Use of CRA Computer Systems


To:   Locals
        Executive Council
        Alternates Regional Vice-Presidents
        UTE Staff

Re: Use of CRA Computer Systems

The Union of Taxation Employees has been cautioning Locals and members for many years not to conduct any union related email correspondence on the CRA’s email system.  Moreover, the UTE has provided UTE email addresses to all of its Executive Council members; Alternates; Locals; and National Committee members for this very reason.

These UTE email addresses can be accessed from the CRA’s system, since the employer provides access to the UTE website to all its employees.  However, all should be aware and should be cautioned against accessing any UTE email addresses from the employer’s system.  ANY AND ALL activity from the CRA system can be accessed and monitored by the CRA, including emails on the UTE email system.  Therefore, activity on the CRA’s computer systems should be limited to accessing the UTE website only to view information; and not accessing any UTE email addresses or correspondence.  In addition, as a reminder, the CRA email system should not be used to conduct any union related email correspondence.

In Solidarity,
Robert Campbell signature
Robert Campbell
National President