Public Service Alliance of Canada
Vancouver, B.C.
July 16 – 19, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Morning Session
UTE National President, Betty Bannon, called the Fourteenth Triennial Convention to order at 9:00 a.m. on July 16th, 2008.
Executive Council and guests were piped in. President Bannon invited Brothers Marcel Bertrand and Kent MacDonald to lead the singing of O Canada and Brothers Chris Aylward and Joe Parris to lead the participants in singing "Solidarity Forever".
President Bannon asked the delegation to respect a moment of silence for deceased members as the names were coming up on the screens.
She then went on to say that we were blessed to have here today an Aboriginal Elder Tom Oleman to give us the welcoming to the great west coast, beautiful Vancouver. Brother Oleman was accompanied by Sister Pat Reid who has now retired.
Sister Bannon then invited Sister Pamela Abbott, Regional Vice-President for the Pacific Region to say a few words and introduce the Host Committee. Sister Abbott welcomed the delegates, observers, guests and national office staff and wished them a nice stay in the beautiful city of Vancouver. She thanked and introduced the members of the Host Committee for their participation and hard work.
Host Committee:
Linda Flores, Vancouver
Sigrid Hagglund, Surrey
Marilyn Harrison, Burnaby Fraser
Shelley Kerouate, Vancouver
Debbie Lyons, Burnaby Fraser
Earla MacLean, Surrey
Janice Maslanko, Vancouver
Roseann McCoy, Vancouver
Carolyn Parker, Surrey
Jo-Ann Renker, Surrey
Wendy Webber, Burnaby Fraser
Door Tilers:
Doug Axelson, Kelowna
Chris Clark, Surrey
Ruth Eisworth, Penticton
Floyd Knelsen, Prince George
Nick Materna, Surrey
Bruce Ogilvie, Vancouver
Charles Paquette, Burnaby Fraser
Jackie Robertson, Victoria
Other members that helped as well were:
Chris Clark, Charles Paquette, Sharon Palis, Nancy Knight, Theresa Greenough, Angela Marafon, Pam Jabal, Sandy Smith, Hilde Sellmeyer, Johann Ackermann and Janet Graham.
Sister Bannon then introduced the following Life Members:
Linda Cassidy, Gwen Jackson, Bob Campbell and Dave Flinn.
Special Guests:
John Gordon, PSAC National President
Steve Jelly, Executive Assistant to AEC
Sarah Bélanger, Political Assistant to the AEC
Bonnie Bates, Political Assistant to the PSAC National President
Robyn Benson, Regional Executive Vice-President - Prairies
Kay Sinclair, Regional Executive Vice-President, British Columbia
Patty Ducharme, National Executive Vice-President
Daniel Kinsella, National President, National Component, PSAC
Members of the Executive Council:
Bob Campbell, First National Vice- President
Denis Lalancette, Second National Vice-President
Pamela Abbott, RVP - Pacific Region
Chris Aylward, RVP - National Capital Region
Shawn Bergeron, RVP - Prairie Region
Marcel Bertrand, RVP - Québec Region
Cosimo Crupi, RVP - Northern & Eastern Ontario Region
Jerry Dee, RVP - Greater Toronto
Terry Dupuis, RVP - Rocky Mountains Region
Doug Gaetz, RVP - Atlantic Region
Sabri Khayat, RVP - Montréal Region
Nick Stein, RVP - Southwestern Ontario Region
President Bannon thanked Sister Labrie and Brother O’Brien for their great work in organizing the convention and dealing with all the service providers including the hotel.
Office Staff:
Pierrette Labrie, Administrative Assistant to the National President
Shane O’Brien, Senior Labour Officer
Linda Cassidy, Labour Officer
Kent MacDonald, Labour Officer
Pierre Mulvihill, Labour Officer
Lyson Paquette, Labour Officer
Erik Gagné, Labour Officer
Susan Duncan, Web/Communications Officer,
Alex Thon, IT Officer
Monique Desrosiers, Assistant Financial Officer
Stephanie Wolff, Finance Administration Officer
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Jerry Dee
That there are 165 delegates, 147 observers, 14 guests registered, for a total of 326 participants.
President Bannon stated that the UTE Harassment Policy could be found at the beginning of the Convention book. Brothers Marcel Bertrand, Shawn Bergeron and Sister Lyson Paquette were designated as Complaint(s) Administrators for the duration of the Convention.
She also mentioned the UTE Scent Free Policy for all UTE Events and asked everyone to not wear any perfumes, lotions etc during UTE functions.
M/S/C Bob Campbell/Denis Lalancette
That the Convention Agenda be adopted as presented.
M/S/C Bob Campbell/Denis Lalancette
That the per diem of $90 per workday and $115 for a weekend day be adopted.
President Bannon explained that late resolutions will be translated, then brought to the floor for receipt and will be referred to the appropriate committee. They will be dealt with as the last order of Convention business.
M/S/D Bob Campbell/Denis Lalancette
That the late resolution be received.
Be it Resolved that Regulation 6.1 be amended to read:
(1) Delegates elected at a UTE Convention to represent our union at a PSAC Convention must fully support all resolutions referred from our convention (this is the new part) unless the delegates were recorded as having voted against at the UTE Convention.
M/S/C Bob Campbell/Denis Lalancette
That the Convention ratifies all amendments to the regulations made by the Executive Council since the 2005 Convention.
M/S/C Bob Campbell/D. Lalancette
That Bob Campbell, Shane O’Brien and Dawn Hardy be appointed as the committee to review the expense claims of the Convention.
M/S/C Bob Campbell/Denis Lalancette
That the two National Vice-Presidents and the 10 Regional Vice-Presidents be delegates to the PSAC Convention; and
That each region as defined in the Union of Taxation Employees’ By-Laws selects three (3) delegates and two or more alternates to the PSAC Convention. In the event that the Union of Taxation Employees is entitled to more than 42 delegates, that the selection be filled by the regions starting with the ones that are the most populous.
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Jean-Pierre Bonin
That the report of the President be adopted.
M/S/C Bob Campbell/Denis Lalancette
That the report of the First National Vice-President be adopted.
M/S/C Denis Lalancette/Bob Campbell
That the report of the Second National Vice-President be adopted.
The National President went over a few things that we have faced, that we are facing and that we will probably continue to face with the employer, CRA. This included the Centralization of the Compensation Section in two sites Winnipeg and Ottawa, the Workforce Adjustment (WFA) which we have to date been fairly successful in keeping and protecting indeterminate jobs within the CRA and the membership, the joint development of a conflict resolution policy that would be implemented and monitored through the UMI Steering Committee and the signing of a tentative agreement before the old one expired. She thanked Sylvie Bastien and Carmen Armstrong for their awesome job in preparing the material for Convention. She concluded saying that we have to stop fighting among ourselves. It is taking time from all parts, the local, the regions, the National Officers. We as individuals are not important but we as a group of representatives of the membership are important. She showed a video presentation: "Lessons from Geese".
Point of privilege – Denis Lalancette
There would be a draw of a painting valued at $500. to help promoting the great work of the International Children Awareness (ICA) which UTE is the main sponsor.
The point of privilege was well taken by the President.
The Chairperson of the Committee, Brother Bob Campbell, thanked and introduced the Committee Co-chairs Brothers Cosimo Crupi and Brother Doug Gaetz, the committee members and the staff advisor Brother Pierre Mulvihill. He mentioned that Brother Gaetz would automatically be the mover and that Brother Crupi would be the seconder.
Brother Campbell introduced the members of the committee which are shown at the end of the report.
The following is the priority order in which the recommendations have been presented.
- Committee recommendation (1)
- Committee recommendation (2)
- Proposed Budget 2009, 2010 and 2011
- Committee recommendations (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8)
- Finance Resolutions 111, 112, 113, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, and 120
Committee Recommendation no.1
That Regulation 22.1.2 (1) (a) the President’s Salary shall be:
2009: $101,500 2010: $104,000 2011: $106,500
Recorded as opposed: Lorne Roslinski, Barb Stewart, Esther Burt
Committee recommendation of concurrence carried.
