The Occupational Fitness Assessment Form

The Occupational Fitness Assessment Form


a man with his head in his handsThe Occupational Fitness Assessment Form (OFAF) is the form used by the employer to determine what, if any, restrictions or limitations affect how an employee can perform their job.  If an employee is experiencing physical or mental health issues that are affecting their ability to perform their job fully, they can often manifest themselves in poor performance, absenteeism, use of sick leave, incomplete work or other indicators that the employee is not currently able to fully perform their job at that time.

Particularly in these trying COVID times, employees find themselves facing challenges that can get the better of them.  If you are feeling this way, or if you and your team leader frequently discuss shortcomings in your work, or any of the issues detailed above that you suspect is caused by the physical or mental health issues you are facing, contact a Union representative.  Your Union rep can assist and support you through the process.

Myths about the OFAF:

It is used as a disciplinary measure:  Completing an OFAF can help to avoid disciplinary measures by providing to the employer reasons, supported by a health care professional, that prevent an employee from fully performing their job.  From that, an Individual Accommodation Plan, if required, can be made.  This plan would consider the restrictions and limitations provided by the health care professional. This is a requirement of the employer to develop an Individual Accommodation Plan with input from the member and the Union representative.

It is a career-limiting move:  Many people within the Public Service have progressed, and had successful careers, despite having completed an OFAF and working under an Individual Accommodation Plan.  Annually, employees are given their goals and objectives for the upcoming year.  If the employee has restrictions and limitations due to physical or mental health issues, they may not be able to meet all their goals and objectives.  However, unless the team leader is aware that they have restrictions or limitations, all they see is an employee who is not meeting their goals or objectives.  They are then required to begin performance management actions that could lead to a Performance Improvement Plan, discipline, demotion or termination. Before things get to that stage, a Union representative should be consulted to provide assistance to the member.  It is imperative to let the employer know of these restrictions or limitations, so that an Individual Accommodation Plan, if necessary, can be prepared.  The accommodation is designed to allow the employee to work within the restrictions and limitations.  NOT getting the OFAF can be the career-limiting move.

The employer will know all about your health problems:  This is particularly troubling for employees suffering from mental health issues.  Instructions to the health care provider who is completing the form are very clear.  Do not provide a diagnosis!  The employer needs, and requests, only the restrictions and limitations that prevent the employee from completing their full job. The documentation that is sent to the health care provider includes a letter detailing the issues the employer has noticed, a request for them to complete the OFAF and a reminder that they are not requesting a diagnosis.  Also included is a copy of the employee’s current work description and their signed consent to allow the health care professional to provide the requested information.  The employee and the Union representative must have a chance to review the documentation to be provided and be allowed to suggest changes if required.

The OFAF will follow you forever:  It may, however often, the accommodations are needed only for a specified period.  If they are only required for a finite period, such as recovery time, the accommodations file is closed, the employee returns to regular duties, performed in the regular manner and the Individual Accommodations Plan becomes part of the past.

Everyone will know:  The entire process, from speaking to the team leader, to requesting the OFAF from the health care professional, to setting up an Individual Accommodations Plan is confidential.

Your Union of Taxation Employees Local representatives are familiar with the process and will support you throughout the OFAF process, ensuring that the proper procedure is followed.  There is hope.  A solution can be found to allow you to be successful in your CRA career.

Melanee Jessup
President, Local 00015
Presidents’ Rep on the Communications Committee