A number of key issues were discussed with the Agency over the course of the week.
Our PSAC/UTE bargaining team met with the CRA from July 3 to 5 to continue negotiations for a new collective agreement. Some of the issues discussed included:
- Increased work-life balance for PSAC-UTE members at CRA. Our team again highlighted for the Agency the need for an increase in leave access for employees under our new agreement.
- Vacation scheduling. Our bargaining team has made proposals to fix on-going problems with vacation scheduling at the Agency.
- There were discussions concerning call centres. Our team pointed out again that working conditions in CRA call centres are poor and that we are looking for language that would greatly improve them, including scheduling rights and enhanced protections for call centre workers.
- Term employment. We reiterated that the union is looking for mechanisms that protect against excessive term employment at CRA and provide for more permanent work
- Evening and shift work. We are looking for protections against the expansion of shift work at CRA, and new rights for employees scheduled to work evenings.
We resolved a number of housekeeping matters with the Agency this week and agreed on language ensuring that our agreement is gender neutral. A copy of our proposals and those of the employer can be found on the UTE and PSAC websites. We will be tabling wage proposals at a future date once we have received and analyzed the employer’s payroll data.
We are scheduled to resume negotiations in September. We’ll be sure to provide updates as things progress.
Be sure to go to www.ute-sei.org and www.psacunion.ca for more information and to subscribe for regular updates. Also, should you have any questions please contact your UTE Local President.