Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here?

December 2019 Union News

As you know, Public Interest Commission (PIC) dates have been set up January 6th and 20th.  If the employer receives a new mandate, we have been clear we are willing to meet before the PIC dates. In the event they do not, we need to be aware of what can happen. 

The PIC will hear arguments from both sides and then render a report with recommendations. This is typically within 30 days, but an extension can be requested.  A strike vote can only be taken after the report is received, and only if it is rejected. 

We have been asked over and over at AGMs “when are we taking action” or “when are we going to strike?”  I would imagine this is in part because of events recently in Ontario, where two different labour groups (Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO)) negotiating with the provincial government received 93% and 98% strike mandates respectively.  That is a pretty clear message to the government.

In the case of CUPE, they were able to get to an agreement at the 11th hour so to speak.  This was entirely because of their strength in showing they were absolutely willing to withdraw services if they did not get a reasonable offer.  Additionally, when they settled, they didn’t agree to any concessions.

The strength is in numbers and in voice.  Showing the boss in any organization that the membership is adamant in their resolve to withdraw services without a reasonable contract is quite literally the only power you have.  The employer has all sorts of tools at its disposal but your strength in numbers is much more powerful; you just have to be willing to use it.  CUPE did exactly that in Ontario and I would imagine others will follow suit.

To be clear this is not to say we are at that point yet, but it is always possible to have our hand forced.  Ideally, the employer will show us that they want a really productive negotiation session and should they choose to prove it to us, I would hope they would realize the urgency.  I am optimistic the election has sent a message that it’s time to come to a resolution one way or the other.  We would all prefer this to be at the table, not in the parking lots, but we will never be afraid.

We will not let you down, we have committed to fight for benefits both economic and non-economic that reflect the hard work and dedication you provide.  We’ve got your backs, let’s show them we mean business.  A contract that has been expired for three years is unacceptable. #solidarityworks #mycontractmyvoice

Adam Jackson
2nd National Vice-President