Convention Comments Number 4

The Convention Delegate

Our By-Laws provide that the convention shall be the supreme governing body of the Union and the Executive Council shall be vested with the authority to deal with all matters affecting the business of the union between conventions.

From this, it should be readily apparent that being a delegate to convention is a responsible and demanding task.  It requires serious minded persons who have a conscientious concern for their fellow members and who possess a willingness to participate in and contribute to discussions.

Experience is not the only prerequisite.  Instead, the ability to assess facts and arguments and to arrive at a considered judgment outweighs any requirement for experience.

Delegate status is not meant to be given as a reward for past services or because a person is popular or has status in the Local.  Delegates should be selected solely on the basis of whether they can do the job.

A general knowledge and understanding of parliamentary procedure is undoubtedly an asset.  However, a good convention chairperson and streamlined rules of order help to minimize confusion on the convention floor.  Thus one of the first decisions delegates make is the adoption of the convention rules of order. Normally, we use the UTE Rules of Order, adopted at the 2002 UTE Triennial Convention and subsequent amendments.

It is not unusual for a delegate to find that he or she is unable to attend the convention.  Therefore, locals nominate alternate delegates at the time they nominate delegates.

Remember that delegates must be members in good standing.