18.1  Alternate Location Fund Policy

  1. Locals having members who report to work locations situated more than one hundred (100) kilometers away from the Local and who must communicate with its members by either visiting these locations or bringing activists from locations to Local meetings may access this fund for each of its remote locations.
  2. A budget of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per year be allotted for this fund for each distinct location that qualifies per 18.1.1.

18.2  Procedure

  1. The Local President must submit their request in writing and receive prior authorization from the President or the 1st Vice-President.
  2. The request must include the nature of the event and an explanation of how the Local will use the funds.
  3. When the funds are utilized by a member who lives in a location, the Local will be reimbursed for two (2) of the following costs:
    1. travel;
    2. accommodation;
    3. per diem; or
    4. loss of wages.
  4. The Local may also request funding for other forms of communication or participation of members i.e. conference call, group bussing to events AGMs held in Hybrid format and any other reasonable situation.
  5. When the funds are to be utilized by Local Executives to visit a location, UTE will fund two (2) members of the Local Executive to visit the location. The Local will be reimbursed in the same manner as per Paragraph 18.2(3).


Adopted March 2000 / Amended December 2001 / Amended June 2002 / Amended July 2002 / Amended September 2003 / Amended March 2017 / Amended September 2024