Recess for lunch
Afternoon Session
The afternoon session began at 1:15 p.m. with President Bannon in the chair.
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Jerry Dee
That there are 165 delegates, 150 observers, 16 guests registered for a total of 331 participants.
President Bannon introduced Brother Dave Flinn, Life Member and former U.T.E. National President who acted as the Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee. Brother Flinn asked that the other members of the Nominations & Elections Committee, Sisters Tania Haché, Noëlla Bonici and Gina Degner come to the front and then went on to explain the elections process.
Committee Recommendation no.2
That Regulation 22.1.2 (1) (b) the Vice-President’s Salary shall be:
2009: $85,700 2010: $87,800 2011: $90,000 Committee recommendation of concurrence carried.
Proposed Budget for 2009, 2010, 2011
Recorded as opposed: Lorne Roslinski and Jim Phillips.
Committee recommendation of concurrence of the budget as a whole carried.
Committee Recommendation no.3
That there will be a monthly dues increase of 2009, $0.25 ($17.25), 2010, $0.25 ($17.50), 2011, $0.25 ($17.75)
NOTE This will increase revenue by $72,000 in 2009, $144,000 in 2010, $216,000 in 2011. Total $432,000.
Recorded as opposed Ryan Harron, Jim Phillips and Lorne Roslinski.
Committee recommendation of concurrence carried.
Committee Recommendation no.4
In order to attempt to avoid a further dues increase, any and all resolutions resulting in additional costs not considered in the instant budget be funded from the unappropriated surplus up to one million dollars.
M/S/D David Quist/ Norbert Wenzel
That recommendation 4 be referred back to the committee with the direction to raise from
1 million to 2 million dollars.Committee recommendation of concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.5
That $10,000 from the line item PSAC be used for promotional items for all delegates and observers in order to promote UTE’s visibility at the PSAC Triennial Convention.
Committee recommendation of concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.6
That the unused portion of the line item Non-UTE Events, Educational Regional and Education National be carried over from year to year until 2011.
Committee recommendation of concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.7
For all conferences, excluding Presidents’ Conference, the organizing committee shall submit, in writing to the National President, a request for funding. The request shall include:
a) the date
b) location
c) proposed agenda
d) proposed budget
e) names of guests that require the spending of UTE funds.Committee recommendation of concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.8
That a committee be formed to review Regulation 22.1.2 (1) (a) & (b) to determine how the salaries of elected officials are set, and make recommendations to Council prior to the 2011 Convention. This committee should be comprised of two members from Executive Council and one president representative.
M/S/D Bob Carpenter/Gwen Jackson
That the committee be comprised of outside experts/professionals.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
The Convention dealt with some resolutions of the Finance Committee.
Resolution 101- National Officers Wage Increases
The Committee is not presenting it as it deals with salaries.
Resolution 111 - Internet Access while on U.T.E. Business
1st Be it Resolved:
THAT UTE endeavour to negotiate free in-room internet access in its contracts with hotels; and
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
2nd Be it Resolved:
THAT if UTE cannot negotiate free in room internet access in its contract with hotels, that U.T.E. will reimburse the cost of such internet access to those on official U.T.E. business.
Committee recommendation of Non-concurrence / carried.
Resolution 112 - National Hardship Fund
M/S/C Eric Range/Robin Johnson
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Non-concurrence / carried.
Resolution 113 – National Hardship Fund
M/S/C Florence Hawker/Johann Ackermann
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Non-concurrence / carried.
Brother Adam Jackson presented Tony Martin who was first elected Member of Parliament for the riding of Sault Ste. Marie in 2004 and serves as the NDP Critic for Social Policy, Poverty and FedNor. Brother Martin is also a member of the All Party Steel and Border Caucus, on the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, and is a member of the subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure for those committees. Brother Martin’s main topic was on poverty.
The meeting recessed at 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Morning Session
President Bannon called the Convention to order at 9:00 a.m.
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Shawn Bergeron
That there are 165 delegates, 149 observers, 16 guests registered for a total of 330 participants.
Point of privilege – Shawn Bergeron, RVP for the Prairie Region
Sister Maria Peters from the Winnipeg Local would be retiring in August. There would be an envelope circulating for people who want to make a contribution and a card to be signed.
The point of privilege was well taken by the President.
Point of privilege – Johann Ackermann (Surrey Local)
Thanked everyone who attended the FunNight and the Host Committee for their awesome work.
The point of privilege was well taken by the President. She added that it was her intention before starting any business to thank the Host Committee.
Brother Terry Dupuis, Chair of the Honours and Awards Committee invited Brother Bob Campbell to present a 35 year pin to Sister Betty Bannon.
President Bannon presented a 35 service year pin to Brother Bryce Krochter from the North York Local. She also presented a Life Membership Award to Brother Marcel Bertrand, RVP for the Quebec Region, Brother Jerry Dee, RVP for the Greater Toronto and Brother Kent MacDonald, Labour Relations Officer at the National Office and former RVP for the Northern and Eastern Ontario Region.
Change of delegate – Ottawa Headquarter Local 70000
Brother James Imlach was replaced by Brother Shady Zekry.
President Bannon announced that there would be a get-well card at the Host Committee table for Sister Virginia Guay, member of the Surrey Local, presently hospitalized.
The Chairperson of the Committee, Brother Chris Aylward, thanked and introduced the members of the Committee (listed at the end of this report), the Committee Co-chairs, Marcel Bertrand and Sabri Khayat and the staff advisor, Brother Kent MacDonald. He proposed that the resolutions be dealt with in the order presented in the report and that Brother Marcel Bertrand would automatically be the mover and Brother Khayat would be the seconder.
The following resolutions were withdrawn with unanimous consent of the committee: 446, 447 & 448.
The following resolutions were divided by the committee: 443, 452, 457, 458 & 459.
The Committee set the priority of the resolutions as follows:
Committee recommendation of concurrence on the housekeeping resolutions 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 424, 425, 429, 430, 435 and 438 was carried and can be found at the end of the report together with all the resolutions.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 418 – By-Law 6 Section 7 (New)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 401- By-Law 3 Section 1, 2 and 3
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 407 – By-Law 6 Section 1 (2) (d)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 412 – By-Law 6 Section 4
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 413 – By-Law 6 Section 5
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 416 – By-Law 6 Section 6
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 421 – By-Law 7 Sections 1,2,4
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 423 – By-Law 8 Section 2 (5)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 427 – By-Law 8 Section 5 (5) (New)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 428 – By-Law 8 Section 5
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 433 – By-Law 10 Section 4 (4) (New)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Recess for lunch
Afternoon Session
The afternoon session began at 1:15 p.m. with President Bannon in the chair.
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Jerry Dee
That there are 165 delegates, 149 observers, 17guests registered for a total of 331 participants.
Point of privilege – Nick Stein, RVP for the Southwestern Ontario Region
Brother Stein acknowledged Sister Aileen Duncan, Hamilton Local, who has been active with the union and the PSAC for visible minorities and for people with disabilities. She received earlier from her local a Life Membership Award. This will probably be her last convention before retirement.
The point of privilege was well taken by the President.
Resolution 434 – By-Law 10 Section 5 (1)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 436 – By-Law 12
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 437 – By-Law 16 Section 1
Committee recommendation of concurrence / carried.
Resolution 439 – By-Law 19 Section 2 and 3
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 440 – By-Law 20
M/S/C Gilles Fleury/Marc Brière
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 443 a) Regulation 7 (8)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / defeated for lack of 2/3 majority.
Point of privilege - D. Lalancette, 2nd National Vice-President
With respect to resolution 443a) it takes simple majority as it is a Regulation and not a By-Law.
The point of privilege was well taken by the President.
Resolution 443a) was carried.
Resolution 444 – Regulation 8 (1)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 449 – To review Regulation 25
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 455 – PSAC Constitution – Service Delivery
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried unanimously.
