Term Employees and Vacation leave

Following the conclusion of our last collective agreement, it was brought to our attention that members in some Regions were being adversely affected by the inclusion of newly negotiated clauses 34.03 and 61.04 of the agreement. For greater clarity, some term members who had reached their end of term and were eligible for rehire were advised that their eligibility for vacation leave credits would be reset to their new date of hire and that past service would not be counted in their accumulation of vacation leave credits.

After much discussion and consultation with senior officials of the employer at the Headquarters level, and in a renewed spirit of meaningful consultation with the employer, the Union of Taxation Employees is pleased to announce that we have recently concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the CRA (attached) which will be retroactive to November 1, 2016. This MOU will effectively include in the accumulation and calculation of vacation leave credits for term members all service, both continuous and discontinuous, of those term members who received a severance payment.

UTE wishes to acknowledge the employer’s collaboration and good will in this matter.

We ask that you give this communication wide distribution to your members, especially those term members who may be affected by this MOU.