3. Courtesy to Non-Smokers

Resolutions of Record

WHEREAS an overwhelming majority of evidence indicates that smoke, both second-hand and side-stream, adversely affects non-smoking members; and

WHEREAS many members suffer from allergies, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory ailments, which conditions are aggravated by smoke; and

WHEREAS cigarette, cigar and pipe smoke impart an objectionable odour to all materials and substances with which it comes in contact causing increased dry cleaning costs as well as various other inconveniences to non-smokers; and

WHEREAS cigarette, cigar and pipe smoke hinders the full participation, in certain activities, of the non-smoking members who represent the majority:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT all meetings of the Union including but not limited to: Regional Conferences, Conventions, Union Committee meetings, Executive Council meetings and Presidents' Conferences be designated non-smoking;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT in order to accommodate smokers appropriate breaks be incorporated; through the planning process, in the aforementioned meetings; conventions and conferences.

Adopted July 1987