Resolution 456 – PSAC Constitution – Transfer of Service Delivery Functions
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 457 b) – PSAC Constitution – Designated Members
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 458 b) – PSAC Constitution – Section 24 Subsection 7
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 459 a) PSAC Constitution – Section 16 (4)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 460 – PSAC Constitution – Regional Conventions
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried unanimously.
President Bannon introduced John Gordon, PSAC National President. Brother Gordon spoke about collective action and responsibility, in standing up and promoting the role of the union members in building a better world. We have to work together toward the same goal by fighting injustice in the workplace and in society to build a better world. Some of the areas where we need to work together, he said, was the Pay Direct Drug Card which has been delayed by Treasury Board, the enforcement of union rights under the PSAC Constitution i.e. scabs must be fined. He also talked about the challenges we are facing at the federal, provincial and territorial levels and the cuts in public services.
Recess for the day
Friday, July 18, 2008
Morning Session
President Bannon called the Convention to order at 9:00 a.m.
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Jerry Dee
That there are 165 delegates, 150 observers and 18 guests registered for a total of 333 participants.
The Chairperson of the Committee, Shawn Bergeron, thanked and introduced the members of the Committee, the Committee Co-chairs, Terry Dupuis and Jerry Dee and the staff advisors, Linda Cassidy and Eric Gagné. He proposed that the resolutions be dealt with in the order presented and that Brother Dupuis would automatically be the mover and that Brother Dee would be the seconder.
The Committee set the priority of the resolutions as follows: 363 Non Smokers, 340 National Health and Safety Conference, 343 Regional Health and Safety Conferences, 333 National EAP Conferences, 320 Presidents’ Representative, Tech Change and 336 EAP Referral Agents.
Resolution 363 – Non-Smokers
A secret ballot vote was requested by: Marvin Engel, Michael Ell, Rory Cowie, Wally Fandrich, Ron Neilson.
M/S/C Madonna Gardiner/Edith Keefe-MacCleod
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / defeated.
M/S/C Doug Gaetz/Joseph Parris
That the ballots be destroyed.
M/S/C Nick Stein/Barry Melanson
That Resolution 312 be dealt immediately after the concurrence resolutions and before the committee steps down.
M/S/C David Quist/Al Rollins
That Resolution 308 be dealt with immediately after Resolution 312 and before the committee steps down.
Resolution 343 – Regional Health and Safety Conferences
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 333 – National EAP Conference
M/S/C Barry Melanson/Pam Jabal
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Recess for lunch
Afternoon Session
The afternoon session began at 1:15 p.m. with President Bannon in the chair.
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Jerry Dee
That there are 165 delegates, 150 observers 20 guests registered for a total of 335 participants.
Resolution 320 – President’s Representative – Tech Change Committee
M/S/C David Quist/Colleen Wice
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / defeated.
President Bannon invited Brother Dave Flinn to report on the elections process.
Brother Flinn reminded the participants to fill in the nomination forms and give them to Sister Labrie today by 6 p.m. for posting in the Foyer of the Ballrooms.
Resolution 336 – EAP Referral Agents
M/S/C Terry Ruyter/Sharon Cowie
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / defeated.
Coffee Break
Point of privilege - Chris Aylward
We will be passing around a petition on the health drug card and it will be given to Brother Gary Esslinger for delivery and to Sister Robyn Benson for the PSAC Website.
"Petition to the House of Common in Parliament assembled: We, the undersigned, members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, draw the attention of the House to the fact that federal public sector workers, retirees and their families do not have access to a health drug card under the Public Service Health Care Plan. Therefore, your petitioners request that Parliament direct the Treasury Board of Canada to provide the Public Service Health Care Plan members with a health drug card by December 31, 2008."
The point of privilege was well taken by the President.
M/S/C Bob Campbell/Doug Gaetz
That Resolution 312 be moved to the first order of business tomorrow morning.
M/S/C Cathy Tarves/Maria Wormsbecker
That the time for debating the resolutions be limited to 3 minutes from now on.
Resolution 309 – Union LWOP
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
The Chairperson of the Committee, Brother Lalancette, thanked and introduced the members of the Committee, the Committee Co-chairs, Brothers Nick Stein and Pamela Abbott and the staff advisor, Lyson Paquette. He also thanked Sister Nicole St-Aubin and all the staff in the National Office. He proposed that the resolutions be dealt with in the order presented, that Sister Abbott would automatically be the mover and that Brother Stein would be the seconder.
Recommendations of concurrence: 201, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 210, 219, 225, 232, 235, 236.
Resolution 201- Strike Pay
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 203- Bargaining Demands
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 204 – Ratification Vote Information
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 206 - Translation
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 207 – Speakers’ Notes
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 208 – Bargaining Period
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 210 – By-Law 8, Section 4, Responsibility of 2nd NVP
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 219 - Members of the Bargaining Team- PSAC Regulation 15.2.7
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 225 – PSAC Regulation 15.3.14(a) and 15.3.15(a) Housekeeping in French only
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 232 – Contract Ratification Votes - PSAC
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 235 – PSAC Regulation 15 Section 3.15 Ratification Votes
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 236 – Charter Class - PSAC Regulation 15.4.3 Transportation
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
The Convention came back to the report of the General Resolutions Committee and the convention dealt with various resolutions of the Committee.
Resolution 311- Official Languages Portfolio
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 314 – PSAC Resolution – Union Leave Without Pay
M/S/C Gwen Jackson/Robin Johnson
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Resolution 315 – Web Communication
M/S/C Jean-Pierre Bonin/Rory Cowi
That the 1st Be it Resolved of the resolution be tabled.
1st Be it Resolved that upon request that the UTE establish links to Local Web Sites on the National UTE Web site.
Resolution 322 – Payment Dates for Maternity Leave Top Ups
M/S/C Brian Oldford/Ryan Harron
That the resolution be referred back to the committee to include Parental Leave Top Ups.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Morning Session
President Bannon called the Convention to order at 9:00 a.m.
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Jerry Dee
That there are 165 delegates, 149 observers 19 guests registered for a total of 333 participants.
M/S/C Sharon Fletcher/ Michael Samuel
That we deal with resolution 361 immediately after the two priority resolutions of this morning.
Change in Delegates – Local 70000 Headquarters
Sister Christina Lamothe was replaced by Sister Sharon Bulger
Brother Bob Campbell assumed the chair.
Resolution 312 – UTE Political Endorsement
M/S/D Chris Deliberatore/Brian Oldford
That the question be called.
The debate continued
M/S/C Joseph Parris/Chris Delibaratore
That the question be now called.
Committee recommendation of Non-concurrence / defeated.
M/S/C Betty Bannon/Gwen Jackson
That concurrence of Resolution 312 be moved.
The recommendation of concurrence / carried.
Resolution 308 – UTE Questionnaire
M/S/C Barry Melanson/Edith Keefe-MacLeod
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Non-concurrence / defeated.
M/S/C David Quist/John Kosiba
That concurrence of Resolution 308 be moved. Concurrence / carried unanimously.
Resolution 361 – PSAC Equity/Human Rights Conference
M/S/D Gwen Jackson/Barb Stewart
That the 4 Be it Resolves be dealt separately.
M/S/C Edith Keefe-MacLeod/Wanda Dufty
That the question be called.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Registered as dissident: P. Jabal, F. Hawker, C. Pegura, R. Roy, M. Samuel, K. Kennedy, B. Stewart, M. Comeau, J. van Sydenborg, G. Jackson, S. Zekry, S. Fletcher, B. Carpenter, W. Fandrich, R. Cowie, G. Pendulak, J. de Peiza, F. Deblasio, M. Perron, S. Lahaie, I. Bhatty, D. Camara, I. Youssfi, J. Zaychuk, N. Johnson, D. Scott, R. Neilsen
Recess for lunch
Afternoon Session
The afternoon session began at 1:15 p.m. with President Bannon in the chair.
