- UTE shall establish an assistance fund for Locals to ensure that members with disability are informed about union activities and given access to them.
- A budget of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per year shall allotted for this fund.
- Financial assistance shall be defined as: charges for any accommodations to allow members with disability to participate in activities.
- Union activities shall be defined as the following UTE Events: Presidents’ Conference, Regional, Inter-Regional, Convention Committee Meetings, National Conferences, General Meetings of Locals and any other training activities.
- Locals applying for this fund shall be asked to submit the following information in writing:
- The type of activity, dates and location where the activity will take place, the amount or estimated amount of the request and;
- The reason for requesting assistance.
- The request for funding shall be submitted to the 1st Vice-President responsible for Finance for approval or in their absence, the President.
- The Local, after spending the funds, shall submit an expense claim with all receipts.
- UTE shall complete a pre-assessment for accessibility of all facilities and technical aids required prior to the booking of a UTE sponsored event.
- The pre-assessment shall be completed in consultation with a member of a UTE Equal Opportunities Committee, i.e. (Local, regional or national) as the event dictates.
- All Conferences, Conventions and Caucuses held for members with disabilities, shall be accommodated with recognition for the need for dietary requirements, medication, mobility assistance, etc. (i.e. diabetics, brain tumor- require medication with or after scheduled meals).
UTE will provide information and publications in alternate format to its identified members.
Adopted March 2001 / Adopted December 2001 / Amended September 2002 / Amended March 2007 / Amended June 2008 / Amended December 2013 / Amended March 2014 / Amended December 2016 /