1. Policy Statement:
In accordance with article 24 (hyperlink) of the collective agreement whereby the union recognizes the overall advantages of technological change, we will, therefore, encourage and promote technological change in the Employer’s operation. Where technological change is to be implemented, the Committee will work with the employer to seek ways and means of minimizing adverse effects on employees.
2. Aims and Objectives:
To investigate and report on matters related to Technological Change referred to the Committee by the Executive Council, the Executive Committee or the Union's National President.
To act as the liaison between the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE) and the Headquarters of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on matters of Technological Change.
To ensure that meaningful consultation takes place between the CRA and the UTE as provided for in the collective agreements.
To provide advice and guidance to the UTE on matters related to Technological Change when requested.
To promote and encourage the education of UTE members in Technological Change.
To meet on a regular basis to discuss matters concerning Technological Change as they relate to the UTE.
To maintain a record of business and documents dealt with by the Committee.
To encourage a communication network between the Locals and the Committee.
3. The Committee shall consist of:
three national officers of which one shall be appointed chairperson;
one member elected by the Local Presidents; and
one Labour Relations Officer assigned as the Staff Advisor to the Committee.
4. Duties of the Chairperson:
In general, be responsible for Technological Change issues.
Attends and participates in meetings with the employer.
Co-ordinate the efforts of the Technological Change Committee.
Ensures that the minutes of all meetings and all relevant correspondence are issued to the members of the Committee.
Provide advice to the Component on Technological Change issues.
Responsible for approving all official communications by the Technological Change Committee.
5. Duties of Committee Members:
Under the direction of the Chairperson:
Attend Committee meetings.
Attend and participate in meetings with the employer
Complete duties assigned by the Chairperson
Keep the Committee informed of their activities
6. Meetings:
The Committee shall meet at least two times per year.
The Committee shall meet with the employer twice per year
March 2012