Executive Council Meeting/Presidents’ Conference – September 2021


To:     Executive Council
          Alternate Regional Vice-Presidents
          Local Presidents
          UTE Staff

Re:     Executive Council Meeting/Presidents’ Conference – September 2021

Executive Council Meeting:      

  • The Executive Council meeting will be held in person from Tuesday, September 14 to Thursday, September 16, 2021, at the Delta Hotel at 101 Lyon Street, Ottawa. Room reservations will be made for you. For any special requirements with your reservation, please contact Sister Carmen Menard by email at menardc@ute-sei.org.
  • Please take note that the meeting will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Council Members, please send your reports, motions, agenda items, and supporting documentation by no later than Tuesday, September 7th to Sister Menard.


Due to COVID-19 protocols, the Executive Council meeting observers are restricted to the Alternates to the Regional Vice-Presidents.  Alternates must submit in writing their request to attend to the National President by the end of the day on Monday, August 30. 

Presidents’ Conference:          

  • The Presidents’ Conference will be held virtually from Tuesday, September 21 to Friday, September 24, 2021. Details/links to follow.
  • Please take note that the conference will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). There will be a lunch break from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. and a break from 2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.

Local Presidents, please send your agenda items, motions and supporting documentation by email no later than Tuesday, September 7th to Sister Menard.

A short summary of your items is required.


Locals who wish to register observer(s) to attend the Presidents’ Conference are required to email the name(s) and their personal email address directly to Sister Menard by Monday, September 13th. 

Please take note of the following important details:

  • Links for the Presidents’ Conference will be provided at a later date.

  • Regional caucus meetings will be held on Monday, September 20, 2021.  Details to follow

  • UTE National will not pay any per diem to delegates attending the Presidents' Conference as they will be attending from home.

  • For delegates attending the Presidents' Conference, UTE National will reimburse the full day's salary for each day (Tuesday to Friday).

  • In accordance with UTE Regulation 13.6, as amended at Convention, a Local that registers an observer to attend the Presidents' Conference is entitled to receive one (1) observer stipend of up to the lesser amount of either seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) or the actual costs incurred (i.e. lost wages) by submitting the required documentation. In the event that locals register additional observers, this will not be considered in the calculation of costs incurred.

  • Elections will be held for the Presidents’ representatives on each of UTE’s Standing Committees.  The committees are as follows:

    • Bargaining, By-Laws, Staffing, Technological Change, Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities, Well-Being, Finance, Honours and Awards, Workforce Adjustment, Communications, Political Action, Call Centres and Union Management Approach (UMA)

In Solidarity,

Marc Brière's signature

Marc Brière
National President