and useful to the readers. Sometimes, however, we need to step back and reflect on what issues or topics are of interest to you, the members.

We encourage members to consider contacting the Communications Committee with ideas for articles they would like to see included in future editions. These will be reviewed and considered for publication in upcoming newsletters.

Members can send questions to the committee that may be considered for an article, however, if the responses would be too brief to constitute an article, they could be included in a Q’s & A’s section where we could present questions along with answers or commentary on other matters.

The committee does from time to time receive feedback in respect to the newsletter or an article.  These are both positive (usually the case) or may offer constructive criticism.  This information is very helpful to the committee in the development of future newsletters.  It is satisfying for the committee to know that members are indeed taking the time to read the publication. 

Please send your comments, topics or questions to: communications@ute-sei.org