Defined as an organized group of members, Locals or Branches, a PSAC Component is established in accordance with the PSAC Constitution.
The current 15 PSAC Components, process appeals and grievances involving their members in the department/agency/separate employer concerned, up to by not including grievances against a collective agreement at the adjudication level. Component functions may be delegated to the PSAC Centre from time to time by any component requesting assistance or service.
Upon delegation from the PSAC Centre, a component shall assume responsibility for collective agreements signed by the PSAC covering employees in the department/agency/separate employer within the jurisdiction of the component.
A component also represents its members on matters such as classification problems and working conditions, not already covered in collective agreements, and on all other matters which are solely of concern to them within the department/agency/separate employer concerned.
The PSAC Components include:
- Agriculture Union
- Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU)
- Customs and Immigration Union (CIU)
- Government Services Union (GSU)
- Nunavut Employees Union (NEU)
- Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE)
- Union of Health and Environment Workers
- Union of National Defence Employees (UNDE)
- Union of National Employees (UNE)
- Union of Northern Workers (UNW)
- Union of Postal Communications Employees (UPCE)
- Union of Safety and Justice Employees (USJE)
- Union of Taxation Employees (UTE)
- Union of Veterans’ Affairs Employees (UVAE)
- Yukon Employees Union (YEU)