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Jerry Dee
That there are 165 delegates, 149 observers, 20 guests registered for a total of 334 participants.
Continuation of Resolution 322 – Referral to the Committee
That Parental Leave Top Ups be included.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Change in delegate: Loree-Ann Huard was replaced by Susan Hughes
The Laval Local announced that they would like to host the next Convention in 2011 with the participation of the Montérégie, Laval and Montréal Locals.
President Bannon explained that usually a call is sent to all locals in September inviting them to show their interest in hosting the next Convention. Brother Campbell will then work on the costing to be presented to the December Executive Council for adoption of the host city.
Sister Bannon asked the Chairperson of the Elections Committee, Brother Dave Flinn to assume the chair for the purpose of conducting the elections. Brother Flinn thanked the Executive Council again for inviting him here to conduct the elections. He then asked Sisters Tania Haché, Noëlla Bonici and Gina Degner to join him on the podium.
Election of National President
The names of Betty Bannon and David Quist were placed in nomination.
Sister Bannon was elected.
Election of First National Vice-President
Brother Bob Campbell was elected by acclamation.
Election of Second National Vice-President
The names of Denis Lalancette and Chris Aylward were placed in nomination.
Brother Lalancette was elected.
M/S/C Sabri Khayat/Marcel Bertrand
That the ballots be destroyed.
The election results for Regional Vice-Presidents and Alternate Regional Vice-Presidents were as follows:
Atlantic Region:
Regional Vice-President: Doug Gaetz
Alternate Regional Vice-president: Madonna GardinerQuebec Region:
Regional Vice-President: Jean-Pierre Fraser
Alternate Regional Vice-President: Jocelyn BouchardMontreal Region:
Regional Vice-President: Sabri Khayat
Alternate Regional Vice-President: Louise VallièreNational Capital Region:
Regional Vice-President: Chris Aylward
Alternate Regional Vice-President: Hugh McGoldrickPrairie Region:
Regional Vice-President: Shawn Bergeron
Alternate Regional Vice-President: Gary EsslingerRocky Mountains Region:
Regional Vice-President: Terry Dupuis
Alternate Regional Vice-President: Lori HallPacific Region:
Regional Vice-President: Pamela Abbott
Alternate Regional Vice-President: Robert HumeNorthern and Eastern Ontario Region:
Regional Vice-President: Cosimo Crupi
Alternate Regional Vice-President: John KosibaGreater Toronto Region:
Regional Vice-President: Robin Johnson
Alternate Regional Vice-President: Esther BurtSouthwestern Ontario Region:
Regional Vice-President: Nick Stein
Alternate Regional Vice-President: Jamie van Sydenborgh
The election results for delegates to the PSAC Convention and alternates were as follows:
Atlantic Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) Corina Gladney
(2) Al Rollins
(3) Colette FortinAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Brian Oldford
(2) Dawn Hardy
(3) Debbie Ferguson
(4) Madonna Gardiner
(5) Hicham Youssfi
Quebec Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) Sylvie Lahaie
(2) Marcelle Perron
(3) Jocelyne Roy
(4) Jocelyn BouchardAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Sylvie Massé
(2) Jean-Yves Martel
(3) Daniel Gagnon
(4) Gisèle Pelletier
(5) Gilles Bélanger
(6) Christiane Beausoleil
Montreal Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) Louise Vallière
(2) Denis Brunette
(3) Micheline Bourgeois
(4) Marc BrièreAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Jean-Pierre Bonin
(2) Lyne Lafrenière
(3) John Drodz
(4) Daniel Camara
(5) Alain Martineau
National Capital Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) Loree-Ann Huard
(2) Marie-Claude Lapointe
(3) Réjean RoyAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Kim Cardinal
(2) Gesine Fuchs
(3) Jeff Moffet
(4) Bill Blair
Prairie Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) Gary Esslinger
(2) Christine McLennan
(3) Marvin EngelAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Janet Albinet
(2) Alfred Stewart
(3) Carmene Mattson
Rocky Mountains Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) Robert Carpenter
(2) Lorne Roslinski
(3) Rory CowieAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Wally Fandrich
(2) Mike Ell
(3) David Fandrich
(4) Edith Keefe-MacLeod
(5) Brenda Skayman
Pacific Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) Robert Hume
(2) Janet Graham
(3) Wayne LittleAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Terry Ruyter
(2) Johann Ackermann
(3) Pam Jabal
(4) Dave Miller
(5) John Rumsby
Northern and Eastern Ontario Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) John Kosiba
(2) Debbie St. Germain
(3) Adam JacksonAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Ryan Harron
(2) Val Vojnovic
(3) David Quist
Greater Toronto Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) Jean de Peiza
(2) Rita Hinchliffe
(3) Esther BurtAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Brad Feraday
(2) Colleen Wice
(3) John Brophey
(4) Joanne Kite
(5) Frank Deblasio
(6) Greg Sabat
(7) David Odell
Southwestern Ontario Region:
PSAC Delegates:
(1) Jamie van Sydenborgh
(2) Dave Stumpf
(3) Jim PhillipsAlternate PSAC Delegates:
(1) Norbert Wenzel
(2) Debbie Willett
The Chairperson of the Elections Committee, Dave Flinn, invited Sister Kay Sinclair, PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President, British Columbia Region to administer the Oath of Office to all the National Elected Officers and the Executive Council Members.
President Bannon drew a name for the tickets on a boom box and the winner was Debbie Ferguson from Saint John.
A 50/50 draw for the UTE Boobettes collected the amount of $600.00.
The raffle for the 3 nights collected the amount of $1,057 for Sister Virginia Guay, $570 to cover for the Fun Night 50/50 and $440 for the dance for a total of $2,067.00.
The draw for a painting done by Brother Lalancette’s sister collected the amount of $744 for the International Children’s Awareness (ICA) and the winner was Sister Earla MacLean.
The Tri-Suite collected the amount of $802.00 to be divided between the UTE Boobettes, the Vancouver Homeless Shelter and Sister Virginia Guay.
Before closing the Convention, President Bannon thanked all the delegates and the observers for their patience, encouragement and support and the Convention Host Committee for their excellent work and great hospitality. She wished everybody a safe trip home.
M/S/C Marcel Bertrand/Sabri Khayat.
That the Convention be adjourned.
The Chairperson adjourned the Convention at 4:00 p.m.
Following are the reports of the various committees. The Executive Council will deal with the unfinished business of the Convention.
The Chairperson of the Finance Committee, Bob Campbell thanked his co-chairpersons, Cosimo Crupi and Doug Gaetz, the Staff Advisors, Pierre Mulvihill and Stephanie Wolff, and the members of the committee for their good deliberation and for their work. The additional members of the committee were:
Bouchard, Jocelyn |
Chicoutimi |
Phillips, Jim |
London |
Burt, Esther |
Toronto North |
Rayner, Dianne |
Thunder Bay |
Esslinger, Gary |
Winnipeg TC |
Roslinski, Lorne |
Saskatoon |
Fortin, Colette |
Bathurst |
Rumsby, John |
Victoria |
Harron, Ryan |
Belleville |
Sellmeyer, Hilde |
Burnaby Fraser |
Martineau, Alain |
Sherbrooke |
Stewart, Barb |
Ottawa TSO |
Parris, Joseph |
Sydney |
Committee Recommendation no.1
That Regulation 22.1.2 (1) (a) the President’s Salary shall be:
2009: $101,500 2010: $104,000 2011: $106,500
Recorded as opposed: Lorne Roslinski, Barb Stewart, Esther Burt
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.2
That Regulation 22.1.2 (1) (b) the Vice-President’s Salary shall be:
2009: $85,700 2010: $87,800 2011: $90,000
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Proposed Budget for 2009, 2010, 2011
Recorded as opposed: Lorne Roslinski and Jim Phillips.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence of the budget as a whole / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.3
That there will be a monthly dues increase of 2009, $0.25 ($17.25), 2010, $0.25 ($17.50), 2011, $0.25 ($17.75)
NOTE This will increase revenue by $72,000 in 2009, $144,000 in 2010, $216,000 in 2011. Total $432,000.
