Hello Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
Today, September 9, 2024, the new and updated Direction on prescribed presence in the Workplace comes into effect. Some of you will now see an increase in the number of days you are required to work on-site, while others return to the office for the first time in several years of full-time teleworking.
With the arrival of the unilaterally imposed increase to on-site presence, the Agency recently wrote to employees that it is aware that some are unhappy with the change. On the contrary, we are convinced that the vast majority of our affected members completely disagree with the employer's decision, for several reasons. Firstly, because the employer has reneged on the spirit of the Letter of Agreement signed by the parties during the last negotiations. Secondly, because this has a direct and very significant impact on the work-life balance of thousands of our members working at the Canada Revenue Agency.
The employer also reminds employees to respect its Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct by creating and maintaining a healthy, respectful and professional workplace. And the employer goes on to talk about an experience that must be harmonious and positive for everyone.
We agree that our members must remain respectful and abide by the employer's Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct. Of course, we don't recommend that our members disrespect anyone. However, I think it takes a lot of nerve for the Agency to remind our members to remain respectful when the employer is showing you no respect by reneging on its commitment to telework made last year and imposing its will in a very disrespectful way by not consulting your union and by implementing a single "one size fits all" direction instead of on a "case by case" approach as agreed during negotiations. I think it is appropriate to say here that the CRA has not respected one of its cherished values: respect! And I would add that respect goes both ways!
We continue to encourage all our members who are dissatisfied with their Work Arrangement Agreement (WAA) to file individual grievances. Your local Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) representatives are ready to assist and accompany you in filing your grievances. Do not hesitate to contact them.
At the national level, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and other bargaining agents held demonstrations and activities at some workplaces today. PSAC regions are also organizing demonstrations across the country. UTE representatives and members are also taking part in these activities, and we plan to organize further activities and demonstrations in various workplaces and other locations over the coming weeks and months.
We invite all UTE members to join in these activities and show their opposition to this measure.
The employer has given employees until October 11, 2024 to update their Work Arrangement Agreement (WAA).
We know that many of our members are being affected by this change as early as this week. However, many of our members are not yet affected and will not be for some time, since the employer has granted exemptions due to a lack of space in certain workplaces, among other reasons.
We recently published a message inviting you to use the virtual background with the hashtag #RemoteWorks during meetings to show your opposition to the employer's unilateral decision. We encourage all our members to use this virtual background. If your manager asks you to remove it, you must respect the directive but first require that the employer's request be made in writing, and we strongly encourage you to contact one of your local union representatives to file a grievance against this directive.
Rest assured that we will continue to advocate together against this bad unilateral decision by the employer and demand that it be reversed.
We thank you for all the excellent work you do on a daily basis in the service of Canadians.
We will keep you informed of any new developments in this very important matter.
In Solidarity,

Marc Brière
National President
Union of Taxation Employees