Hello Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
As you are probably aware, our PSAC-UTE bargaining team announced last month that we have declared impasse in our negotiations for the renewal of our contract with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The CRA took the position that we are not at impasse – this after them refusing to agree to address any of our core issues and telling us to wait months for their response on our wage proposal.
PSAC-UTE has contacted the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB) to move the collective bargaining process forward.
We are now in a position to provide you with an update.
Indeed, the Chairperson of the FPSLREB has informed us that she agrees that the parties are at impasse and has called for the establishment of a Public Interest Commission (PIC). The PIC will conduct a hearing, hear arguments from both parties before issuing a report with non-binding recommendations.
At this time, we do not have dates yet for the PIC hearing as we are awaiting additional information from the FPSLREB.
In the interim, the Board has indicated that it will be naming a mediator to work with the parties in the run up to hearing dates for the PIC.
We do not have dates yet for the mediation meeting.
Once we receive additional information from the Board, we will release further updates on the process.
In Solidarity,
Adam Jackson
2nd National Vice-President
Union of Taxation Employees