Recorded as opposed Ryan Harron, Jim Phillips and Lorne Roslinski.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.4
In order to attempt to avoid a further dues increase, any and all resolutions resulting in additional costs not considered in the instant budget be funded from the unappropriated surplus up to one million dollars.
M/S/D David Quist/ Norbert Wenzel
That recommendation 4 be referred back to the committee with the direction to raise from 1 million to 2 million dollars.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.5
That $10,000 from the line item PSAC be used for promotional items for all delegates and observers in order to promote UTE’s visibility at the PSAC Triennial Convention.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.6
That the unused portion of the line item Non-UTE Events, Educational Regional and Education National be carried over from year to year until 2011.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.7
For all conferences, excluding Presidents’ Conference, the organizing committee shall submit, in writing to the National President, a request for funding. The request shall include:
a) the date
b) location
c) proposed agenda
d) proposed budget
e) names of guests that require the spending of UTE funds.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Committee Recommendation no.8
That a committee be formed to review Regulation 22.1.2 (1) (a) & (b) to determine how the salaries of elected officials are set, and make recommendations to Council prior to the 2011 Convention. This committee should be comprised of two members from Executive Council and one president representative.
M/S/D Bob Carpenter/Gwen Jackson
That the committee be comprised of outside experts/professionals.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
The Convention dealt with some resolutions of the Finance Committee.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT UTE endeavour to negotiate free in-room internet access in its contracts with hotels;
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT if UTE cannot negotiate free in room internet access in its contract with hotels, that U.T.E. will reimburse the cost of such internet access to those on official U.T.E. business.
Committee recommendation of Non-Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT a national hardship fund be created in accordance with the Finance Committees “feasibility study” dated October 29 – 31, 2007.
Committee recommendation of Non-Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT UTE create and maintain a National Hardship Fund of $10,000 per year for the next 3 years; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the UTE National Finance committee develop policies and procedures to administer the hardship fund that must include the following:
-Member must be in good standing
-Request in writing
-Reason for the assistance
-Submit an Income and Expense Statement
-Include a repayment schedule
Committee recommendation of Non-Concurrence / carried.
The Chairperson of the Committee, Brother Lalancette, thanked and introduced his Co-chairs Brothers Nick Stein and Pamela Abbott and the staff advisor, Lyson Paquette. He also thanked Sister Nicole St-Aubin and all the staff in the National Office. The additional members of the committee were:
Feraday, Brad |
Toronto East |
Miller, Dave |
Penticton |
Fraser, Jean-Pierre |
Shawinigan-South |
Oldford, Brian |
Halifax |
Hinchliffe, Rita |
Toronto West |
Rollins, Al |
Charlottetown |
Jackson, Adam |
Kingston |
vanSydenborgh, Jamie |
Hamilton |
Lafrenière, Lyne |
Outaouais |
Youssfi, Hicham |
Moncton |
McGoldrick, Hugh |
Ottawa Headquarters |
Zaychuk, Judy |
Lethbridge |
McLennan, Christine |
Winnipeg CCSC |
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the UTE bring a resolution to the 2009 PSAC Convention to amend the Constitution and Regulations to increase strike pay to $75.00 per day, for general and/or rotating strikes.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT UTE’S National Bargaining Committee shall report back to the applicable local on all demands submitted by that local that have not been taken forward to the negotiating table; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the local shall be provided with a brief rationale as to why such a demand or demands were not included in the final negotiation package; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Bargaining Committee shall report back no later than the date on which the union bargaining demands are shared with the locals.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Local representatives receive from the Alliance a summary of the comments made by their members, on the ballets cast at a ratification vote; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of the summary of the applicable report be forwarded to the Local, at the same time this report is forwarded to the Alliance National Office.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT all documents required during the face-to-face bargaining process at the PSAC/UTE and CRA bargaining table be produced in both official languages by both parties; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the PSAC provide for a translation service available at all times to address this requirement.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the PSAC prepare notes for all speakers to be used during ratification or strike vote sessions.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the PSAC/UTE undertake discussions with the CRA to agree on starting the bargaining process six (6) months prior to the date that the collective agreement expires.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following be added to UTE By‑Law 8, Section 4:
Attends and participates in discussions and meetings in preparation for bargaining between PSAC/UTE and the employer.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT PSAC Regulation 15.2.7 be amended to emphasize the participation, use and roles and responsibilities of the bargaining team members during ratification and strike votes.
The Negotiating Team finalizes the bargaining demands and establishes priorities in preparation for presentation to the employer and together with the negotiator/staff person, negotiates with the employer.
The Negotiating Team may make recommendations to the AEC through the Strike Strategy Coordinating Committee with respect to strike support activities including whether and when votes are taken, whether particular employer offers are adequate to put before the members, etc.
Team members shall
(may)be called upon to act as spokespersons for the team during ratification and strike votes.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
225. PSAC REGULATION 15.3.14(a) AND 15.3.15(a)
In French only:
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the French version of PSAC Regulations 15.3.14 and 15.3.15 be amended to change the words ressortissant à to régies par, as indicated hereunder:
PSAC: Regulation 15.3.14 Strike
A) Les unités de négociation régies par
(ressortissant à)la LRTFP ou à la LRTP :
15.3.15 Scrutins de ratificationA) Les unités de négociation régies par
(ressortissant à)la LRTFP ou à la LRTP :
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the PSAC pay for all costs associated with having a contract ratification meeting/vote regardless of the number of locals participating and regardless of a successful strike vote.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT PSAC Regulation 15 be amended to require the PSAC to be responsible for the cost factor associated with ‘the rental of meeting facilities for ratifications votes.”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Regulation 15, section 3.15 be amended to read: “Locals/branches are responsible for ensuring members receive adequate information … to allow members to vote. The PSAC will be responsible for the cost factor associated with the rental of meeting facilities for ratification votes.”
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the portion of PSAC Regulation 15.4.3 pertaining to the charter class be removed.
PSAC: Regulation 15.4.3 Transportation
Charter Class to Save Money (Voluntary)
Reservations must be made well in advance with a Saturday night stay over in order to obtain the most economical fare. The travel agent will be booking at the most economical discounted airfare possible.
In circumstances when an event is not scheduled to meet the criteria of a Saturday night stay over at destination, the travel agent will give the opportunity to voluntarily take advantage of the discounted fares. However, the PSAC will only pay actual loss of salary, extra hotel costs (no more than two (2)) and meal expenses providing that the reduced fare plus expenses and loss of salary is less than the cost of the regular economy fare. Claims will be reviewed accordingly.
If charter fares are booked, travel back to destination should occur on day planned. However, if negotiations are adjourned early, contact the Negotiations Section to arrange when it is appropriate to return home. (The cost will be the determining factor.)
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
The Chairperson of the Committee, Shawn Bergeron, thanked the Committee Co-chairs, Terry Dupuis and Jerry Dee and the staff advisors, Linda Cassidy and Eric Gagné. He proposed that the resolutions be dealt with in the order presented and that Brother Dupuis would automatically be the mover and that Brother Dee would be the seconder. The additional members of the committee were:
Brunette, Denis |
Montérégie Rive-Sud |
Roy, Jocelyne |
Québec |
Engel, Marvin |
Regina |
Scott-Cadieux, Lynne |
Policy & Planning |
Fandrich, Wally |
Calgary |
Stumpf, Dave |
Kitchener |
Graham, Janet |
Vancouver |
Vallière, Louise |
Rouyn-Noranda |
Hardy, Dawn |
Summerside |
Vojnovik, Val |
Sudbury |
Lang, France |
Trois- Rivières |
Wenzel, Norbert |
Windsor |
Lapointe,M.-Claude |
Ottawa TC |
Wice, Colleen |
Barrie |
Redd, Sarah |
Kelowna |
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Communications Committee be charged with developing a questionnaire. This questionnaire would be sent to every UTE member seeking their comments on, for example: the union as a whole, communications, knowledge of the local, regional, national leaders, electoral procedures, the relationship with the PSAC and Management, the Staffing regime, etc, and any other topics the committee would deem appropriate; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT each questionnaire be accompanied by an addressed postage paid envelope and that the National Office be responsible to receive and then compile this information to be presented to Executive Council; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this project be completed and made available no later than September 2009.
