The Committee shall be composed of a chairperson and one or two Co-Chairs selected by and from Executive Council and a President’s representative selected by the presidents at the September Presidents’ Conference following the UTE Convention.
The Committee shall promote, encourage and strive to foster an atmosphere of appreciation and recognition at all levels of the union.
The Committee shall review input of the National President, Executive Council and the Membership on an “as required basis”.
The Committee shall review the By-Laws and Regulations relating to honours and awards to ensure they are adequate and accurate, and if necessary recommend changes to the Executive Council.
The Committee shall address all issues referred to the Committee by the Convention, National President, Executive Committee, Executive Council, or as prescribed by Regulation.
The Committee shall implement approved programs and policies relating to Honours and Awards.
The Committee shall meet as required with the approval of the National President, to discuss issues relevant to Honours and Awards.
June 2015