Committee recommendation of Non-concurrence / defeated.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT UTE pursue negotiations with the Employer to ensure that members continue to receive their pay cheque without ‘union leave without pay’ deductions and the Employer directly invoices UTE for such ‘union leave without pay’.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT UTE create an Official Languages Portfolio; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT UTE assign responsibility for this portfolio to the appropriate individual or group of individuals.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT all Locals be mandated at their upcoming AGMs to include an agenda item to discuss with their members whether UTE endorse a particular political party or individual candidate(s); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all Locals send a written report of these discussions from their AGMs to the PAC, through their RVPs, no later than thirty (30) days following the individual AGMs.
Committee recommendation of Non-oncurrence / defeated.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT PSAC pursue negotiations with the Employer to ensure that members continue to receive their pay cheque without ‘union leave without pay‘ deductions and the Employers directly invoice PSAC for such ‘union-related leave without pay’.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT upon request that the UTE establish links to local Web Sites on the National UTE web site;
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / tabled / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT there be two president’s representatives on the Technological Change committee, one representing Tax Service Offices and one representing Tax Centres.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / defeated.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Alliance negotiate with the employer to ensure top up payments are paid on the same schedule as the normal pay dates.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT UTE hold a National EAP Conference before our next triennial Convention in 2011; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT UTE fully fund the attendance of one delegate per local to this National EAP Conference; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT UTE encourage locals to send local EAP committee members to this conference.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT UTE no longer objects to our members, other than union representatives, becoming referral agents.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / defeated.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Union of Taxation Employees hold (3) three Regional Health and Safety Conferences, before the next convention. The conferences to be funded and delegates allowed, in the same format as the last Regional Conferences.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT PSAC hold one National Equity/Human Rights Conference instead of separate conferences to be held prior to the National PSAC Convention; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT PSAC hold regional Equity/Human Rights Conferences to include all equity groups to be held prior to the National Equity/Human Rights Conference; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a caucus for each equity group be held during all Equity/Human Rights Conferences; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all delegates to Equity/Human Rights Conferences be fully funded by the PSAC.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT all Union activities have a smoke free environment. They include, but not limited to Regional Conferences, Conventions, Union Committee meetings, Executive Council meetings, President’s conferences and hospitality suites.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / defeated.
The Chairperson of the By-Law Committee, Chris Aylward thanked his co-chairpersons, Sabri Khayat and Marcel Bertrand and Kent MacDonald, staff advisor and the members of the committee for their good work. The additional members of the committee were:
Ackermann, Johann Surrey |
Fleury, Gilles Jonquière TC |
Albinet, Janet Winnipeg |
Gardiner, Madonna St. John’s TC |
Berkhoven, Joanne North. BC & Yukon |
Gladney, Corina St. John’s |
Brière, Marc Laval |
Kreamer, Penny St. Catharines |
Comeau, Mélanise Ottawa ITSO |
Melanson, Annette Saint John |
De Peiza, Jean Toronto |
Quist, David Peterborough |
Drozd, John Montréal |
Scott, Des Edmonton |
The committee recommendations of concurrence were carried for the following housekeeping resolutions: 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 424, 425, 429, 430, 435 and 438. These resolutions can be found after resolution 460.
Section 1
All members in good standing with the PSAC and employed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) shall be eligible for membership in UTE.Section 2
UTE may, by decision of the Executive Council, the Convention or by Local proposalconcurred inapproved by Executive Council, award honorary membership in UTE to anyone who is deemed to merit such honour and is not eligible for membership as defined in By-Law 3, Section 1.Section 3
UTE may, by decision of the Executive Council, the Convention or by Local proposalconcurred inapproved by Executive Council, award a Life Membership to any member or ex‑member who, through personal and devoted efforts within UTE, has performed exemplary services for the membership of UTE.Life members shall not be required to pay dues but shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership in UTE except those life members who are not members in accordance with By-Law 3, Section 1, they shall not be entitled to vote at meetings or to hold office in UTE.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Section 1 –Executive Council
(2) Duties and Responsibilities
The Executive Council shall:
(d) have the
powerauthority to spend UTE funds for the benefit of the members, in keeping with these By-laws and Regulations.Adopted by the Convention;
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Section 4 – Vacancies
(a)If the office of the President or 1st Vice-President or 2nd Vice-President becomes vacant or if the incumbent becomes unable to perform the duties of the position, six months or more prior to the Convention, an election shall be held to fill the vacancy. Subject to the limitations in By-Law 9 Section 1 (4) nominations shall be called by theExecutive CommitteeNational Office. A period of not more than thirty (30) days shall elapse from the date of notice of vacancy to the date of the nomination call and theExecutive CommitteeNational Office shall ensure that the nominees are members in good standing and are prepared to stand for office.If an election is necessary, it shall be conducted by mail by the Executive Committee.
(b) Only those delegates from the last Convention still in good standing shall be eligible to vote.(2) If the position of Regional Vice- President becomes vacant, the Alternate Regional Vice-President for that region shall assume the position.
(a)If the position of Alternate Regional Vice-President becomes vacant or if the incumbent becomes unable to perform the duties of the position an election shall be held to fill the vacancy. Subject to the limitations in By-Law 9 Section 9 nominations shall be called by theRegional Vice-PresidentNational Office. A period of not more than thirty (30) days shall elapse from the date of notice of vacancy to the date of the nomination call and theRegional Vice-PresidentNational Office shall ensure that the nominees are members in good standing and have indicated in writing that they are prepared to stand for office.The election shall be conducted by mail by the Regional Vice-President.
(b) Delegates from the region still in good standing from the last Convention shall be eligible to vote.
(c) Locals shall have the authority to replace delegates who are no longer in their region or who are no longer in good standing.(4) In the event that both the position of Regional Vice-President and Alternate Regional Vice-President are vacant at the same time the
Executive CommitteeNational Office shall proceed with the election of a Regional Vice-President for that region and upon completion of that election process, proceed with the election of Alternate RVP as per Section 4 (3).
(6)(5) An Alternate Regional Vice-President who temporarily replaces a Regional Vice‑President shall have full voting rights.(6) The elections to fill vacancies shall be by mail and shall be conducted by the National Office.
(7) (a) When elections are required to fill vacancies, only those delegates from the last convention who are still members in good standing shall be eligible to vote.
(b) Notwithstanding (a) above, if the position of President, 1st
NationalVice-President or 2ndNationalVice-President become vacant, the previous incumbent relinquishes their delegate status from the last convention.(c) If the position of the RVP becomes vacant and the Alternate RVP assumes the position, the previous incumbent relinquishes their delegate status and is replaced by the Alternate.
(d) A Local delegate relinquishes their delegate status if;
(i) they assume a position at the Executive Council,
(ii) leave to become a member of another Local or
(iii) cease to be a member in good standing.That Local shall have the right to replace that delegate with their next available alternate.
(5)(8) Positions filled under sub-sections (1), (2)or(3) or (4) of this Section shall have the same force and effect as an election at a Convention.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Section 5 - Presidents Conference
(1) There shall be a Presidents' Conference constituted in the following manner:
(a) the President or their alternate shall be the Chairperson;
(b) the delegates shall be the President or alternate of all Locals as defined in Regulation;
(c) the Presidents' Conference shall meet at the call of the Executive Council, not less than two (2) times in a year;
(g)(d) each sitting of a Presidents' Conference will normally be for a maximum of two and one-half (2 1/2) days;
(d)(e) the Presidents' Conference shall be vested with the authority to discuss all the business transacted by the Executive Council between Conventions;
(i)(f) the discussion of the business transacted by the Executive Council may not normally extend past one-half (1/2) day sitting;
(f)(g) it will be the responsibility of the chairperson to prepare an agenda dealing with the following items:(i) business conducted by the Executive Council;
(ii) those items Executive Council wishes to have discussed;
(iii) items submitted in writing by the Local Presidents;
(iv) the election of the Presidents representative(s) on UTE standing committees every two years (2) at the September Presidents’ Conference, every even numbered year; and
(v) if a vacancy occurs on a UTE Standing Committee, the election of the President’s representative(s) shall take place at the next Presidents Conference to fill the remainder of that term.
(e)(h) the Presidents' Conference by a simple majority vote of those delegates in attendance may make recommendations by means of motions to Executive Council;
(h)(i) all expenditures for a sitting of a Presidents' Conference will be an expenditure of UTE;
(j) members of UTE in good standing may attend as observers at their own expense or by the approval of the Executive Council at UTE’s expense;
(k) observers shall have no vote but with the approval of the chairperson and a simple majority vote may have voice once during the full sitting; and
(l) Executive Council shall attend as fully funded observers.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Section 6 – Equal Opportunities Conferences
1. There shall be Equal Opportunities Conferences constituted in the following manner:
(a) National Conference shall normally be held in Ottawa the calendar year prior to the Convention;
(b) the dates, location and regions attending the Regional Conferences held prior to the National Equal Opportunities Conference shall be recommended by the Equal Opportunities Committee and approved by the Executive Council;
(c) the Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Committee or their alternate shall be the Chairperson of the National and Regional Conferences;
(d) UTE shall fund two (2) members per Local as defined in Regulation;
(e) members of the Equal Opportunities Committee shall be funded to attend the National Conference and the one Regional Conference in which their home local has been assigned to attend;
(f) it will be the responsibility of the Equal Opportunities Committee to set the agenda and workshops for the conferences. Expenses related to the agenda, the workshops, and/or items for the conferences require prior approval of the 1st Vice-President responsible for Finance, or in their absence the National President.
(g) each Regional Conference shall normally be scheduled for one and a half (1½) days on a Saturday and Sunday;
(h) the National Conference shall normally be scheduled for two and a half (2 ½) days on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday;
(i) members of the Executive Council shall be funded to attend the National Conference and the Regional Conferences in which their home local has been assigned or to which locals in their region have been assigned to attend; and
(j) notwithstanding (d), members of UTE in good standing may attend at their own expense, subject to space availability.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 6 be amended to add a new section 7 as follows:
Section 7 – “National Health and Safety Conference constituted in the following manner:
a) a National Conference shall normally be held in Ottawa the calendar year prior to convention;
b) the Chairperson of the Health and Safety Committee or their alternate shall be the chairperson of the conference;
c) UTE shall fund one member per workplace committee as defined in Regulation;
d) it is the responsibility of the National Health and Safety Committee to set the agenda and workshops for this conference;
e) the conference shall normally be scheduled for 2 ½ days;
f) members of the Executive Council shall be funded to attend the conference;
g) notwithstanding (c), members of UTE in good standing may attend at their own or local’s expense.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Section 1
UTE,a Component of the PSACshall be composed of all locals as provided in Regulation.Section 2
A Local shall be composed of all members of UTE in a locality prescribed by regulation.A Local may, in the interests of its members and more efficient operations, divide itself into groups on the basis of common interest.The membership in each Local shall elect, in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws, not less than three (3) officers to conduct their affairs. Their term of office shall not exceed three (3) years without re-election.Section 3
Each Local shall have the right to deal with the CRA officials who have direct managerial responsibility on those Local members on matters affecting the interests of its own members. A Local shall also have the right to:(1) initiate action(s) on such matters having broader scope than those of direct concern to the Local members; by first seeking a solution through written submission to UTE (the Regional Vice-President, the Executive Council, the Convention). After exhausting the foregoing, then by direct recourse to the PSAC.
Section 4
Each Local shall adopt By-laws for the conduct of its affairs consistent with the provisions of these By-laws and the Constitutionof the PSAC. The Local shall submit a copy of their current Local By-Laws and any Regulations to their Regional Vice-President each time they are amended.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Section 2 – Vice‑Presidents
(5) In circumstances not covered by these By-Laws, the Executive Council shall have the authority to appoint persons to these positions temporarily.
(5)(6) At the meetings of the National Board of Directors of the PSAC the alternate to the President shall be the 1st Vice-President or in the absence of the 1st Vice-President, the 2nd Vice-President shall be the alternate.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Section 5
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bylaw 8 Section 5 be amended to add:
(5) submit annually a detailed accounting of all monies allocated to them for regional activities, including all expenses incurred. This information is to be provided to all of the locals in their region and to the Vice-President responsible for Finance within 90 days of the end of the calendar year.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Section 5
The Regional Vice‑Presidents shall:(1) perform the duties in accordance with the guidelines established by the Executive Council by way of a Regulation;
(2) perform such services within their region as the Executive Council or the President may direct;
(3) account for all expenses that are paid by UTE with respect to the position; and
(4) submit a
basicreport showing their activities, the expenses they incurred and other pertinent information, according to a standard format. A Regional Vice-President shall be entitled to submit a supplementary report to cover items not included inthe basictheir report. Such supplementary reports will be considered by the Executive Council separate and apart from thebasicreports.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
433 - BY-LAW 10, SECTION 4(4) (NEW) - Section 4
BE IT RESOLVEDTHAT By-law 10, section 4 be amended by including a subsection (4) which shall read as follows:
(4) Deadlines as noted in subsection (2) and (3) shall be by the close of business of the Presidents’ Conference preceding the Triennial Convention.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
434 - BY-LAW 10, SECTION 5
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following changes be made to By-law 10, Section 5:
(1) be entitled to one (1) delegate with full voting rights for each block of two hundred (200) members in good standing or fraction of this number during the calendar year preceding the Convention taking into account the month during which the number of members has been the highest
in UTE, for each UTE local. Hence, the month may be different depending on the local.Every delegate shall be a member in good standing of the local.
(2) for the purpose of replacing delegates at Convention, submit to the National Office the name and ranking of the alternate delegates. Every alternate delegate shall be a member in good standing of the local.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
A Local which has, in the opinion of the Executive Council, not carried out the responsibilities required by By-Law 7 and By-Law 11 or any other of these By-Laws shall be considered to be in violation of them. The Executive Council shall have the authority, by resolution passed by a majority consisting of two-thirds (2/3) of those eligible to vote, to appoint a trustee with the responsibility to manage the Local’s affairs for a period not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days. The trusteeship may be renewed from time to time by resolution passed by a majority consisting of two-thirds (2/3) of those eligible to vote for a period not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days.
Locals shall have the right to appeal as provided by the regulation regarding Trusteeship.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
437 - BY-LAW 16 – SECTION 1
Section 1These By‑Laws may be amended at any Convention by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast.,
or by a simple majority if sixty (60) days’ notice of such change has been given to each Local.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
439 - BY-LAW 19
Section 1
Nothing in these By-Laws shall be construed to conflict with the Constitution of the PSAC.Section 2
A quorum at all meetings of the Executive Council, and the Executive Committee be one half (1/2) of the officers as provided in By-Law 6, Section 1 and 2.(a) A quorum at all meetings of the Executive Council shall be one half (1/2) of the officers provided in By-Law 6, Section 1.
(b) A quorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be three quarters (3/4) of the officers provided in By-Law 6, Section 2.
Section 3(c) A quorum at a Convention shall be one half (1/2) of the registered delegates.
Section 3
Rules of OrderThe rules of procedure at all meetings and Conventions of UTE, except as specifically provided by the Constitution
of the PSACand the present By-Laws, shall be according to the UTE Rules of Order adopted by the Executive Council on June 2002 with subsequent amendments. Items that are not specifically covered by the UTE Rules of Order shall be according to rules of Order for PSAC meetings adopted by the National Board of Directors of the PSAC on January 24, 1974, with subsequent amendments.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
440- BY-LAW 20
In these By-Laws:
“CRA” (ARC) means Canada Revenue Agency. (NEW)
“National Office (Bureau national) means the office of UTE located at 233 Gilmour Street, Suite 800, Ottawa ON K2P 0P2 and all persons employed therein.
Employer (Employeur) means Canada
Customs andRevenue Agency,other federal Public Service Employer specified in Schedule 1, part 1 and 2 of the Public Service Staff Relations Act (PSSRA)and any labour organization.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
WHEREAS each Regional Vice-President has a budget for Educational purposes and for regional and inter-regional conferences; and
WHEREAS there is no consistency with the Regional Vice-Presidents on how they reimburse the locals in their region for attending these conferences.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Regulation No. 7 be amended to add:
(8) Regional Vice-Presidents shall obtain and maintain a separate bank account for the purpose of depositing funds received for Educational Courses and Regional or Inter-Regional Conferences and issuing the reimbursement of expenses.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Regulation No. 8, 8.1, (3), (l) be amended to read as follows:
(3) The Regional Vice-President:
(l) submits to the National Office at least two weeks prior to an Executive Council meeting, written report of their activities, expenses incurred, agenda items including motions, rationale and where applicable, supporting documentation;
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT UTE undertake a review of Regulation 25.1 Trusteeship and 25.2 Interim Trusteeship to ensure clarity by publishing the established, or by establishing, procedures and/or protocols.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVEDTHAT the PSAC transfer all service delivery functions to Components upon request, save and except collective bargaining, organizing, the functions of the legislative office and necessary administrative functions (e.g.: membership); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDTHAT the PSAC dues structure be amended to return the monies associated with the cost of performing the aforementioned services to those Components who intend to perform those functions and have made the applicable request.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Alliance transfer all service delivery functions to components upon request, save and except collective bargaining; organizing; the functions of the Legislative Office; and necessary administrative functions (e.g. Membership Services); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the PSAC dues structure be amended to return the monies associated with the cost of performing the aforementioned services to those components who intend to perform those functions and have made the applicable request.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT PSAC develop specific guidelines on the procedures for the collection of these payments by designated members.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
Sub-Section (7)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT PSAC return the remuneration of 25% collected in the past 5 years to the members respective Components for redistribution or creation of their own Hardship fund.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following change to the PSAC Constitution be made.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Subsection 16(4) of the PSAC Constitution be amended so that representation at PSAC Triennial Regional Conventions be as follows: that each Component or Directly Chartered Local be entitled to one (1) delegate for the first 200 members and one (1) additional delegate for each additional 100 members of fraction thereof.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Union of Taxation Employees submit, to the next P.S.A.C. National Convention, a resolution requesting full funding for P.S.A.C. delegates to attend Regional P.S.A.C. Conventions, to be paid by the P.S.A.C.
Committee recommendation of Concurrence / carried unanimously.
Housekeeping Resolutions / Recommendations of concurrence carried:
402 - BY-LAW 4 – SECTION 2
Section 2
Upon being granted membership in the PSAC and UTE and for the term of such membership, each member of UTE is deemed to constitute, appoint and nominate UTE and the PSAC as their agents to negotiate with their employer on their behalf in the spheres of competence of UTE and the PSAC respectively.
403 - BY-LAW 5 – SECTION 1
Section 1
The change is only being proposed in the French version.
404 - BY-LAW 5 – SECTION 2
Section 2
Any Local may set dues for its operation, as authorised by the Local’s By-Laws or Regulations or by its membership in attendance at an Annual General Meeting (AGM).
405 - BY-LAW 6 – SECTION 1 (1)(D)
Section 1 –Executive Council
(1) Composition of the Executive Council
The Executive Council shall consist of:
(a) President;
(b) 1st Vice-President;
(c) 2nd Vice-President; and
(d) Ten (10) Regional Vice-Presidents permanently employed in and representing regions as provided by Regulation.
406 - BY-LAW 6 – SECTION 1 (2)
Section 1 –Executive Council
(2) Duties and Responsibilities
The Executive Council shall:
(a) exercise all the powers and perform all the duties vested in it by these By-Laws;
(c)(b) discharge all duties and obligations imposed upon it by Convention;
(b)(c) be vested with the authority to deal with all matters affecting the businessand objects,purpose, aims and objectives of UTE between conventions;
408 - BY-LAW 6 – SECTION 1 (2)(G) AND (F)
Section 1 –Executive Council
(2) Duties and Responsibilities
The Executive Council shall:
(e) approve all expenditures of UTE. Notwithstanding any other By-Law and Regulations when any expenditure in excess of the adopted budgeted amounts is to be funded from the surplus, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Council is required;
(g)(f) approve the reallocation of budgeted amounts between Conventions as required;
(f)(g) approve separate amounts paid to each National Officer. Each approved amount shall be reported separately in the minutes of each meeting as well as the activity report of the said officers;
409 - BY-LAW 6 – SECTION 1 (2)(J)
(2) Duties and Responsibilities
The Executive Council shall:
(j) may call into conference or consultation and invite to attend the Convention or a meeting of the Executive Council any person who may be able to assist UTE in carrying out its purpose, aims and objectives or provide its members with information.
410 - BY-LAW 6 – SECTION 3 (2)
Section 3 – Committees
This change is only being proposed in the French version.
424 - BY-LAW 8 – SECTION 3
Section 3
(5) chair the Standing Finance Committee.
425 - BY-LAW 8 – SECTION 4
Section 4
The 2nd Vice-President responsible for Collective Bargaining shall:
(1) oversee the implementation of the Regulation governing Collective Bargaining procedures;
(2) issue frequent bulletins on the state of negotiations during the bargaining process;
(3) be the Chairperson of the Standing Bargaining Committee;
(4) participate on the PSAC/CRA Negotiating Team;
(5) be the Chairperson of the National
CollectiveBargaining Committee;(6) be a member of the PSAC National Strike Co-ordinating Committee; and
(7) ensures that the bargaining process for UTE is handled in a sound manner in the best interests of the members.
429 - BY-LAW 9 – SECTION 1
Section 1
(1) The President and the Vice-Presidents shall be elected by ballot during Convention.
(2) The Regional Vice-Presidents shall be elected at a regional caucus during Convention as set out in By-Law 9, Section 9.
(3) Only delegates, as defined by By-Law 10, Sections 5 and 9 shall be entitled to vote for the election of officers.
(4) A delegate may nominate a member in good standing, who is not a delegate, for an office, provided the member so nominated, has indicated in writing their acceptance of the nomination.
(5) All nominations must be seconded by a delegate.
430 - BY-LAW 9 – SECTION 2
Section 2
The Executive Council shall appoint a Nomination Committee of at least three and not more than five persons and shall name one as chairperson. The Nominations Committee shall:
(1) call for nominations for all offices from delegates
(1)(2) receive nominations for all offices from delegates;
(3) ensure that there is at least one nomination for each office;
(3) determine the eligibility of such nominees; and(4) place the names of all eligible nominees in nomination at the time set forth for the election of officers and to report to the Convention the name of any nominee considered to be ineligible.
Section 16
A Special Convention may be called by the Executive Council to deal with any special
problemissue. A Special Convention shall have power to deal only with the matters specified in the notice of the Convention.A Special Convention shall be called by the President at the request of a majority of Locals and
Ssuch majority of Locals shall represent a majority of UTE members. A request for a Special Convention by a Local shall be in writing. A Special Convention shall have the power to deal only with the matters specified in the written request.
438 - BY-LAW 18 – SECTION 2
Section 2
Any member except the President and the 1st Vice-President required to take leave from their employer or use compressed days for the purpose of carrying out union business authorised by UTE be reimbursed an amount equal to one day's pay for each day of leave taken at the rate shown for their grade and level per the collective agreement then in effect.